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without getting rude, hasn't anyone just stepped back and noticed how divided we are? i don't care what "side" you are on. what i want to know is ......aren't people tired of the bickering? dems and republicans are drowning in a sea of he said she said your right and your wrongs. it's so freakin childish. is there anyone out there who is not going to be rude, and just say it's tiresome?if i hear the words"i hate libs" or anything else, i'm going to puke!! i really think......there will be fist fights at the next election. we are supposed to be one country. not one country divided. i know there will be rude answers. why the right and left? why not forward or backward......which is where we are going it seems.

2006-10-11 12:31:46 · 17 answers · asked by ♥2323vsb 2 in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

In my opinion, I believe this all started when bush and the republican party began promoting if you don't believe in this war, you are un-American and you hate the soldiers. They also stated you are in support of terrorism. After that, people started believing them. I don't believe in the war in Iraq, but that doesn't mean I support terrorism. I don't believe we should place our Valued Soldiers in harms way, therefore I support the troops because I don't want them to die.

Unfortunately, it has gotten out of hand. I believe in order to put this country back together, the Republicans have to regain control of their party. Right now, it is being controlled by the extreme religious right who don't debate issues, but place fear into people. I'm not saying Democrats are better, because I feel both parties stink, but the neo-cons on the right need to stop now...

2006-10-11 12:44:46 · answer #1 · answered by linus_van_pelt68 4 · 1 2

The US has been divided since day one when we declared our independence. Their were people saying that we needed to be free from England and there was those who wanted to stay a colony of England. The country was deeply divided but we gained our independence anyways.
Then the civil war happened because people in our country couldn't agree on the slavery and states rights issues. The war raged on and many people died fighting for what they thought was right.
WW1. People in our country were divided on if we should stop the advancing axis powers in Europe. Eventually we did.
WW2. Many people including Henry Ford and Joe Joe Kennedy said that Hitler was harmless and many people disagreed after Pearl Harbor. Eventually we had to fight for the freedom of mankind.
Vietnam. Again the country was divided on how to deal with this war. Eventually we backed out and communism was barely contained.
Abortion. some say it's a womans right and others say it's a life. Our country is very divided, just like when people would say black people weren't humans but animals.
Today our country is as divided as it ever was. We will always have people saying that one way is right and the other is wrong.
But let me ask you this.
Should we have declared our independence from England?
Should we have fought and ended slavery?
Should we have stopped the Kaiser from world domination in WW1?
Should we have declared war on Germany Japan and Italy in WW2 and let them dominate the world?
Now the question of our time is the same as the day we declared independence from England. Do we fight for human lives whether they are unborn or being held hostage under a militaristic regime? Do we stop Islamic extremists from aquiring nuclear weapons?
There are always two sides to everything. This nation especially have the two different people. The people who believe we can do something and the ones who believe we should do nothing. You decide.

2006-10-12 03:41:34 · answer #2 · answered by RIDLEY 6 · 0 0

You're right that some arguments have deteriorated into childish gibbering, but there are many, going on in neighborhoods and social gatherings that are provoking thought and passion to do what is right.

Freedom is a messy business. In order to live as a free citizen, one must endure the comments and actions of all.

Arguing may be unpleasant, but showing respect for the passion in one's beliefs should be respected. That how Americans should be.

2006-10-11 12:52:04 · answer #3 · answered by navymom 5 · 0 0

We are divided and the only way this country will be joined together is when another horrible incedent takes place like 9/11. No one seems to care what to do with North Korea and are instead getting upset over who's to blame for it. The Axis of Evil is returning.

2006-10-11 12:35:18 · answer #4 · answered by Squawkers 4 · 1 1

Unfortunately politics has always been like that. Wherever you go. That doesn't divide the country. That keeps the country in check in such a way that no one party can become all too powerful. Look at what happens in dictatorships.

2006-10-11 12:36:33 · answer #5 · answered by worldneverchanges 7 · 3 0

I have noticed how divided everyone is, but you have to realize that all of these people on this forum are not all
Americans but also foreigners who do not even know what the USA stands for except what they read in their
Propaganda sheets called newspapers and that's about it.

2006-10-11 12:46:30 · answer #6 · answered by Vagabond5879 7 · 1 0

The people are but the politicians don't. If they cared about this rift they would start solving some of these issues before they get worse. All our leaders care about now is stealing votes from the other side and something really needs to change because eventually the rift between us will get so wide it wont be able to be closed.

2006-10-11 12:36:45 · answer #7 · answered by ? 2 · 1 1

Calm down, take a little white pill or something, yes the country is divided it always has been. It is just now we have a forum to let off steam. Good ol' yahoo answers. This is suppose to be entertaining and it is. There are many other subjects if this one bothers you so much. But you are welcome to speak your mind here too.

2006-10-11 12:43:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You want us not to be divided.... around what party or person you want everybody to rally...Bush? Foley? Hillary? Kennedy? catholic Church? Jews? KKK? as you can see you don't have an answer, that is the way it is, it is called normal, if one day you get into this page and there is no bickering, then get worry, something is wrong

2006-10-11 12:45:43 · answer #9 · answered by class4 5 · 1 1

How sweet, though very naive. People are angry because whilst you sit safely at home, drowning in a sea of he said she said, in other parts of the world people are drowning in blood, spilt by your politicians actions. 2660 dead Iraqis in Baghdad in 5 weeks because the US wanted them to have a democracy they never craved, Afghanis suffering again because the US screwed them over, UK citizens killed by US funded IRA terrorists. This is what your CIA and government do for a living.
It can upset moderate people.
Remember what Edmund Burke said, 'all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing', yet you propose not only doing nothing, but not even discussing it!

2006-10-11 12:40:34 · answer #10 · answered by SteveUK 5 · 1 2

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