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I'm not talking about the Foley scandal. I'm wondering if you think you've made progress on the morals agenda. Is the US a better place to raise your kids now?

2006-10-11 08:50:34 · 17 answers · asked by ? 5 in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

No--people are meaner than ever...

the poor are worse off and Jesus talked about the poor more than any topic except salvation.

We now approve of torture and spying and our word is crap as we have broken several treaties we signed.

We are cutting aid to the sick and needy here and around the globe.

we put corporations ahead of people (corporate welfare, bankruptcy bill, etc).

Abortions are at the highest level since Roe v Wade (due to the economy etc)

People hate people so much more due to the political divide (witness on here, in your families, in congress) etc.

Due to the 50 billion in cuts to social programs in Dec. 05 (three weeks later they gave 70 BILLION in tax cuts to the rich), we are not feeding the poor, healing the sick, sheltering the homeless, educating the uneducated. We cut child support enforcement and vet benefits, wic, housing, school lunches, medical, education, food stamps, etc. ignoring the least among us.

We take people labor to make millions or billions and then outsource the person's jobs with barely a notice and we exploit people in poor countries like Walmart's paying people in Honduras 9 cents a hour with forced 24 hours shifts and locked bathrooms.

We have and will create the most horrific birth defects EVER due to dropping the equal of 1/4 million Nagasaki bombs in Iraq to the end of time (4 q/2 billion years) Google the words extreme birth deformities. We are responsible for cancer skyrocketing in Iraq to 1000% (birth defects also up 1000%), and creating more gulf war syndrome (all four places we used these weapons have gulf war type syndromes)..

We send tens of thousands of troops home sick, discharge them, and do not treat their illnesses from du..we create serious deformities like missing eyes or limbs in our troops offspring and sicken their wives. We poison our allies (DU has spread to 15 countries).

We cut our children school budgets and we saddle them with horrific debt..we cut social programs but give high priority to corporate welfare in the hundreds of billions of dollars, we think reverse Robin Hood is good.

We ruin our own democracy through voter fraud while forces it on others at the point of a gun.
we hate those of others religions or cultures and kill so many under age 15.

Our media lies to us, propagandizes us, and our president fakes medical studies and uses fake reporters. We make it possible to arrest with no due process and even torture our own citizens and build 800 concentration camps in the US and now build more giving Halliburton subsidiary, KRB, a 300 million plus contract to rush and build more. Why? The administration creates fear and gives us things to be fearful of as they go towards fascism.

We have no bid contract and Halliburton wins through the suffering of others..victims of war and Katrina and maybe with the camps, eventually us..

We watch black people die and won't let them out of the state or let aid in....the president rushes to vote for one woman in a coma but doesn't even know about the vast number of black Americans dying on TV before our eyes during Katrina. His mother looks at people who lost their homes, pets, money, Id, worldly possessions, hometown, and maybe kids or family members and

says how much better off they are and how this is working out really well for them..

I could type for days.

We forgot "blessed are the peacemakers, do under others, and that "love is the most important thing..if you have not love, you have nothing.

2006-10-11 09:20:47 · answer #1 · answered by janie 7 · 4 2

Heck no!!! The last thing America is is moral! The U.S is a bad place to raise kids I cant think of any place thats a good place to raise kids these days. You have wars going on this world, crazed people with nuclear weapons, school shootings, I mean really! Whats this world coming to?

2006-10-11 16:09:14 · answer #2 · answered by . 6 · 2 0

A six year service by an incompetent administration has not changed really anything on that issue. It takes much more than a fair government and a good president to heel a suffering from many wounds society. With such a bad government and maybe the worst president ever the speculation stands very very far from truth.

2006-10-11 16:09:16 · answer #3 · answered by supersonikid 2 · 2 1

I'm not a values voter. Just wanted to say I've been wondering about people who seem to care more about a president having an affair than one starting a war based on false pretenses, or who feel that Christianity and Democracy can be spread by force. Seems to me that compulsory acceptance goes against the most basic tenants of both.

2006-10-11 16:05:36 · answer #4 · answered by socrates 6 · 3 1

Well, I would like to think so, but I doubt it.
You must remember that being under Republican rule has almost nothing to do with whether or not we are a more moral society.

2006-10-11 16:00:26 · answer #5 · answered by no nickname 6 · 1 1

The funny thing is republicans and conservatives actually think their party leaders give a damn about morals.They just say what you want to hear. Have they outlawed abortion? Gay marriage? Can you pray in school?
Partial birth abortion gone, it was disgusting anyway and should be outlawed.
Gay marriage? We are actually further along with that issue then under Clinton so thank you!
Prayer anywhere? Nope not that I can recall.
Its not because they cant' they control the house and congress. Could it be just they dont care what you think.

2006-10-11 15:54:52 · answer #6 · answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 · 5 3

Wow that question scares me. What does politics have to do with the morality of individuals and families? And why should a political party have anything to do with my morality? Isn't big government in my life enough all ready?

2006-10-11 15:58:54 · answer #7 · answered by crusinthru 6 · 3 3

After 6 years of Republican Rule, we have the Republican Pedophile Scandal.

I would like to make sure Repedicans can't get near my children.

2006-10-11 15:54:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

I would say the office of President has at least gotten some respect back to it, but I don't look to the government, regardless of who is there, as a source of morals. Morals should come from upbringing and life experience.

2006-10-11 15:59:08 · answer #9 · answered by scorpio 2 · 0 5

Oh don't make me laugh!

Only if economic elitism, Social Darwinism, and moralistic hypocrisy are your ideas of "values".

2006-10-11 16:08:29 · answer #10 · answered by kreevich 5 · 2 0

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