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21 answers

You liberal punks are lucky to have a president like Bush protecting your sorry asses! If (he or I could),root you commies out, then you'd be having lunch with,"Al Quida"! You "C*um-sukin'-slu*t's!

2006-10-11 15:02:29 · answer #1 · answered by CROC DADDY 2 · 0 1

Kids use to grow up and dream about being President WHY? The best ratings you can ever hope for are what 70 percent maybe 75. Thats a C average. There is No man Nor Politician that can Please everyone. I see people time and time again refering to GW's Poll numbers being 30%. Yep those numbers are bad BUT hey the Best they can hope for is a C average. Time will judge GWB. The Present is filled with emotions running wild. How does that old saying go: Let No Man Judge another till they have walked in there shoes. It's ALOT easier sitting at home cursing and complaining about this president or any other than it is to walk a mile in there shoes. Not really sure if thats an answer buts its all I got.

2006-10-11 21:56:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It depends what you mean by bad is it bad when he says things that should not be said and
causes other countries to get upset or when he decides to do things and does not consult with congress and the senate. It is like a little kid who can't have his way so he invents things to
make him sound right about what he is doing I'M
glad he is in his last term he has done a lot of damage to this country from his decisions We
started out to get Ben Laden and end up with a
war with Iraq. If this makes him bad then he is

2006-10-11 22:01:19 · answer #3 · answered by Lolo 3 · 0 0

How can you survive the last six years and even ask that question? A monkey is running the country, with apologies to more intelligent apes everywhere.

This man laughed at a person facing execution while governor, deserted the military during a war, got rich on shady deals based on his father's influence, lied to congress and fails to understand the basics of diplomacy. If you want to call that good, God help you.

2006-10-11 21:54:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I do, I do!!!! He has led us into a war that has cost us countless lives of patriotic Americans, as well as innocent Iraqi citizens, almost $300 billion dollars, and our respect woldwide. He made inflammatory remarks like "bring it on" which further endangered the lives of our soldiers, and by his own people's estimates, the fighting in Iraq has spawned an entire new breed of terrorist which did not exist prior to our invasion of that nation. He is supposedly the President of the entire nation, yest when he was asked to address the NAACP, he declined, saying they were not his people-the first president in our history to decline such an invitation. He has also not attended the funeral of one single fallen soldier who has returned from Iraq or Afghanistan--also the first President in American history who has failed to attend the funeral of a single soldier he has sent into battle. The plane he used to campaign for his presidency was owned by Ken Lay, the same man whose criminal mishandling of Enron bilked many hardworking people out of their lifesavings-the same Ken Lay who was present at a closed door meeting to craft this nation's energy policy, which we all know has brought us the highest energy prices in this nation's history. This is the same man who has fought vigorously to redefine the Geneva Convention to allow our governement to torture prisoners without having to call it that, although the tactics he defends, like dunking nude men in water repeatedly up to the noses is considered torture by every other country on earth. This is the man who has fought hard to maintain the secret wiretapping of private citizen's phones without probable cause and without warrants sanctioned by a court of law. This is a man who claims to be pro-life on one hand, while signing the death warrants of countless thousands of people. I could continue on and on, but I think I've stated enough for the time being.

2006-10-11 22:10:46 · answer #5 · answered by melouofs 7 · 1 0

Alex Jones thinks he's Satan incarnate, so Bush must be a pretty decent guy and doing the right things for America.

2006-10-11 22:00:27 · answer #6 · answered by open4one 7 · 0 1

incompetent (along with the congress) some of the reasons... the whole Iraq situation adequately proves it... he has no clue what he's doing and he's even said it's not going to be fixed while he's in office... but there was also Harriet Meyers, ports, NCLB, his nominations (brownie and bolton, heading the list), warrantless wiretapping, attempts to dodge the Geneva convention, huge debt, still not found Osama and really not trying, CIA leak, Abramoff connections... and it goes on and on...

a few mistakes... sure... all this and more... guh...

2006-10-11 21:53:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I just think he is greedy, selfish, and ignorant.
I know that the Bible says that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven.

2006-10-11 21:55:06 · answer #8 · answered by BUPPY'S MEME 5 · 1 0

Bush is not bad, But CRAZY.
He knows NOTHING about governing and better to be a farmer.
He destroys everything to get to his own aims.

2006-10-11 22:06:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

bush is the epitomy of a "bought and paid for politician". everything he does is for corporate cronies. and his political agenda is dictated by karl rove, one of the most unethical advisors any president ever had.

2006-10-11 21:57:09 · answer #10 · answered by grumpy 5 · 0 0

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