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oprah and many ppl says if ur born in th usa ur one of th luckiest ppl, plz some one tell m why i found it so nt true , coz come on its nt, tell m ur opn.

2006-10-11 18:34:00 · 17 answers · asked by tena s 1 in Social Science Anthropology

17 answers

America is the best place for achievers. The liberal society and government together promote business and basically anyone who is an achiever.

It is a really bad place for lazy people who wouldn't be able to pay their bills eventually.

Sometimes I hate being in America myself. I would like to be in a place where credit and bills aren't the only things to worry about. Where people can look beyond that. Lot of countries in Europe can offer that life and at the same time offer a devloped and clean environment.

by the way you should check out Canada too. Its a really nice country. American in values but offers a more chilled out life.

2006-10-11 18:38:19 · answer #1 · answered by shaun_ca 1 · 0 0

I,m Happy for what i am and the place . I dont beleive in such craps ppl talking about being lucky to world just bcoz ur born there , I would say to be born in my country that u should be the most luckiest. Dont listen that Oprah ****

2006-10-11 18:40:26 · answer #2 · answered by sunny 2 · 0 0

Every country is a mixture of good and evil. Most Americans feel that America is the best because they believe the good far outweighs the evil here. But there are just as many people in other countries that feel just as strongly that their country is the best.

I've noticed that people who live on island nations are very happy and worry free as compared to most Americans. Though they don't have near the possessions that we in the states do, they seem to have a better life. I would call them "lucky".

2006-10-11 18:53:14 · answer #3 · answered by godeep 3 · 0 0

Everything in life is realtive. I feel lucky to not have been born in a communist country, or in a country with apartheid, or where the government looks the other way while women are being burned or stoned to death. Yes, in that way being born in the USA is lucky. But now I live in Switzerland, and I am LUCKIER.

2006-10-11 19:08:32 · answer #4 · answered by TrueSoul 4 · 1 0

America is the only country on Earth wherein the Original Revolution and separation from England, resulted in a new form of government rather than simply depose the original rulers and replace them with same.

You could have been born in Mexico then in order to make a living you would have to come to America.
You could have been born in China and have to speak Chinese for the rest of your life
You could have been born in Canada and freeze your butt off
You could have been born in Africa and have to deal with genocide. You could have been born in the middle east and if a woman have zero rights and not even be able to nag your husband.

Think about it. Born in the USA yeah You ARE Lucky

2006-10-11 18:46:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

lol i become thinking approximately that the different day too, how various the followers are way youthful.. Im 17 so its no longer a huge distinction for me ..and Ive continually properly-known tom become born first to be superb 10 minutes till now bill. yet i say bill first reason he's my weigh down =) Edit- My father and mom are 12 years aside.. (needless to say my dad is older lol) i genuinely dont think of age is important, like i continually say "age isn't something yet an excellent determination"

2016-10-19 06:12:44 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Well, I guess you're luckier than someone being born in Darfur, or Afghanistan, or Iraq, or any place ravaged by war, famine or disease. Most Americans have a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food in their belly and are not in constant fear for their life. In that respect they are very lucky.

2006-10-13 12:33:38 · answer #7 · answered by pompeii 4 · 0 0

When my son was 8 years old he won an essay contest. The subject was "Why should I respect the flag - a piece of cloth."

It was a simple essay, of course, but I recall he wrote about how he had a good school to go to and how if he were to get up in the night feeling hungry all he would have to do would be go to the kitchen and get something to eat. He also talked about how he could go outside to play, and how there were no "army men" in our streets.

He won first prize and was to read the essay at a Flag Day event on the town common. As my nervous little guy read his most lovely essay his small voice was drowned out by the traffic passing through the town center. Sometimes small voices get drowned out by all the traffic, don't they.

If you're looking for perfection in the U.S., you won't find it because some of our freedoms also mean having to live with some things we don't like. If you're looking for good things about other countries, you'll find them - that's for sure. On the whole, though, if you consider the things that most people believe count, there tends to be more of those things in the U.S. than in most other countries.

Sometimes it isn't possible to hear the simple statements of a small child who believes that because he has a good school, a kitchen to go to no matter when he gets hungry, and a place to play without fear of "army men" passing by, that he is one of the most fortunate little boys in the world. There's just so much noise going on in these modern times.

Its true that not all American children live with the sense of safety and wellbeing that my son has, but most do; and the ones who don't have a better chance of finding that sense of wellbeing in the future than many people in similar and worse situations in other countries.

In the U.S. many poor people have microwave ovens, air conditioners, television, telephones, and at least some basic level of nutrition. I know there are some who don't, but they tend to be people who have fallen through the cracks and are not the majority of low-income people.

Some people may think my eight-year-old son's innocent respect and appreciation for his country is nothing more than the naive beliefs of a child from a secure home. That may be true, but I believe that under all the roar and rumbles and whirs of all the noise these days the simple sentiment of a small boy is shared by an awful lot of Americans.

I had a friend from Poland who was always talking about how fortunate Americans are. Once someone was complaining about the hospital food they got in this country, and she reminded them that they were lucky they weren't in Poland. I worked with a guy from Viet Nam, and he was talking about different countries once. I joked, "Well, what - are this country and Canada the only places that are good to live?" He said, and not in a joking tone, "Yes. That's almost pretty much how it is."

Consider Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China, North and South Korea, much of South America, and, of course, Mexico. Western Europe and Japan and some islands may have their good points, but they have their drawbacks as well. Canada is generally not believed to have the level of health care that the U.S. has. In fact, people come from all over the world to get care at the best hospitals in the U.S.

All in all, I don't think my little son was being too naive when he said he appreciated his country and its flag for the reasons he stated. Maybe the crowd on the town common couldn't hear his words, but they were written down in black and white just as are the words in The Constitution, which is designed to guarantee rights that many citizens of other nations will never have.

2006-10-11 20:03:15 · answer #8 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 0 1

You are one of the luckiest people in the world. No one can read what you have to say so they can't put down the contents or your rant.
Ignorance is bliss... remember that and be happy...

2006-10-11 18:44:06 · answer #9 · answered by Rusty 4 · 1 0

Free countries like Australia and Canada take much better care of their citizens. Germany has much better health care and Japan has one of the best school systems. I'm in America and I feel cheated!

2006-10-11 18:42:46 · answer #10 · answered by dww32720 3 · 0 0

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