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I'm 16, my boyfriends 18, We've ben dating for about a year now. I'm not on the pill and we sometimes use comdoms and then we don't he just pulls out. I haven't had my period yet, my boobs hurt. but i am having crampsas if i were about to start my period. i had an incident in august where he came inside me. I'm confused.. If i am PG my dad will totally dis-own me and i wont have anyone to turn tofor support.i know i should go to the doctors but i never have the time. I need answers on how to deal with the situation!

2006-10-11 15:27:26 · 27 answers · asked by babyphatmisssezz 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

27 answers

first off, if you are pregnant - THE BABY IS NOT GOING TO JUST GO AWAY! and you were old enough to play, so your old enough to pay. and the price of acting all grown up is to grow up quick. this is another person growing inside of you that will need 100% of your time and energy. that child did not ask to be born. you made that choice when you chose to have sex. FIND TIME to get to the doctor.

and, if you really are pregnant. you father will be disappointed but he is not going to disown you. granted, he's not going to be thrilled that his child is having a child. but he will adjust to it and he will support you IF you choose to be responsible.

btw, not everyone "pukes." i had three babies and morning sickness was NEVER an issue for me.

2006-10-11 15:28:39 · answer #1 · answered by annie 3 · 2 2

OK listen up I think you are too young to be having sex, I believe you should have sex after you are married because there is no rush. But If you are PG then I don't doubt you're father being angry because that's just wrong!!If I was in your situation my dad would probably literally kill me. You need to go to a drug store and get a test thingy done, and if you are PG you are going to face the fact that you have to take care of this child now because having a baby literally changes everything. But if you are PG(which I hope you aren't) then my advice is STOP HAVING SEX!!! Because even if you use the condom or the pill there's a chance of the condom breaking or the pill not working. So stop I really don't understand why teenagers have sex so young when they could wait till they meet that Mr.Right and then have it, why rush its not like you are never going to have sex again. So stop having sex and do better things in your spare time like hang out with friends or go to the mall, get your mind off of it.

2006-10-11 23:50:58 · answer #2 · answered by Kayli (: 4 · 0 0

Just wait and see what the outcome will be. If it is positive then I would consider telling my dad no matter what. If the situation is negative then be careful the next time. Now find the time and go see a doctor for the cramps that you are experiencing and ask
the doctor if there is any prevented medicine you can take for a
young lady your age. Then to sum it up you are too young to be dealing with sex. Complete high school and pursue a career in life .

2006-10-12 01:11:53 · answer #3 · answered by JoJoBa 6 · 0 1


It's possible that you are pregnant. Also, depending on the state you live in, your boyfriend could end up with statutory rape charges for having sex with you, because if you live in Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska, Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Illinois, New York, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Virginia, or Florida, you are not old enough to legally consent to have sex. (Any state I did not mention has their age of consent set at 16.)

Aside from statutory rape issues, your birth control methods are abysmal. ALWAYS use a condom, no matter HOW good it feels without one. What if he's cheating on you and he catches something and gives it to you?

I'm sure your dad will not disown you. Your dad loves you. He will probably be VERY VERY disappointed in you, but he would not disown you.

The first thing you need to do is visit your local drug store and purchase a home pregnancy test. Buy one of the tests with two test sticks inside it, in case you want to make sure (if the first one comes back positive). That's the first step. When you take the test, be sure to do it when you pee first thing in the morning, because that will have the most hormones in it, and it will show you better whether you are pregnant or not.

If you are pregnant, you need to tell your parents and your boyfriend. Your boyfriend, already being an adult, has the choice of telling his parents, but I would recommend making sure he does. They could be a big help down the road. You'll want to see a doctor and get checked and figure out how far along you are.

If you are NOT pregnant, which is the result we're hoping for here, do a happy dance and celebrate. And from now on, ALWAYS use a condom, no matter WHAT your boyfriend says. And make sure the condoms are within their expiration date, because they're less effective if they're too old.

You can get pregnant from a very tiny amount of sperm. Most males have a little bit of pre-ejaculate, and that can ooze out during intercourse before he actually climaxes, and it would be inside you before he pulls out.

Please, please, please, please, ALWAYS use a condom. It's your LIFE, and your FUTURE that's at stake if you don't. And the burden will mostly fall on you, especially if you are pregnant and you keep this baby. If he isn't considerate enough to have condoms and use them, he isn't good enough for you.

I hope hope hope hope that you're not pregnant. Good luck.

