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I already asked that question but because of my poor knowledge of English language, people didn't understand me.
I think that USA and Europe have a big influence to other culture. My opinion is: USA have big cultural impact on world (Japaniese listen MTV, watch Hollywood movies...) and political, economical impact which is gain by force. They act agresivly and world see it like that, that's why they don't like Americans.
European union, in the other hand, doesn't fell they have to be infront, like USA, but they are very successful in spreading their values and way of life. Countries like Romunia, Bolgaria or Turkey wish to be a part of union. They want to change their systems, accomudate to EU, accept western way of life. EU accepted in a union many countries in a last 10 years, from which they have advantages (big corporations buy firms...) and profit although some Europeans are against spreading. Countries, close to EU, are dreaming to be a EU part. EU is winning without force.

2006-10-11 20:44:14 · 12 answers · asked by nelli 4 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Americans don't understand what I mean. People are against you, because of your imperialism. You act by force and not by free will of other countries. Other shoud dream to accept your values and way of life. For example: Iraq-they don't dream to be like you... I don't know. Tell me

2006-10-11 20:51:08 · update #1

I think EU also think about money. They accept new member to make profit in this countries. But it is different, because this countries wish to be a part of EU.

2006-10-11 20:56:43 · update #2

lsquad70: Madrid, London were bombed because they supported USA. Other parts of Europe were not and will not be attacked

2006-10-11 20:58:40 · update #3

12 answers

American Imperialism is, by all accounts, a 'play bu numbers' account of how the European Empires used to work over 2 centuries before. The European Empires created the Western World, to that aim it has been more 'successful'.

I think your looking for the word 'influence' more then Empire. The Europeans have a 'Softly, Softly' approach to the world, and it seems to work alot better then the 'shoot first, ask questions never' policy of the Bush Administration. Diplomacy does not make peace, i understand war is an evil neccessity, however we need a mix of both

2006-10-11 20:50:02 · answer #1 · answered by thomas p 5 · 0 0

Both cultures practiced imperlism. For example in 1880s the Europeans had a conference on how to divide Africa up among European Nations. While, America had western hemisphere to its itself thru Monroe Doctrine. Both European and American had there nasty side to them because they used poor countries for raw materials, yet they never invested instructure for the people or took culure into account. European ecomonic system is based on more corporatism basically captailism with a cartel ran by the state, but a stronger safety net. While America and Britian had a ecomonic system of neo-liberalism which means darwin capaitalism, "The surival of the Fittest". Anglo system is better if ya want cheaper lettuce, eletronics, cars. Downside of Anglo sysrem get sick or poor those systems have a poor safety net when the goverment stresses comsumption. The Europeans paid thru higher taxes get more social services for healthcare, pensions, unemployment, education. The tradeoff is culutral, and tax rate based. In all, neither system is better than the other, but its the rule of law that determines wealth.
The basic right to property, and rights is what seperates Europe, and America from the rest of the world.

2006-10-11 22:05:59 · answer #2 · answered by ram456456 5 · 0 0

Countries want to be part of EU, yes.
People want to come to America for economic opportunity, even though they hate it. Like making love to a woman that you don't really love or like using a prostitute. I, as an American, wish that the U.S. would mind its own business. I also like how EU countries don't care to give power to religious groups like they do in USA.
I had no problem understanding your question.
What language do you speak? I can speak a lot of Italian, some French, a little Spanish.

2006-10-11 20:57:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

These phases are temporary. Imperialism will never work all the time for anybody, Be it the Romans , Greeks , Napoleon , or the now spent force of 19nth century 'super power ' britain . America is already in decline. They were great in 20th century but now they borrow from all around the world to wage their wars. Soon people will stop lending them money and the empire is going to crack . in this century itself.

2006-10-11 20:55:02 · answer #4 · answered by jaco 3 · 0 0

hi my name is Marcel and I'm from Romania. i might say that EU is racing USA. they have one goal: global control.(it's kind of world war 3 using economical weapons) my country for instance: we will be a part of EU from 2007. there are good things and bad things about this. the bad thing is that only strong and rich companies survive this change. there are various and very strict terms about standards procedures in organizing a firm after 2007. eastern Europe is a big "pie" for EU. that's why USA is in search of "pies" in middle east......

2006-10-11 21:13:55 · answer #5 · answered by sonycwat 1 · 0 0

europe does have a far longer tradition of Imperialism than the US... and what do you mean by winning? In any case, the Europeans, do bennefit in terms of international opinion by not being involved internationally, in part because they have for the better part of the last century, had the US looking out for their security interests. Europe has been able to live without having to directly face a threatsince WWII because it was protected by the US, keeping it largely out of world affairs. note, however, that this lack of involvement in areas such as the middle east has not protected them from external threats like Islamic Terrorism (Madrid, London bombings).

2006-10-11 20:54:58 · answer #6 · answered by lsquad70 3 · 1 1

easy view. Ex-communist international locations working to be which includes contained in the european are precisely that: Ex-communist. How did they develop into ex-communist? The fall down of the Soviet Union. How did that take place? Take a background classification. are not getting me incorrect, Europe is stunning, yet they do no longer seem to be defeating communism in ex-communist international locations. i do no longer would desire to. North Korea isn't breaking its back attempting to get into the european or develop into eu. the two is China, Cuba or the different cutting-edge communist united states. If China ever requests to be a component of the european in my lifetime i will make an apology in my view.

2016-10-02 05:25:40 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Both exploit the people, but the American is only focused in earning money instead the European that leaves a cultural legacy.,

2006-10-11 20:54:15 · answer #8 · answered by Gabrio 7 · 2 0

I don't think your english is poor. You are able to make yourself understood on abstract concepts.
I also think you are right. The over-forceful American attitude loses out in the end. The economic aspects will follow. It will get harder and harder crossing the border into the U.S. That won't help commerce.

2006-10-11 20:53:17 · answer #9 · answered by ladybugewa 6 · 1 0

Maybe I live on a parralel planet, but where is American imperialism? Puero Rico etc wants to join the union. Afganastan And Iraq {our lost causes} are suppose to give those people democracy,

2006-10-11 20:49:27 · answer #10 · answered by devora k 7 · 0 1

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