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I'm a Taurus... what can you tell me about me? What traits do taurus pople have and all that good stuff?

2006-10-11 11:19:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

13 answers

Taurus goes with Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Cancer
Taurus and Virgo - astrological compatibility rank = 8/10
Taurus and Libra - astrological compatibility rank = 7/10
Taurus and Scorpio - astrological compatibility rank = 7/10
Taurus and Cancer - astrological compatibility rank = 10/10

Your element: Earth
Your ruling planets: Venus
Symbol: The Bull
Your stone: Emerald
Tarot Card: Hierophant (High Priest)
Life Pursuit: Emotional and financial security
Vibration: Determined energy
Taurus Secret Desire: To have a secure, happy and wealthy life/marriage

taurus is the second sign of the zodiac is concerned with:
* beauty, romance, sentimentality, sensuality
* materialistic values, wealth, prosperity
* nature, harmony, love of living things
* possession, control, security, dependability
* habit, organization, tenacity, kindness
* shyness, cautiousness, trustworthiness, calmness
* appreciation of values, talents, abilities

Taurean Likes and Dislikes

* soft, sensual textures
* sensual pleasures
* a good bank balance
* certainty and well-tried routines
* gifts of value, attractively wrapped
* savoring the moments of pleasure at the dinner table
* doing the same thing over and over

* being disturbed
* change
* lending things
* being told to hurry up
* sleeping in strange beds

Spiritual Goal
To learn the value of insight.

Secret Taurus
Inside anyone who has strong Taurus influences is a person who takes the long-term and proceeds slowly but surely, because Taurus is only interested in the very best of everything. Taurus's view is that the best is worth waiting for. Taurus loves to luxuriate in sensual delights and desires secure material prosperity. The two secret fears of Taurus are of being disturbed or of being left wanting. Taurus will wait for anything, even to get angry. When Taureans do eventually have to express anger, it can be devastating and is so disturbing to themselves that it takes a while for them to recover both their composure and their self-esteem.

Ruling Planet and Its Effect
Venus rules the zodiac sign of Taurus, so anyone whose birth chart has a strong Taurus influence will tend to have a strong set of personal values. In astrology, Venus is the planet of love, affection, values, and sensuality. Like Venus, Taureans can be very affectionate and fond of the good life, as long as it is a peaceful, secure life. Taureans rarely detract from their personal code of what is right. Taurus, like the mythical Venus, has an idealized concept of beauty, and may, especially in early life, be very self-conscious about his or her body.

The Taurus Male
If a man behaves in a way typical of the personality associated with the zodiac sign of Taurus, he will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below, unless there are influences in his personal birthchart that are stronger than that of his Taurus sun sign.

Appearance of the typical Taurus male:
* has a stocky body, which is muscular if he does a lot of physical activity
* may be plump
* will bear the discomfort of an injury or disability with extreme stoicism
* has very clear skin
* is likely to have plenty of hair and can grow a substantial beard
* walks with determination

Behavior and Personality Traits Taurus male:
* rarely changes his point of view
* works hard to build security
* is astute and can evaluate a situation very quickly in financial terms
* is quiet and has a low-key charm
* is unpretentious
* enjoys comfort
* can be defensive and suspicious in a new or unexpected situation
* is wary of others taking advantage of him
* dresses to create an image of respectability
* uses influential connections to get what he wants

The Taurus Female
If a woman behaves in a way that is distinctive of the personality associated with the zodiac sign of Taurus, she will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below, providing there are no influences in her personal birthchart that are stronger than that of her Taurus sun sign.

Appearance of the typical Taurus female:
* tends to have a rounded body
* has a beautiful complexion and hair which always looks in excellent condition
* may live by a very strict diet to attain slimness
* has an air of mystery about her because she does not flaunt her sexuality
* wears clothes which give her sensual pleasure
* has a strong body capable of hard work

Behavior and Personality Traits Taurus female:
* is an introvert
* has considerable moral and emotional courage
* takes people as they come
* is very loyal to her friends and sticks by them if they are in trouble
* has practical common sense
* is deeply sensual
* prefers the real to the artificial, e.g., real flowers, real silk, and genuine, high-quality antiques

Taurus At Home
If a person has the personality of those born with a Taurus sun sign, home is a place to feel absolutely secure and comfortable. The person who has strong Taurean influences will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below.

