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if you stop listing to your mommy and daddy's opinion why dont you do some research and recognize the mess Clinton left for him to correct and realize hes one of the best no nonsense presidents weve had in a long time

2006-10-11 18:32:31 · 15 answers · asked by mike w 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

15 answers


Now what do you say to the INTELLIGENT people who criticize Mr. Bush?

2006-10-11 18:39:47 · answer #1 · answered by blktiger@pacbell.net 6 · 0 0

Why do you have to bash on Clinton in order to try to make Bush look good. That's so lame. Have you seen what's happened to your great country since Bush has been in power?? It hasn't been good. People can criticize whoever they want and certainly don't need your approval to do so. How many years has Bush been president??? So how come just recently all I'm hearing is how everything is Clinton's fault. Why don't you go back further and blame Bush Sr.?? That would make as much sense as you're making now (which is none). Maybe you're the one that needs to do some research. Hitler was a no nonsense kind of guy but that doesn't mean I'd want him for a leader either.

2006-10-12 01:42:34 · answer #2 · answered by fifa575 4 · 0 0

And what about the mess Bush senior left Clinton? After 12 years of Republicans in the White House, all we really had fake issues like flag desecration, Murphy Brown (a TV character) being a role model for single mothers, and the correct spelling of potato.

The Reagan/Bush years put us deep into debt. We were hammered by stories of infants left for dead in garbage cans. The gang problem grew out of control. Crack and AIDS surged through our nation like a wildfire.

Now I am not foolish enough to believe that Clinton did anything to really stop these problems. However, he was the Commander In Chief when the problems grew smaller. He was in charge when the deficit got cut. That is all you can do- credit the President for what gets done during his term of office.

You failed to realize that the real fault wasn't the President's; it was Congress' fault. Congress approves the budget. Congress approves the Supreme Court nominees, Congress declares war. Since no President can't be faulted for the state of things during his term of office, no President can take credit for cleaning up messes either.

2006-10-12 02:23:23 · answer #3 · answered by Kevin k 7 · 0 0

I don't live in America, I'm not anti American nor am I anti George Bush, but I lost a lot of respect for him when Iraq was invaded.
How many billions has the war cost in Iraq? and how many children in America go hungry because they live below the poverty line? how many extra police to protect your streets and homes and famalies would that money buy you? For a country that has the highest murder by firearms in the world you'd think that you'd put all your energy into fixing your own backyard before starting a war in someone else's. And why was that war started, weapons of mass destruction? where are they, did they even find one in Iraq? Saddam is a monster who deserves everything that comes to him, we all know that, but how many children are dead or now orphans because of America's involvment in a country that really had nothing to do with them? and if they did it for humanity then why aren't they in the Sudan where death squads have killed thousands of people over the last year, or in Zimbawe?

I watched Michael Moores documentary about 9-11 and thought it was biased conspiracy theory rubbish, but with every new speech that Bush gives, desribing yet ANOTHER country as a part of the 'axis of evil' I loose a little more respect for him.

2006-10-12 02:46:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the filthy stench Bush , and his father has left, as well as that of Nixon, Reagan, Ford, etc. was intended to destroy America. It's obvious that a hero like Clinton was needed to clean up their mess. Every one, including the conservative pundits agree, Bush has not only destroyed America, intentionally, but he is HANDS DOWN, the worst president in the history of America.

2006-10-12 02:39:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Why is it you assume that just because someone does not like Bush, they like Clinton. There are alot of ppl who use logic and reason and find neither are good presidents. To many ppl listen to the corporate controlled media. There are alot of issues that are important that are not being talked about by either side. 9/11 is a prime example.

2006-10-12 01:38:43 · answer #6 · answered by Luke F 3 · 0 0

What a joke.When republicans finally realize another failure of the Bush administration they pull out the blame Clinton card.Doesn't matter that they have been in power for many years.Their one trick pony is running out of steam now though.Theyve become the party of no responsibility.Most people now realize it is time to take out the trash.