2006-10-11 22:58:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is very possible that you are pregnant. In order to know for certain you need take a test. This is a difficult situation. But, not an impossible one. I'm coming from experience. I was a teen mom. You only think that your father will disown you. Dad's always say stuff like that. But, when a real life situation like this occurs. Dads tend to fold. Your his daughter, and that is never going to change. He has your best interest at heart and will come around. That doesn't mean that he is not going to be angry and/or hurt. It may take a few days. As he will feel betrayed. After it has settled in, he will be fine. And so will you.

2006-10-11 22:48:20 · answer #5 · answered by lilmisstickletoo 3 · 0 1

First of all, you should ALWAYS use a condom. Pulling out is not birth control. Precum contains sperm and you can get pregnant from it. If you are pregnant, (take a home test, they are quick and cheap) you have to tell the baby's father right away and you have to tell your father. Be honest and direct, no reason to beat around the bush or wait for him to figure it out on his own, he will figure it out eventually. After you have told the baby's father, take some time to decide what your best option is. Go to a pregnancy counseling center or website to learn about your options (keeping the baby, giving the baby up for adoption or abortion.) If you go to your father with an idea of what you want to do it might help him deal with the fact that you are pregnant. Show maturity by being honest and responsible. He still might be angry or hurt, but if you show your willingness to do the right thing for this baby, he will come around.

2006-10-11 22:32:09 · answer #6 · answered by S. O. 4 · 2 1

You COULD be pregnant. Whether you panic or not will not change that now. Talk to an adult that you trust, and get a pregnancy test so you can know for sure. If you are pregnant, your dad will survive, and he will get over it. It's not the end of your life, and could be the start of something special and beautiful, although not easy. Take it one step at a time, and good luck!

2006-10-12 10:26:01 · answer #7 · answered by shakespear 3 · 0 0

You might be pregnant sorry to tell u because i was pregnant before and my breast and nipples would hurt like hell but i didn't think nothing of it because i was cramping but i was cramping because the baby was forming in my belly and wasn't liking the foods i ate so u sorta have the sympthoms have u been tired a lot lately more than usual, nauseas, having cravings, pay attention to that then go check it out. o yeah if u don't have your father you should have your boyfriend.

2006-10-13 14:29:10 · answer #8 · answered by Ms.Donna 3 · 0 0

you need to use condoms every time you have sex. i just poste don your other question and really hope you arent pregnant;.............. the pull out method fails 86% of the time. both of you are naive into thinking that there is the slightest chance of not getting pregnant. im sure you know about pre-ejaculation which contains just as much sperm as the big bang in the end. and it only takes on sperm to fertilize an egg. you may just be stressing too much and your period may be late. if your boobs hurt as if your period is coming then maybe you will get in a week or so. please you should always use condoms......dont throw away your future and life away for a bf who youve been dating for only a year both of you need to be more responsible for your actions, or if you arent responsible enough liek you are now then you shouldnt be having sex. ........

2006-10-12 01:51:58 · answer #9 · answered by laa dee da 5 · 0 1

what you sow , that shall you reap ! It's hard to believe this but this is God's word !!! God says that sex should be had when you are married... but you disobeyed him .. Now the consequences ! It is hard facts ... You see, I feel very sorry for thousands of children like you...children who have children.... But anyway, since you ask for help... I can only say that what is past is past . You cannot bring back the past. Now you have to live for today and tomorrowsss. The first thing is to ask your boyfriend to marry you... He has to be a real man to do that. It is his duty to look after the baby... not your father's ! If he rejects this request, this means he does not love you... so leave him for good... but don't forget there is someone out there who will love you and the baby...Wait for the right guy... Wait and pray that God forgives you...and for God's help... He surely hears if you forsake your sin .. by this I mean not to have sex again until you are married... Secondly, do not abbort the baby PLEASE. That is further sin and your life will be hellish because God forbids murder ! You must now work and earn for your baby... forget about school for now... If your father forsakes you, pray that God will give someone the heart to take you in .... God's people are everywhere and it is my prayer that God helps you... mind you : only if yoy forsake sin ! Look for christians... be specific, Seventh Day Adventists...try the pastors who are close to you... can talk to me further if you need to May God Bless you...

2006-10-11 22:46:11 · answer #10 · answered by srjione 3 · 0 1

You need to go to the doctor and then make whatever decisions you need to make.

If you're not pregnant, you should take the opportunity to learn from the scare and STOP HAVING SEX. You are not mature enough to obviously, since you don't take care of yourself properly. Otherwise, you and your soon-to-be-conceived child are just going to end up another statistic on the welfare program.

2006-10-11 22:58:18 · answer #11 · answered by caylinn1996 3 · 0 0

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