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we ave been tho alot already the last 2months but i ave a feelin im pregnant its still early to find out but ppl say ladies no when they are or not and if he wants it will he still love me and i h8 kids . wood i b a good mum . if i wanna keep it will he still love me . im v v v very confussed

2006-10-11 07:31:33 · 57 answers · asked by flick 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

57 answers

Go get a pregnancy test from the drug store and find out before you stress yourself out anymore.

2006-10-11 07:41:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

*sigh* I think none of these people have been in your situation.

As a teen, my gf and I were in the same situation. We eventually decided to terminate the pregnancy. It still makes me sad but I know we made the right decision. It 25 my problems seem big now. I can't imagine what single parents my age have to deal with.

At 17 it seems like your relationships will last forever. Unfortunately, they won't. In the next 5 years you will go through an astounding amount of change. I don't deny that you may feel the way you feel about your bf, but you may not always feel that way.

My gf and I stayed together for 3 more years, but I am glad I eventually moved on. Even though i always will love her, I'm also glad I have has a chance to love the other people in my life that came after her.

If you feel no attachment to the baby, then you may hold regrets. No child should grow up being a regret. If you are not comfortable with abortion then adoption might be the answer. Regardless, don't make this decision counting on weather this will let you keep your bf. Relationships that are two months old are fickle. Your decision now will affect you the rest of your life.

2006-10-11 08:30:41 · answer #2 · answered by marwillis 1 · 1 0

Only you can decide if you want to continue with the pregnancy and keep the baby if you are pregnant.

The first thing you need to do is have a test done. You can buy them in the chemists or you can hand a sample in to your doctor. You might be worrying needlessly.

If you are pregnant, it's not the end of the world, you have not (as some others suggest) ruined your life, only changed the direction you were heading in. Anything you planned to do now, can be done in the future.

You have lots of options. You can speak to a family planning doctor. They're really good. Give you loads of advice and lay all the options out for you and are realistic about all the choices you have.

Whatever the outcome, you've got to do what's right for you and consider the long term consequences of whatever decision you make. Be sure you do the right thing for you, not other people. Good luck, whatever the outcome.

2006-10-11 07:57:04 · answer #3 · answered by Wendy M 3 · 0 0

Coming to people on line for answers to something that should be taken very seriously is kinda brave and stupid at the same time. One, its brave cause you will get a lot of various answers and unneeded comments and judgments. And two, its stupid cause you do put yourself out there for those people to say mean things. But the bright side is that at least you have the courage to seek some guidance.
We dont know the whole story of you and your boyfriend. I do agree however that 17 is a young age to start a family. And having only been with the father a short time of 2 months sex isnt the only way to show a guy that you love him. Reguardless of what they may say or do otherwise.
I personaly believe that you are wrong in your thinking at this moment.. Yes its a scary thing to bring a child into this world and even more so to raise them alone. But worring more about if the man is going to stick around over the fact that you may be pregnant shouldnt be the main issue.
If you dont care for children and you dont wish to have any then you should take the precautions to make sure you dont have any.
But if it is infact too late and you are going to be a young mother then you need to wise up and take responsiblities for your actions. And many younger ladies than you have done it and alone. And come out stronger and better in the long run.
Take a test, Go to the local heath dept. and find out for sure or check with you family doctor. Then you can decide on what to do for yours and your babys furture.
If youre not pregnant. Then stay in school and focus on whats really important and what will get you far in life. Knowledge is key to everything. Luck to you.

2006-10-11 07:49:53 · answer #4 · answered by sunken_treasures05 1 · 1 0

OK hard to understand what is going on but lets see if I get this - you and your boyfriend are 17 and just started dating but you felt the need to have unprotected sex with a guy you barely knew and now you think you are pregnant (unless condom broke but you should have been on the pill too - only true birth control is abstinance).

And now you have 2 issues - what if your boyfriend wants to leave you and could you be a good mom if you hate kids? Seriously you need to sit down and talk to your school councelor, parent, relative - some adult - because that's ridiculous.

Honestly - who cares what your BF thinks if you became preg - if he dumped you because of it then you don't need him in your life - but if you keep the child you better be sure to collect support from him.

As for you hating children - if you hate children then how can you expect to be a good mother? You are 17 yrs old and obviously not very mature - which means you need to do what is best for the baby - and personally I wouldn't abort but I would give that baby up for adoption to a family who loves babies and can afford one and doesn't have other issues going on. If you choose to abort then that is your choice - but don't be pressured into it or do it just because you think you'll get dumped otherwise.