2006-10-12 04:58:44 · answer #7 · answered by Sid 3 · 0 0

Yes, you're right! He left us a huge surplus and in a matter of less than one year it became a deficit. Yes, blame Slick Willy... but remember, he ain't the Prez now... it's the good ol' circus clown Dubya... he can't find his butt-hole with a map and an escort! What you forget is that the Republicans and Conservatives shot down almost all of his proposals... how come you don't throw that into your nonsensical and illogical premise? And Clinton would never have tried to sell a major port to Muslims, like your boy Dubya tried to do... by the way, the Saudis have been his and his family's cronies for many, many years... and it's so ironic that most of the money that financed the 9/11 terrorists has been traced to Saudi Arabia! Hey, get your facts straight. Like Hannibal the Cannibal said, "Keep quiet if you don't have anything intelligent to contribute to the conversation."

Yeah, Dubya has done a lot... of harm. Made the USA the laughing stock of the world with his Bushisms. Made it more difficult for the poor, the disabled and the elderly while enriching his cronies, made it possible for the oil companies to make more money (even when they claimed the prices went up because there was less oil... yet they showed record profit margins... with LESS oil?). He's pushed our deficit into the TRILLIONS.... he got us into a war because of "Weapons of mass destruction" that were never there and his blames his advisers who are still working for him... what about the aftermath of Katrina in Louisiana where it took him 3 days to find out what was happening while he was on YET ANOTHER VACATION... he didn't have a TV or radio or telephone? He got caught lying there, too.

Wake up and stop being so gullible. Stop repeating nonsense you don't' understand or know about; that's like the donkey loaded with books... wasted knowledge and wisdom! Stop being a part of the herd of sheep... stop being a stupid follower and start thinking for yourself! Stop repeating what they want you to repeat!

Why can't you answer a question without repeating slogans, propaganda or cliches? Don't you have anything original to say? WHAT supposed "mess" did Clinton leave? Support your claim with facts that are verifiable and confirmable! Qualify your statement! Substantiate your claim with facts and evidence and proof! OR are you just reading the writings on the walls of your latrine?

You want to use Clinton as a scapegoat but you forget that he ain't the Prez and Bush has been taking vacations every few weeks... while blaming everyone but himself for his screw-ups! Get real and stop your taurus excretia (that means bull s h i t). Dubya started yet another bureaurocracy where he quickly filled all the positions with his inept and incompetent cronies... like he did with Brown in F.E.M.A.... except Brown DID report what was going on to the Dubya and Dubya claimed it was a lie... but tapes later showed that Dubya was lying... what 3 days and he didn't have a radio or TV or a telephone to know what Katrina had done? And Condi Rice was shopping and other shoppers were yelling at her about Louisiana... she gingerly went to the theater and got booed by the rest of the audience yelling at her about Katrina and Louisiana... and SHE didn't know anything either? WHAT a crock of lies and bullshit! WHY hasn't Dubya fired those incompetent and inept aides that "misinformed" him with the weapons of mass destrucion that were never there? Or was he just using another Bushism when he MEANT TO SAY, "Weapons of mass deception"?

Hey, how come you're not wearing a uniform and how come you're not in Iraq or in Afghanistan fighting the war YOUR good ol' Prez got us into? Waiting for someone else to do the dirty work, as usual, aren't you... typical Conservative chickenshit. You're probably not old enough to vote but you listen to your ignorant yokel parents that probably can't read or write beyond the comic section of the handout newspapers left at the trailer camp!

2006-10-12 01:50:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yep... I guess 70 percent of America is ignorant... and many univeristy professors that don't like bush are stupid... and the generals that don't like bush are stupid....

I'm sure you're much smarter than they are... and I'm sure they are just listening to their mommy and daddy...

side note: you do realize that by blaming Clinton for everything... you're doing the exact same thing that they are... just with the other side...

2006-10-12 01:37:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I agree with you.. Clinton is to blame for 911, since he didnt do anything to stop Bin Laden... the muslim extremists have been doing things to US for over 40 yrs,,, especially when Slick Willie was in office playing with cigars........... but these nuts try to find a way to blame bush for clintons ..... cowardnesss.... He is guilty of treason.

2006-10-12 02:20:25 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All presidents leave messes for their successors. I'd hate to have to clean up after Bush. It might require me to talk to my mommy and daddy about how to unkill Iraqi civilians.

2006-10-12 01:42:45 · answer #11 · answered by lenny 7 · 0 0

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