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Remember the reason, according to Bush, for America to attack Iraq, and kill thousands of innocents in the process, was that Saddam Hussein ALLEDGEDLY had weapons of mass destruction. In the end, no evidence of that was found whatsoever.

Now, North Korea has ANNOUNCED that they have nuclear capabilities and even ran an underground nuclear test. But with this substantial and incriminating evidence - Bush tells Pyong Yang that he wants to end this peacefully and diplomatically.

With thousands of young American soldiers having being killed in Iraq (and still dying) for an allegation that has proven to be untrue, America is NOT going to fight to 'save the world' now.

Why? Racism? Anti-Islam? Economical reasons? They can do with the oil in the Middle East but North Korea has nothing to offer?

Man, I really want to know why the f**k all this **** is happening.


2006-10-11 20:14:45 · 9 answers · asked by militaria_collectorxxx 1 in Politics & Government Politics

9 answers

Bush has over 8,000 nuclear warheads , should the united nations bring down sanctions on th US of A ?????????????
Or just assasinate Bush...

2006-10-11 20:19:57 · answer #1 · answered by bewdyboris 4 · 3 1

Dude, Iraq isn't about WMD or Iraq's oil. That's all BS for the sheep who need bumper sticker answers. Saddam was a tyrant (understatment). The situation was right. Objectives were to eliminate saddam, establish a democratic muslim gov in the area, establish a US base in the mideast. This helps secure the region from those who have designs to control the entire region and who would use oil as a weapon to force Islam on the world (Iran).
It gives armed targets for terrorists on foreign soil rather than innocents on home soil (911). When Iraq prospers other Islamofascist countries will want the better life and quit blindly following their current leaders.

NK is P.O.'ed at the US because they were busted printing conterfeit $$. The US imposed sanctions. NK ignored the six party agreements for Nukes. They are insisting on 1 on 1 with the US but that didn't work a couple years ago and that was the reason for the six party negotiations (which didn't work either).
Their ICBM was a dud and so was their Nuke. The concern is them selling nuclear material and missles to terrorirsts (islam again). (NK is the biggest supplier) Current sanctions must be working because of all the hub-bub and increased sanctions may bring NK back in complience.
NK is China's baby. Remember the Korean war? China has to deal with refugees and is directlty threatened by a nuclear NK.

So Iraq is a bigger threat to the civilized world due to the Islamofascist countries in the area that have dillusions of world dommination through forced religon and terrorist attacks (militants). When the battle is done there Islam may choose your city next with material purchased from NK.

2006-10-11 22:10:50 · answer #2 · answered by Red 5 · 0 0

We, and I mean the whole damn world has always feared a nuclear North Korea and it was simply a matter of time before they had one in their hands, albeit weak and ineffectual, but it's there and he has the capability and technology to continue with his nuclear program.

Bush can't militarily go after this nutjob because unlike Bush, Kim Jong Il is batsh*t crazy (he claims to have invented the toaster for heaven's sake). Second, he has a million plus army, positioned along the DMZ, which is a hop, skip and jump away from Seoul. There are thousands of US servicemen positioned along the DMZ and just half a million South Korean soldiers...Kim Jong Il's army is a million plus strong. And not only that, he's got thousands of missiles aimed at the heart of Seoul. If he so much as gets a psychic premonition that the US is readying itself for an attack against NK, that nutjob will annihilate Seoul, probably attack Japan while he's at it (seeing as the US has many bases there as well), and that region in a word will be FUBAR'd into the stone age.

The calamity will be far reaching, the devestation so brutal, the financial collapse in the region would have world wide implications...in other words, we (and that means everyone but NK) just don't wanna go down this path. We want this all to come to an end through sanctions. The most we can do is convince China to reel this mofo in...but China's already pissed him off, right now, he's thinking it's every man for himself.

2006-10-11 21:03:43 · answer #3 · answered by olliebee 3 · 0 0

Chill man. Look at things this way: North Korea now has one less missile....

Anyway from what I understand, the test was not entirely successful - it didn't explode on first attempt. Plus they don't have any missiles capable of carrying a large warhead, plus they dont have any planes capable of dropping one, PLUS they haven't got the navy requirements for having a nuke sub/ship.

If nothing else Japan won;t stand for it. And im sure China isn't too happy either.

Bush won't attack precisely because they have these weapons. Iraq was not about weapons - don't be mislead. World leaders like Tony Blair and Bush arelike conjurers - all about slight of hand a misdirection.

2006-10-11 20:41:28 · answer #4 · answered by Bacteria Boy 4 · 2 0

I dare to say that Bush is afraid of China. If he go through like in Iraq, USA will collapse and down fall like hell.
Economically, USA will loose money if he started war with N. Korea. Nothing to offer. No oil no money.
Japan also loosing their money power.

2006-10-11 20:23:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Thats because they are not the right country to pick on. How about Green Land or Antartica.

2006-10-11 21:12:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because a war with NK means a war with China, which equals WW3.

2006-10-11 20:18:16 · answer #7 · answered by joe579003 2 · 2 0

A chickenhawk is as a chickenhawk does.
Cowardice runs in that family.
Look how he stands behind Cheney and Rumsfeld.
He's not a man and never was.

2006-10-11 21:02:16 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Yup. He be a punk-@ss mufcker

2006-10-11 20:18:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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