Typical Behavior and Abilities when at home, a Taurus male or female:
* hates anything to be moved around
* enjoys comfort and luxury
* has well-tried habits and likes a well-ordered household
* prefers to own his or her home
* makes his or her home a castle and usually fills it with furniture that will increase in value

Taurus as a Parent
* is affectionate
* has seemingly endless patience
* can be dominant and possessive
* may find it hard to relax and play with the children
* will support, encourage, nurture, and protect the children with unswerving faith in their own abilities as a parent
* will teach self respect
* will save for the future
* expects high standards

Taurean Leisure Interests

On the whole, typical Taureans pursue the following leisure interests:
* collecting things of value
* singing or listening to music
* gardening
* painting
* the quieter sports
* activities that give Taurus a chance to enjoy physical pleasure, such as horseback riding

Taurus At Work

At work, the person who has a typical Taurean personality will exhibit the following characteristics.

Typical Behavior and Abilities a typical Taurus at work:
* will work steadily toward achieving what he/she values
* cannot bear interference
* has great respect for institutions
* requires work that gives respectability

Taurus and Love

To Taurus, love is a physical, sensual romance which can be expected to last forever. Taureans are attracted by physical beauty and are very sensitive to perfume, color, light, and sound. Taurus in love will have many of the characteristics listed below.

Behavior when in Love the typical Taurus:
* is devoted and steadfast
* settles quickly into a stable affair
* loves glamour
* is extremely vulnerable to people who accept his or her affection but only want a flirtation
* will never forgive a betrayal
* the male is generally the strong silent type
* the female is usually an earth woman/Venus

Expectations of the typical Taurus expects:
* his woman to be very feminine
* her man to be all male
* a promise to be kept and never broken
* a wholesome, natural approach to physical love
* to be pampered
* to wait for a commitment to be made

Positive Factors
Taureans are very warm and affectionate toward their friends. They enjoy friendship with people who have good taste and with whom they can enjoy a quiet conversation or a concert or a football game. They will enjoy people who have strength of character and qualities of endurance like their own. Toward such friends, Taurus will always be gentle, kind, loving, and totally trustworthy.

Negative Factors
Taurus can be very jealous of any attention given to someone else. Taurus does not like signs of weakness, physical or emotional, and can be quite direct about them. Taurus prizes friends who have some power which they can share and enjoy. People who wear cheap perfume, artificial fabrics, and have houses that are built to deceive the eye, e.g., not real stone but faced with stone, are unlikely to attract the friendship of a typical Taurean.

Famous Taureans

Queen Elizabeth II (British Monarch),
Yehudi Menuhin (Violinist),
William Shakespeare (Playwright),
Barbra Streisand (Singer and Actress),
Ella Fitzgerald (Jazz Singer),
Duke Ellington (Jazz Pianist and Composer),
Judy Collins (Folksinger and Songwriter),
Sigmund Freud (Psychoanalyst),
Cher (Singer and Actress)

As a Taurean myself I can advise, if you can control your jealousy and your stubborness and learn to compromise you will better yourself as a person
I hope all this information can helps you
Just turn all the negatives into positives : )

Love 7 Blessings

2006-10-11 13:03:08 · answer #1 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 0 0

I will not copy and paste this answer. My reply to this is, Taurus is one of the most grounded and sound examples of the zodiac. They are there in a pinch, great in an emergency, and make fabulous confidantes. I have had many Taurus in my life and they are dry witted, tongue in cheek laughter, but oh don't get one riled up. They are on the side of what is just......they are wonderful friends...make decisions based upon a knowledge that seemingly comes from nowhere, an inheent thing I might seem to say. They pair well with whomever they like. Will put up with something they find offensive for a while, THEN correct the issue completely. They ar a great adjunct in just about any zodiac placement...i e mars, venus etc. great debaters, and when truly focused, there is no one better. No, I am not a Taurus, but find my friendship leanings toward them.....I am happy to say they make that difference that few others can. I rather just write this than copy it from some book, for this is first hand knowledge of them.....they get my vote.

2006-10-11 12:02:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Where do I begin?

They have a huge heart, easygoing, stubborn, jealous, possessive, materialistic, lazy, creative, good cooks (also like to eat what they cook), romantic, they dont show their emotions very often, they are sentimental and crave possessions. A lot of Taurus are packrats because they dont like to throw things away....they like to hold onto the memories through "things". That is why they possess their partners....they want them to be theirs alone. They have a temper that hides away...but watch out when they get angry!

