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Should abortion be legal all the time (like it is now), only under certain circumstances (please tell us the circumstances), or never? Most thoughtful response gets the best answer points!

2006-10-11 08:57:34 · 11 answers · asked by Reddigo 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

11 answers

rape ,incest,mothers life in danger..ru486 the day after pill..brain dead baby,to save one twin if in jeopardy..any medical reason a doctor see's fit..never for economic reasons,has to be 18 or notify parent..

2006-10-11 09:04:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

This is my opinion and like the old saying goes they are like ******* everyone has one. Though at least most people here have been respectful. I believe that a person is alive when their heart begins to beat. Which usually doesnt happen until around the 3rd month if I remember correctly. To me saying somthing is human without a hear beat means you are against cutting down trees cutting flowers off a plant and other things that have no true "life" like a human does. Now as for rape and incest I believe it should be the womans choice up to the point the fetus has a heart beat. After then no. Does anyone think what might become of that child later in life. It could have major problems that could not be helped because they did not know who the parents were. If the child tried to find his parents and only found his mom and to hear that you werent wanted because some guy raped who was your true mom. That would totally F your head up! When the pregnancy is causing medical problems for the mother then it should be allowed to almost the point of birth. The reason for this is if the mother is lost the child would be lost anyways. Especially before 7months. So why lose 2 lives when you can save one? Then finally I do think there should be limits on it. A girl who is younger than 18 could not have one without the notifacation and consent of the parents. Then they all could decide the best course of action for the girl. For girls under and above the age of 18 there should be a national database of all of the girls who have had an abortion so that they cannot use it as a means of contriception. Well there is my 2 cents.

2006-10-11 16:50:26 · answer #2 · answered by trl_666 4 · 0 0

You're asking the second question and overlooking the more important question.

The most important question of all is "Who should decide when abortion is legal or not?"

To answer this, you have to understand what the answer to that question really entails. To outlaw an abortion is to make it a homicide, the unlawful taking of a human life. It requires deciding when the fetus becomes a "person" under the law, and entitled to the protection of the law of its right to exist.

This is not a question for a court, nor is it a question for the federal government.

This question should be decided by state legislatures.

Now, that being said... assuming we all agree that it is already homicide to kill someone that has in fact been born, we are focusing on the unborn, and whether to extend that protection to some time prior to birth.

There are stages in fetal development, and the Supreme Court divided it into "trimesters", but the problem there is that there's simply no way to tell when the fetus passes from one to another trimester. There are two and only two points that we can determine with absolute certainty whether they have occurred or not, conception and birth. Everything else is a guess, and with $500 I could get a medical opinion to say whatever I wanted said.

The surest way to breed contempt for the law is to make it vague and uncertain. If we want the law to work, we must choose conception or birth.

What about exceptions, you ask? You mean like rape, or incest? Well, the fact is that when you analyze the question this way, it's obvious that we're talking about the rights of the fetus, not the rights of the mother. We know she has rights, the question is, does the fetus have any? If the answer is "yes", then they cannot be made contingent on the relationship of the parents, so no, there can be no exception for rape or incest. If there are, then there are no rights, because rights are absolute and not contingent on extraneous matters like incest or birth defects.

I could live with either that a state legislature picked, but to talk about "viability" is a sign of ignorance. A two year old left on its own is non-viable. To talk about "when life begins" is also ignorant, because life does NOT "begin". It ends for specific organisms, but it does not begin spontaneously. You must have a living egg and a living sperm to have conception. What CAN begin is "personhood", but that is a legislative decision.

2006-10-11 16:21:44 · answer #3 · answered by open4one 7 · 1 0

Abortion should be legal all the time. This will always cover certain circumstances like rape and incest, along with the women's right to choose. Why should religious people determine what is right for my body? If I ever get raped and get pregnant as a result, I do not want to bring a child to term that will always remind me of that horrible night and of the disgusting rapist. An innocent child will be better off not being born with these feelings and I would never consider giving it up for adoption, especially since there are so many children already needing homes. Therefore, I am for abortion being legal.