And certainly do not do what you see these crazy women on the news doing and hide the pregnancy and give birth and then dump their child somewhere like a trash can - they ahve safe haven laws in place where if you give birth - you can drop your drop at a hospital or police station in most states with no questions asked.

2006-10-11 08:00:48 · answer #5 · answered by Rae T 4 · 0 0

This has to be a joke, right? If not,

1) If you have only known him for 2 months, WHY ARE YOU HAVING SEX???

2) If you are not sure if he loves you, WHY ARE YOU HAVING SEX???

3) If you think you're pregnant, why haven't you taken a test? They are about $14 (or less) at Walmart.

4) FINISH SCHOOL. No, you will not be a good "mum" until you finish your education and know something about the world.

5) Any 17 yo guy that says he "wants" a baby is lying and will not be there in 2 years.

I'm sorry if this is harsh, but seriously, there is NO EXCUSE to get pregnant in this day and age if you do not want to be. There is also no excuse for having sex after knowing a guy for only two months. Perhaps this event will give you a little perspective on "giving it up" and what that means.

2006-10-11 07:41:54 · answer #6 · answered by Goose&Tonic 6 · 0 1

Please tell someone, especially you parents. Sit down and explain you have got yourself into a frightening situation and are scared and need help. Get a test, then see your GP. He will explain all options. there is support from all sorts of agencies out there for any decision you make. Do not base your decision on what your boyfriend may or may not do. Do whats right for you. If you find you are not pregnant, and you are worried about seeing your GP, go to a family planning clinic and get free contraception. I think you can get an injection that lasts 3 months. Also use condoms to protect yourself against disease. If you do decide to have the baby, you will love it, it may not come quickly or feel natural, but it will be there. It is normal to feel completely alienated, petrified and bewildered, but get all the info on all the choices and discuss it with your parents and your boyfriend. He will feel as scared as you are, but don't base your choice on if you think you will lose him or not. I'm not sure if this is any help, but I do wish you luck with your decision and hope you get all the support you deserve.

2006-10-11 07:55:53 · answer #7 · answered by india 3 · 1 0

Sweetie U Need To Finish Ur Education Regardless Of What Ever Else Happens,There Is Only One Person U Can Count On On This Planet,That I Am afraid Is U...And If U Have A Child It Will Depend On U Too...Good Luck...

2006-10-11 07:42:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Where do I start!
First off, don't you have any shame posting up such a question, I seriously hope you didn't think you were going to get positive feedback out of it.
Second, you are more worried about losing your fuddy duddy little boyfriend whom is most likely going to be out of your life in a few months anyways, because we all know, high school sweethearts DO NOT LAST!!!!! Worry about bringing a baby into this world when you are not mentally nor financially stable. Poor baby, not poor you!
Take a mental note, close your legs if you can't handle responsibility, or use protection is anything, you know, birth control is free in some places, get informed before you decide to open your legs again.

2006-10-11 07:40:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You need to tell him and you need to find out for sure, take a home pregnancy test or go to a doctor for a blood test. After you have told him, allow him to help you decide your best option. Find a pregnancy counseling center to educate yourselves on the options.

Even if you don't like other people's kids, you might be suprised how much you love your own, and how hard you will strive to be a good mom.

If you don't want to give the baby up or have an abortion, don't do it just because he says he will leave if you don't. Educate yourself and go with your instincts. You need to respect his wishes, but it is your body, not his.

If you aren't pregnant, use a condom every time from now on. It will protect you against STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

2006-10-11 07:36:42 · answer #10 · answered by S. O. 4 · 0 0

He should really be the last factor in your question here if indeed you ARE pregnant. You need to find out before you worry about him.

1. What do you want?
2. What's best for this baby, what kind of life can you give it?
3. What role with the father play?

I don't know what your family situation is like, but I know at 17 I didn't feel it would be fair to have my parents raise my child as they just spent 17 years raising me. Abortion is an option, but I'm personally not for that as I don't agree with it FOR MYSELF. You have to decide if it's something you can deal with for the rest of your life. My personal suggestion is to love yourself, your boyfriend AND your baby enough to give it the best upbringing possible. Which more often than not means finding a loving family for it to be raised by. I believe anything else might be selfish of you. At 17 you still have your whole life ahead of you as does this boy. You got yourself into a sticky situation. There are thousands of parents who want and cannot have babies who will love this child as if it were there own. Not only that, they'll pay your medical expenses so your parents don't have to.

This boy... don't worry about him and your love for him. You're 17 and have your whole life ahead of you. I know he feels like the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, but I guarantee if you were to shake hands with yourself 10 years from now you will think "man was I silly to think this was the one".

2006-10-11 07:50:49 · answer #11 · answered by Heather S 4 · 0 0

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