They are very tender, gentle people that are shy at first but once they get to know you they are very talkative. They tend to make friends very easily because they are giving people. Regardless of what you've heard Taurus has a hard time making decisions...they are quite indecisive.
They enjoy the finer things in life such as artwork, restaurants, wine, good food, and good liquor.
The problem with Taurus is that they are so steadfast and headstrong that they hate change...they cannot handle too much change it overwhelms them. If one of their friends starts to change too much, Taurus will just bow out and probably quit talking to that person.
Taurus are very loyal to a point, stable, dependable and reliable. The men are very old fashioned and love to take care of their women. Once a Taurus falls in love they do not stray...they wouldn't think of it
Taurus goes well with Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces....they don't go that well with other Taurus' because they are both soo stubborn and want their way it ends up with a lot of battles/disagreements.

2006-10-12 11:33:03 · answer #3 · answered by vdubbchick 4 · 0 0

Well, if you google it I am sure you could find some better information, but I will tell you what I know based on experience, if you would like. :) Taurus people... are very slow. They think through things, mulling them over and over, before they speak. They often pause in what they are saying, trying to find the precise way to articulate their thoughts. Kind of like: "I... think... perhaps..." etc. They are very careful, cautious people. Very concerned with safety and security. They appreciate sensual pleasure, such as good food, pleasant smells, colorful images (they are known for being art appreciators), sex, etc more than most other signs. They live in the world of the 5 senses. They are very practical, realistic, and responsible. They don't talk much, but they are good, caring listeners. They are sincerely concerned about you when you have a problem, and will give excellent, well-thought-out advice when you need it. They often have round, open faces. Merry eyes, warm smiles, and 1st class hugs. It is hard to get them motivated about things, and they aren't very excitable people, but once they make a decision... there is no changing their minds. They are very, very stubborn people. In a nutshell: Thoughtful. Dependable. Responsible. Sensual. Affectionate. Caring. Security-oriented. Beauty-appreciating. Good listeners. Determined. Stubborn. Conventional. Hope this helped! This is very generalized, by the way. :)

2016-03-28 05:27:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The typical Taurean personality is earthy, solid and enduring, continuing with dogged persistence long after everyone else has given up. However, Taureans can be particularly resistant to change, unable to adapt to new and innovative ways of thinking.

This isn't the best description, but it's pretty good for a general idea. I'm a Taurus as well.

2006-10-11 11:29:04 · answer #5 · answered by Lisa 3 · 1 0

The warm-hearted Taurus is equipped to listen to someone's problem and then give them the advice they need. They are patient and very persistent in arriving at their goal in life. In fact, they are so stubborn that once they've made up their mind about something, nothing short of a nuclear bomb can change it. With friends and mates, they tend to be jealous and possessive. However, Taurus will lavish emotional and financial attention on friends and loved ones to a fault.

2006-10-14 11:17:02 · answer #6 · answered by someones_cowgirl07 4 · 0 0

Me too! Any wonder why we are bulls? A little on the stubborn side, maybe a little obsessive about orderly things...neat clothing, matching colors, hygiene, having laundry folded neatly, etc. Not a lot of patience with spoiled children, show more favoritism to close friends even over family. Picky eaters, usually press to the last minute to arrive on time, but not usually late. A little jealous over some people that have it all, but spite full to the ones that brag about it. Always trying to be pleasant to most, but can be really mean to some that irritate. Usually dis-miss domineering "elders advise". Good in poetry.

2006-10-11 11:41:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm a Taurus too...

We are stubborn, lazy and loyal...
Our phrase is "I want"
We are born homemakers, and love to make our home very comfy...
We have a natural ability with animals...
We are very opinionated...
We have great speaking voices, and tend to sing very well...
We suffer from colds and sore throats, and stiff necks...
Our erogenous zone is the neck...
We love stability, and reject change...

2006-10-11 11:23:49 · answer #8 · answered by Mystyria xMYQx 4 · 0 1

taurus is also my month and i love that i was born in April...April is a pretty month and i love the taurus... anyway i would love for you to write back to me and i will answer you back...
thank you, kaylamae chase

2006-10-12 02:26:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Fearless but can be a hardhead, can get mad easly, never or rarely give up, and always trying to reach a higher place eventhough they reach high enough.

2006-10-11 11:24:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

shy, reserved, loyal, STUBBORN, honest, when you get their friendship keep it cause we are the best...sexy, seductive, can keep for long periods of time grudges, earthy, laid back, in to material possessions, shoulder to cry on, strong, quiet, lazy, self absorbed (most of the time) (think about you and your fam), not a social butterfly in every situation but really cool and down to earth...smart. we cling too routine and hate change...no curve balls for me!!

2006-10-11 12:03:39 · answer #11 · answered by oaklandolee 4 · 1 0

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