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8 answers

That is definitely not true.What I have noticed is a consistent inability amongst liberals to give a well reasoned argument in support of their agendas. When they find that they lack a decent response, they resort to name calling, shaming, or saving face.One example is the "right" to kill our unborn children ("You can't legislate morality"), yet then decide that of all the hateful crimes, some are more immoral if they are labeled as "hate crimes". The logic apparently being that a brutal assault is only a hateful crime if the perpetrator and victim meet certain PROFILES. Then, when we single out people whom experience has taught are most likely to assault us in terroristic ways, we are told it is a wrong to be racially PROFILING .A double-standard that espouses tall women of Scandinavian descent being our prime terrorist suspects, forget about learning from recent history, that doesn't meet the priority of being PC. They are remarkably consistent when it comes to style over substance.

2006-10-11 20:44:00 · answer #1 · answered by gettin'real 5 · 1 0

Its because they are all about change, and that is all they are about, nothing else.

Liberalism is dead and the vic doesn't acknowledge it yet, perhaps they are in denial.

The first clue, clitoon gets elected running as a moderate, which we all found out pretty much right after he got into the WH that he was a pure, through and through socialist.

The second clue, two years after clitoon gets elected America tosses the dems out of congress. Wonder why? Could it be that America has REJECTED socialism?

Things look pretty tight for clitoons re-election in 96 and should Dole not been so old and Perot not run it appears that clitoon could have been tossed. Wonder how much Ross made on that deal?

Third clue, dems could not gain any seats in 96, Americans again rejecting socialism.

Fourth clue, 98 dems fail again to gain a house.

Fifth clue, 2000 Bush beats Gore as a moderate republican, congress stays republican

Sixth, 2002 Repubs hold both houses

The Nail in the Coffin, 2004 Bush wins again and the Repubs hold both houses. They lost and lost big but are in denial.

At this point despite having thrown several fortunes into this effort you would think the party of change would change, but NOOOOOOOO they just go a little farther left of left.

The Dems are running around screaming that they won, even though they did all the right things, which is purely delusional at this point. Then they shifted to they almost won, that they just need to tweak things for next time, maybe improve their organization. When that excuse didn't wash they started saying it was money, but that had as much as the Repubs which makes that argument a loser. They have not won a majority popular vote since Carter and have completely and utterly failed to realize that the moral intellectual framework of the Democratic Party – liberalism – is dead, no longer acceptable in America.

But I digress, yes they are inconsistent on things that matter and are totally consistent in hanging onto a failed philosophy, one that worked so well in the 60's but guess what, all the victims got well and are no longer victims.

Please read the link, it is by a dem strategist, but it is excellent and eye opening. BTW, he announces loud and clear that liberalism is dead.

2006-10-12 10:36:45 · answer #2 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 0 0

The Democrats are inconsistent because they never learn how dirty the Republicans are.

consider doing a Yahoo search or goggle Dr Kelley L Ross,philosophy professor at LAVC in Van Nuys California 91401

2006-10-11 20:04:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Why is it assumed that everyone with the same party affiliation believes in all the same things? You can probably get a general idea of where someone sways on the issues by their affiliations but it doesn't mean they agree wit every last idea associated with that affiliation. Are ALL republicans anti-abortion? We need to stop looking for ways to creating more divisions within our country and start looking for common ground.

2006-10-11 20:08:30 · answer #4 · answered by nativeAZ 5 · 1 0

According to my 2305 government class, its getting hard to tell the democrats from the republicans and vice versa....ex. Bill Clinton was a democrat but was well likes by many republicans..

2006-10-11 20:02:07 · answer #5 · answered by Kristi A 4 · 1 0

Absolutely NOT. Democrats are very consistent in one thing...being WRONG. They miss the boat on immigration, gun control, abortion, gay marriage, tort reform, and a whole host of other issues. How can you think they lack consistency? If they didn't have CNN (Cresent News Network) and the major networks helping them along with idiots in Hollywood, they would not have a prayer to elect a demo for dog catcher.

2006-10-11 20:03:18 · answer #6 · answered by Dino4747 5 · 1 2

The only thing true about Republicans is hypocrisy
Congressman Foley: Heads committee to protect children.
Congressman Foley: Sends perverted emails to young boys.

2006-10-11 20:03:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

You want truth?? TRUTH is...Americans had better stop this nonsense with the "labels".....always attacking the other, it's getting old. And it's beyond ridiculous!!! YOU ARE ALL LUCKY TO BE AMERICANS!!! Don't forget that!!! United we stand...Divided???.....You all remember the rest, don't you???

2006-10-11 20:03:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

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