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5 answers

If you have two cows and you are owner of it and you supply milk for the people around your house and earn and have profit let its be example

In Communism : Cow will be owned by the government the milk will be given to the peoples who need or not. you must work, work, work.

In Capitalism Cow owner can fix any rate for his milk and he can give it to the person he like govt will not have his head in this

In Socialism Govt will have the Milk Producer, and the consumer in the table and fix a affordable rate for the milk where both party benefits and the milky can be used by every one without damaging each others int rest

2006-10-11 21:27:44 · answer #1 · answered by Gowri 2 · 0 4

Socialism has a capitalist economy but with social programs to assist the needy and underprivilaged. The US is a social democracy - although it's pretty light on the social programs.

Communism is both a political and economic system. The political system typically becomes akin to a fascist state or a monarchy. Leaders are chosen by party members only. There is only one political party. The press is controlled by the government.

Economic communism is a centralized management of the market. It is heavily criticized (and rightly so) for being enormously inefficient because it doesn't estimate value as well as capitalist (notice I wasn't naive enough to say "free") markets. There's also the classic problem of the "free rider" in communist economics - the assumption that people will become lazy and not work because their salary is guaranteed (not to say that this situation doesn't happen in capitalist markets, btw).

Marxism is the political theory behind communism. There are basically two tenets of Marxism:
1. The overthrow of the bourgoise by the proletariat & that all real history is class warfare.
2. That reality is constructed and defined historically by the means of production in a given point in history.

Western Marxism (the type that gets taught in universities) has discarded point #1, and also suggests that revolutions are *not* inevitable. Western Marxism is very focused on how the means of production (including language, media & information) affects what is accepted as "reality" by people in that time in history. Marx's most important contribution is that truth is historical, that is, it's not absolute or fixed. Cultural studies is a new academic branch in universities that studies how means of production affect values, thoughts, ideas and generally accepted reality in a culture in a given time.

So, when someone complains about Marxist university professors, they're being either ignorantly naive or manipulative and dishonest. Marxism in academia is an important tool for understanding societies, and Western Marxism doesn't preach class warfare (necessarily) and especially rejects the notion of an armed struggle or revolution.

2006-10-11 21:05:16 · answer #2 · answered by Good Times, Happy Times... 4 · 0 2

Communism all production is owned by the state, Socialism is halfway between communism and capitalism where major proportions of the economy onwed by the state. Marxism is the same defenition of communsim

2006-10-11 20:56:03 · answer #3 · answered by ram456456 5 · 0 0

A form om Democratic Capitalism that focuses the market to the benefit of the Population, not Corporations of an Elite of shareholders. Socialism is the most workable of the 'left-wing' governments, it often inviolves the widespread control of services such as the Rail system and the Health system, as well as a series of High Taxs to pay for nation wide bodies, such as the British NHS.

A political ideology written by the German-born Karl Marx. He says the history of all mankind is shaped by the Economy, and the Economy is paramount to human development. He beleievs one class of people, the Bourgeoise, control the 'factories of our labour' *ie, the industries, shops, chain stores etc* and the other class, the Proletariat, are forced to work in them to survive on pitiful wages.

The political system which grew out of Marxist Theory, it is a form of 'Perfect Democracy', ie, everyone has a say in everything. Its Utopian and impossibe to truely implement. Communism is tasked with creating a Class-less society, free of the Fals Fetishism of Capitalism and the pursuit of happiness and security for the whole

2006-10-11 20:59:39 · answer #4 · answered by thomas p 5 · 0 1

Marxism was the theory; Socialism the utopian dream; Communism the reality. Museum artifacts now.

2006-10-11 21:36:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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