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I am Canadian, and I really do not know much about the United States politics.
I always see anti bush everywhere i go
it's almost like a new, "fad"
why does everyone hate him? I'd like to know

2006-10-11 06:55:09 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

42 answers

Bush has put forward some very controversial notions, including but not limited to:

- the "preemptive strike", where a nation is justified in attacking another nation becuse that nation *might* attack them someday;

- the notion that the Executive Branch can ignore the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act & eavesdrop on anyone's telephone conversations or emails without a warrant;

- the notion that the government can imprison both foreign nationals and American citizens without an arrest warrant, imprison them indefinitely without access to legal defense, and never have to present anyone with charges of a crime being committed, all in the name of "national security";

- the notion that budget deficits don't really matter;

- the notion that putting political cronies in charge of Iraqi reconstruction, FEMA, and any number of other federal agencies and programs is perfectly acceptable and prudent.

In addition, there has been plenty of controversy about the War in Iraq. Whether one agrees with the president's Iraq policies or not, no one can deny that many of this Administration's decisions and public pronouncements about Iraq and the war have been the source of heated debate and disagreement. And it should be understandable that the results of the War in Iraq cause dislike of those responsible for it (over 2,000 U.S. soldiers dead; over 20,000 U.S. soldiers wounded; over 40,000 Iraqi civilians killed; insurgent attacks increasing every month despite the declaration of "Mission: Accomplished" and the insurgents allegedly being in their "last throes"; etc. etc. etc.)

U.S. presidents always have to make controversial decisions, and controversy stirs up very strong emotions. But during the last six years, we have had an overabundance of controversy from the White House, which has yielded a bumper crop of strong feelings. This overabundance of controversy may just be the result of the context we live in post-9/11, or it may be the "fault" of those in power right now. It's hard to say. By no means does everyone "hate Bush", but, like him or hate him, pretty much everyone has some strong opinions about him.

2006-10-11 07:19:52 · answer #1 · answered by Dave of the Hill People 4 · 4 1

Contrary to what people think, hating bush is not the "cool" thing to do. Politics are not "cool."

While Bush has a small following, he still has one.

One big reason, for me, is the war with Iraq. First of all, you can not force a democracy on the people. It defies the roots of what a democracy is. Democrary was originally invented by the Greeks. They made the word that literally means people power. Although I personally don't believe they ever had a true democracy because of the fact that women were treated as inferior beings not aloud to vote, they still defined what a democracy is. Now starting a war with a nation and forcing power to the people contradicts the true nature of a democracy.

You can also look at how recently he has defied the Geneva Conventions. I mean hardcore conservative republicans have come out against Bush on this issue. THAT says a lot.


2006-10-11 09:19:35 · answer #2 · answered by Jillian 2 · 0 0

Some of it a fad. Some people hate him simply because he is a Republican (rough equivalent of a Conservative in Canada). Others hate him becuase of the 2000 and 2004 elections which were very close and anomolies in voting both times made the results look bad. Most Bush haters ignore the weird voting results that favored Democrats. Many people have grown discontent with him for the way the war in Iraq has been handled. Finally, there are those who blame him for the rapid increase in oil prices the last couple of years even though he really doesn't have much control over them.

There are legitimate reasons to disagree with GW Bush politically and he has made mistakes just like every other president and every human has. Unfortunately, what you are seeing is the irrational dislike of the man for simply existing. That I can't explain.

2006-10-11 07:03:10 · answer #3 · answered by Crusader1189 5 · 4 1

Not everyone hates him here. About half the people here just love him. There are very few people who don't feel strongly about him one way or the other.

I don't like him because he wants to run the country entirely through the Executive Branch and has pushed legislation that undermines the Bill of Rights and other guarantees of due process and civil liberties in the constitution, and because he's handled our response to 9-11-01 in such a way as to cause damage to nearly everything and everyone EXCEPT Osama bin Laden, which has made most people around the world hate the U.S.A.

Most people here who DO like him feel that he is the human embodiment of our entire country, and they feel that that anyone who disagrees with Bush is unpatriotic.
Many who like him feel that anyone who disagrees with Bush is a terrorist, and should be tried for treason and locked up in secret dungeons.

2006-10-11 07:03:39 · answer #4 · answered by A Box of Signs 4 · 2 2

I don't hate President Bush. Only those ignorant Democratic people dislike him. President Bush does a good job as the leader of the terrorist preventions country. I admire him for his strong believe in God.

2006-10-11 10:34:44 · answer #5 · answered by jane 4 · 0 0

Where do I start?

He's dumb. The man makes up words, can't make sentences that make sence, and barely passed college. (I'm not saying that people who barely pass college [or don't go to college] are dumb, I'm just saying that the leader of a huge country ought to have passed college with good grades.)

He started a war that made no sense. Supposedly, it was to fight the terrorists that attacked New York. Those terrorists were from Afganistan, which is where the war started. How did the war then transfer over into Iraq? So many people (from Afganistan, America, Iraq, and various other countries) died, for no apparent reason. There are still terrorist groups (which hate this country more than they did before), they never did find Osama bin Laden, there never were any weapons of mass destructions, and for what? To get back at Iraq for hurting the first President Bush's feelings?

He doesn't do what the majority of Americans want him to do. Even though the majority of Americans did not agree with the war in Iraq, he has done nothing to stop it.

There are many more reasons, but I think those are the biggest ones. It's hard to respect a man like Bush, and a whole lot of Americans are sick of having him in office. It was bad enough during his first term, but now we're just waiting for the opportunity to get someone else in office.

2006-10-11 07:07:50 · answer #6 · answered by K 4 · 2 4

I get so mad when i see so much ignorance and people still have the nerve to defend Bush.
How do I hate thee..
There are so many reasons that it would impossible to stop me if I start to name them.
Ask that question to the mothers of those soldiers dying everyday in Irak. They will give you the best answer

2006-10-11 07:33:27 · answer #7 · answered by IVETTE 7/26 4 · 1 0

The "I hate Bush" thing is a fad. The sad thing is 98% of the people who say they don't like him have no reason why. If they do it is solely based on popular opinion of their surroundings, friends, etc. I am not to fond of many of his policy's. I hear many people complain about him but have yet to see anybody put out cold hard facts on Bush. Granted I don't think he is among the best presidents but, he is attempting to do the best he can providing the circumstances. Many of the people out there sending Bush to hell need to be more knowledgeable about the facts that contributed to this war and then examine Bushes reactions. I won't be mad at the world for hating him just know what your talking about.

2006-10-11 07:15:46 · answer #8 · answered by D33p ThoUghT 2 · 0 4

I don't hate him. I am a liberal and I don't hate GW yes I said it and here is why. I honestly believe that GW thinks he is doing the best for his country. What he is doing is completely wrong, and is dragging us down, but I really think he thinks he is going to deliver his country up to the heavens on a silver platter and God himself (who he says talks to him) will reward him. I really think he believes what he is doing, is best for this country. I don't think it's because he doesn't care, or that he is stupid (which he is.)
Now Cheney on the other hand.....whoa.........that is an answer for a different question :)

2006-10-11 10:23:38 · answer #9 · answered by bornalib 2 · 0 0

I'm from the U.K. When he was just a governor it was hilarious, watching him trying to construct a coherent sentence. Unfortunately things have got a lot more serious since then.

2006-10-11 07:16:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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