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that if you had known about you could have handled better.

2006-10-11 11:59:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

9 answers

i came home from vacation and he wasn't home, that was unusual, he came home and picked a fight with me first off, than he got a cell phone, he would go outdoors to talk, he acted like he wasn't even in my life. i owned a house his son lived in that his son wanted to purchase, i was about to owner finance but a little voice from within said wait awhile, he told me my car was not that great, suggested i buy a new one,said he would make the payments, he than suggested i sell my car to his son on a payment plan, again the voice of intuition said wait awhile, than it was christmas time, and i thought all was well in the world and with my husband, but the day after christmas he said he wanted a divorce,he kept saying he didn't have anyone else, found out later he had a girlfriend, and had had one for quite some time. he was trying to get me to sign over my property to his son, my car, and anything else he could beat me out of. well thanks to intuition,i didn't, had i done those things i would have been divorced, had no where to live, and i would have had car payments. i am still today driving the same vehicle he told me was on it's way out.i would have followed him and confronted him, and the woman who broke up my family.he had no thought as to how i would fare financially or emotionally, but he sure did try and get me in a deep hole financially.

2006-10-11 14:06:15 · answer #1 · answered by jude 7 · 0 0

Haha these are funny stories. Well anyway I work at burger king and a guy on the speaker in drive thru was being a jerk so i dipped his burger in Jalepeno juice cause we had the texas whopper at the time and I also licked his burger lol I'm mean. Also I was working cash and a son mom dad came in and the son was like in his late 20's and the mom and dad were old and the son had a lot of facial hair and yet the mom had a thicker mustache then him I couldn't help but be disgusted. Also I went to a chinese restaurant and it looked like someone took a dump all over the room but the food was good though. Also I don't try to be a jerk I just have trouble with foreign people as I can't understand what they say so I eventually screw up their order or they always ask for their bill and look at it to point out an error even if it isn't there I mean how cheap are you for not even a dollar but a few cents. We make your food fast and maybe not hot because we are in a hurry. Also my hair was near bald and I was making food and a women came back with her whopper and said there was a hair in it and I looked at it and it was longer then mine and I was pissed because it was obviously her doing so customers are jerks sometimes too.

2016-03-18 07:57:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Make sure that everything that is in writing is accurate...to the penny, to the description, etc. No matter how much you don't want to argue over minor errors or inconsistencies, do it now, before you sign anything. Later you will lose because you didn't question the error.

If you are giving up the house, and you will get some money at a later date from equity (or money that you OWE them will come from the equity), do NOT agree to it. If the ex-spouse walks away from the house and there IS no equity, you will lose either way. Hard to explain, but be very careful about paying or agreeing to accept money at a much later date...say ten years later. It WILL turn ugly.

2006-10-11 12:07:56 · answer #3 · answered by dashelamet 5 · 0 0

I was a bridesmaid in a wedding in May 2005. Two months later the couple moved to another state and she stated she fell out of love with him BEFORE the wedding. She cheated on him within the first 30 days and when he filed for divorce she wanted him to pay allimony. One week before the divorce was final she called him up to get back together and he refused. That marriage lasted from May 2005-August 2005 although the divorce wasn't final until Feb. 06. What a whore. I wish I could beat her with the 160 dollar bridesmaid dress she made me buy.

2006-10-11 12:17:35 · answer #4 · answered by mrspatpat79 2 · 0 0

We could NEVER buy a house after being married for 10 yrs. While going thru the divorce he found a house and put in bids etc. He bought the house but waited to sign the papers until the day after our divorce. He says it wasn't planned that way but I know if he had signed the papers and made it legal I would of had some rights..

2006-10-11 12:03:53 · answer #5 · answered by sherrbear1971 1 · 0 0

1) He had an affair with a co-worker for two years that no one told me about, but everyone knew about.
2) He was putting money into a secret account getting ready to dump me.
3) He froze all our joint accounts and credit cards so I could not buy groceries or pay bills. I could not even give the kids lunch money.
4) He already had an apartment lined up and ready for him to move into.
5) He bought a new car 6 months before he left me because the other woman didn't like his old car.

2006-10-11 12:28:45 · answer #6 · answered by physandchemteach 7 · 0 0

Long story, but I'll try to be concise:

It was late June and I bought some cigarette loads from a fireworks stand and put a few in my wife's and her friend's cigarettes and laughed my *** off when they exploded on them.
They didn't find the humor in it and promised to get me back. I was like "yeah, right" and just kind of laughed it off.
Well, two days later, I had to go to a 3-day business trip. When I left it was hugs and kisses and everything like that, but my wife vowed that she would ge me back. Again, I said yeah right.
Well, when I was gone, we talked on the phone and everything was great. Then when I got home, she told me "Go get all your sh*t out of the car." I said "Why" and she said "Because I am leaving you."
I started laughing. I said "Is that the best you can come up with? You had three days and the best you've got is that you're leaving me?, hahaha."
I got the stuff out of the car just to play along. She grabbed a few clothes and left with her friend in tow. I just kicked back on the couch and watched TV, continuing to play along. About 2 hours later, she came back and grabbed some more clothes and some of our baby's things. Still, I wasn't convinced...so I told her that I'd see her in a few hours.
"She said, you think this is a joke, but you're wrong."
Well, 10 p.m. rolled around and she didn't come home. 11, midnight and I finally decided that she was just going to spend the night somewhere and everything would be fine the next day.
Well, the next day she brought her BOYFRIEND over to get the rest of her stuff. I still thought it was a joke and that she put some guy up to it.
Long story short, I quickly found out that it was no joke. She left me for him and they've been married for almost 8 years.
It ripped my heart out because things had been fine. I mean we had a baby that was barely 9 months old and things were going pretty smooth. There was no reason to think she'd leave me.
I have moved on and am happily married with another daughter on the way.

I guess the moral of the story is: Don't marry a smoker. haha

2006-10-11 12:19:21 · answer #7 · answered by michaelyoung_airforce 6 · 0 0

This didn't happen to me, but a friend's husband left the country for a job (so he said) and forgot to mention the $20,000 in debt, with all the bills past due, the car got repo'd because he didn't pay it for months, she got thrown out on the street because he didn't pay rent... There was never any job, he had met some women over the internet and moved in with her! To this day, he still claims "she threw me out" and even after all these years, he never did get a job, he just meets a new gal-pal on the net every 2-3 years and leaves another dumb woman in debt!

2006-10-11 12:04:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I posted a question about mine in Legal, it has been a year in July and I still haven't been able to straighten things out. Mine took my car and junked it, hid his trucks, gave the only one that was automatic and give it away, all my I.D.s and had everything put in someone Else's name. plus he works under the table and claimed he only made 15,000 a year. and I didn't have the money to prove otherwise. I could have handled it better had I Divorced him years ago but I was afraid to be left alone with the kids.

2006-10-11 12:08:32 · answer #9 · answered by malraene 4 · 0 0

Mine tried to have me sign on a loan for his new house while signing a marital waiver...meaning I would be responsible for the property without actually having any right to it. He gave me 1/2 hour to review the paper work, stating that he would lose the loan if I didn't sign in that timeframe. I guess he thought I wouldn't read what I was signing because I felt sorry for him...what an idiot...

2006-10-11 12:04:31 · answer #10 · answered by Barbara 6 · 0 0

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