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I have a problem with my 1 year & nine months old boy, he cries a lot all the time especially every night and its driving me crazy, talk about nightmare! All I can do is cry with him, I can't put my hands on him because hes still a baby. I really need a good advice, I always end up sleeping 2 to 3 hours becuase of his night time crying, Im a working mom, i wake up very early to run to the office. Im over stressed if thats the right word for it. My husband also is working. We have a babysitter but I end up worrying too much at work living my son on her because she might get feed up and spank my baby or do something bad on him. Pls. give advice on this.. waiting.

Stress MOM

2006-10-11 15:02:41 · 11 answers · asked by shaznay 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

11 answers

I don't understand why a 21-month old would be crying all night. Have you taken him to the doctor to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong with him? Does he have nightmares? Do you have family members living near you, your mom, sister, grandparents, who could help you? Does your son stop crying if you hold him?
I wish you the best of luck but I don't really know what to say except to get him checked out at the dr's and go to your family for support.

2006-10-11 15:08:31 · answer #1 · answered by cynshyn 2 · 0 0

Babies (and yours is still a baby) can sense when we're stressed. It puts them on edge, too. One day, leave baby with the babysitter, ditch work, and go for a massage. Add in a pedicure. When the massage person asks you about stress or tension, talk about your baby. As the massage begins, let all that stress and tension leave your body. It sounds crazy, but I've actually done this!! Then, think of all the cute things he does. Think of how adorable his first steps were. Think about the day he was born and how happy you were to finally meet him and how he was the cutest and most perfect baby you have ever seen. Think of all the wonderful things about him. Even though he's little, there are lots!! Think about those things while you're getting your massage. You will feel so much more relaxed and baby will sense that, too.

Then go home and play with him. Grab chinese take-out on your way home and plan on time with just the two of you, or dad too, if he wants to join. If he starts to cry or throw his tantrum, get up and walk away. Walk right out of the room. When he follows you (and he will) tell him that he has to stop crying. Talk soothingly to him as you tell him this. When he puts his arms up asking you to hold him, tell him calmly but firmly that he has to stop crying first. Eventually he will and the behavior will change.

Believe me, I've done this with my own kids and it's hard. Even though they are so little, they really DO understand a lot more than we think they do!! Before long, he will get the picture.

If you try these things to no avail, I would take him to see the pediatrician. It may be a good idea to keep a record of what time of day he cries (maybe he cries more at a certain part of the day), if it coincides with meal or snacktime, etc...

2006-10-11 15:30:47 · answer #2 · answered by Joy 4 · 0 0

Why is he crying? If he's crying in the middle of the night maybe he's hungry a cup of milk before he goes to bed might help him sleep better during the night. Maybe since you work, I don't know how much time you spend playing and reading to him so maybe he wants your attention and he feels crying gets your attention and then he starts and can't stop. Unless you've seen your pediatrician already, maybe he's in pain and there is something wrong and he can't express that to you, is he still teething?
If he's crying through the day with the babysitter there might be something wrong...but if he's just spoiled you might have to ignore the crying so that he knows crying does not get him what he wants some form of discipline may be necessary if that's the case.

2006-10-11 15:17:57 · answer #3 · answered by Forever_Young 2 · 0 0

A lot of kids have major crying jags in the evenings. Usually starting around 5:00 or so. You know what worked for me??? Put him to bed earlier. The more sleep kids get, the less they cry. For a while, his bedtime was 6:45. He would sleep until 8:00 the next morning, too! Then he had a nap during the day! He was so well-rested and happy. Definitely cut down on the crying.
P.S. For great advice on how to get him to sleep through the night, there's a book called "Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child" by Marc Weissbluth. My friends and I swear by it's advice. Try it!

2006-10-11 15:08:56 · answer #4 · answered by Jess H 7 · 0 0

I guess the first question I have for you is, WHERE IS YOUR HUSBAND AT NIGHT? My son was up alot when he was around that age, but I was lucky to have a wife that stayed at home so I didn't have to be up all night. In your case however there should be some sharing of the nightly duties between you and your husband as long as you both are working. If you both will share the responsibility and split up the night time it will make it alot easier for both of you even if your husband doesn't think so.

2006-10-11 15:25:00 · answer #5 · answered by Bear 3 · 0 0

She is in all possibility having a bad day, if she is like this each and every of the time perhaps you ought to purpose helping her out some around the domicile you recognize do a load of cloths and fold them,sweep the floor,vacume or airborne dirt and mud only take 10 min out of the day to do some thing helpful she would be ready to be grateful i understand im a mom and a spouse my young ones are youthful so as that dont complication me that they dont help out reason they cant yet my hubby is lazy i might like it if he might only circulate do the dishes and sweep the floor and do a stable job at it you recognize not a million/2 a*s! stable success which comprise your mom

2016-10-19 05:59:01 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

i had that problem some time ago and it felt like i was going crazy,and tired all the time i felt like all hope was gone.i know people say it isint wise to let your baby sleep with you but that is what i did to get sleep myself i got more sleep,but their was still alot of crying.i tried to give the baby lots of toys to play with and new stuff as well because they get bored easily.you can also try putting movies in for baby like barney worked well with mine.you can try these things i hope it helps.it helped me alot.the baby will out grow the crying trust me on this.it seems like it will never end but it will.good luck and i hope this helps

ps.how long has your babysitter been there?did your baby cry alot before her.if not get a new one please asap

2006-10-11 15:11:39 · answer #7 · answered by lori b 5 · 0 0

are you rushing around when you get home? if so stop, supper can wait. spend some time with the baby. he could be cutting teeth, or maybe just misses mama and daddy. i know it is hard. i worked a swing shift when mine were growing up. give him lots of hugs, maybe a warm bath will help to calm him down. sing to him read. if his cry is diffferent than a normal cry you might consider contacting his doc. to make sure all is well with him. after you give him his warm bath then you settle down for you. hopefully it will relax both of you. p.s. i cried alot with my first one too. i was scared to death,but i made it in fact 2 more times after that.

2006-10-11 15:11:09 · answer #8 · answered by mamma bird 3 · 0 0

my advice would be to take your son to a play therapist or even your pediatrician...if he's having night mares that much something is obviously bothering him...if you don't trust the sitter maybe it would be better to take a leave and get your child's health in order then hire someone you can check out thoroughly to sit for you when he is better

2006-10-11 15:08:02 · answer #9 · answered by Alli 3 · 0 0

it sounds like he may have gas try giving him some mylicon or if hes teething some orajel and a cold rag to suck on and although crying is very irritating you should never have to worry about your sitter if you are or do switch sitters right away better safe than sorry

2006-10-11 15:07:28 · answer #10 · answered by teresak713 3 · 0 0

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