2006-10-11 16:25:32 · answer #4 · answered by clion71 3 · 0 0

This is a good question, one that has been controversial for a long time. Many people have their own reasons for either being pro-abortion or pro-life. To each one it is their perception which makes for their reality of how they feel.

With 98% of abortions being done as a birth control method, one has to wonder why people don't take the responsibility for possible conception before conception occurs. Why do so many wait to use a birth control method after the fact?

Only 2% of abortions are done because either the mother or child are in danger, rape, or incest.

If abortion was made illegal, if those that chose not to use any birth control at the time of sex, had to go through with the pregnancy and give up the baby for adoption. 2 things might happen with this scenario. One there would never be a shortage again of babies that are available for adoption, so those who truly want a child could have one. And 2 if a woman knew if she had unprotected sex and got pregnant she would have to carry the child full-term, perhaps other forms of birth control would be used more often.

It is sad when we have to have our government decide on life issues such as this. Roe vs Wade(1973) was a perfect example of the government having to step into people's lives and make a moral judgement call. For the last 33 yrs the government has ruled over this issue.

I just wish people would make the responsible choice of birth control before the passions of sex lead them to do things they know could end up making a life.

2006-10-11 16:13:40 · answer #5 · answered by Cat 3 · 0 0

I don't think abortion is right in any case, but I can understand why some women/girls would want one. The pregnancy could have been forced on them like rape, or a teenager could be afraid of what her parents would say, no money, or other things that could be made more difficult with a child. Abortion is still murder no matter how you look at it, or the circumstances surrounding the pergnancy. It's still killing a living person.

2006-10-11 16:10:55 · answer #6 · answered by lexi 2 · 0 1

I think only if the girl as been raped they should be able to get a abortion. For everyone else they should of thought about the consequences before they had sex and should either give the baby up for adoption or keep it. A lot of people wish they could have a child and adoption allows that to happen.

2006-10-11 16:07:53 · answer #7 · answered by Aimee 5 · 0 0

I think a woman always has the right to choose. However I would put a restriction after the first trimester as it becomes more dangerous at that point. The point that a lot of people miss is that por-choice and pro-life people have the same mission. That is to reduce the number of abortions per year. Each group has their own method of course.

2006-10-11 16:05:54 · answer #8 · answered by sugarcarat 5 · 0 0

Abortion is never ok because life exists from the moment of conception. Babies who are aborted die horribly gruesome and painful deaths, either by having their bodies ripped apart by vacuums, burnt with salt solution or by having their brains ripped from their skulls moments before they are born.
Simply saying "i'm not with the right person, in the right place in my life emotionally or financially or this is inconvenient " does not justify abortion. If a person isn't with the "right person, stable emotionally or financially or that babies are inconvenient" they shouldn't be having sex.
In cases of rape, it is not the child's fault how the child was conceived. Give the child up for adoption but do not deny the child life.
In cases of possible birth defects or disease, who are we to decide what life is not worth living?
In cases of incest once again there should be adoption. It is not the child's fault how the child was conceived. Simply having an abortion in most cases is only temporary fix before another pregnancy is conceived. It doesn't really solve anything. It murders an innocent, destroys the soul of the parents (who could honestly have NO regrets?) and teaches no responsibility or respect for life.

2006-10-11 16:08:52 · answer #9 · answered by siobahn 2 · 0 2

As long as we live in a world where women's reproductive freedom is constantly compromised through rape and coersion and limited access to economic freedom and contraception, abortion is hardly ever the best choice, or ideal, but necessary. Basically you show me a world where even one woman is rapable, and I'll show you a world where abortion is a necessary provision.

2006-10-11 16:16:54 · answer #10 · answered by Angela 2 · 0 0

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