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I want to know if they put any type of anesthetic before they do it and does it really hurt the baby? Where do they do it at the hospital or at the clinic?

2006-10-11 06:50:02 · 15 answers · asked by I smile because of them ♥ 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

15 answers

Some doctors do use a local some still do not. The doctors don't think it is necessary because the little guys are easy to tie down and can't get up and leave or defend themselves anyway. Plus once the cutting begins the boy goes into shock and may even quit crying.

Does it really hurt the baby? If they give him a local that will wear off in a few hours, the pain isn't just during surgery it goes on for at least a week. Have you ever had a fingernail ripped off? The pain goes on and on for days.

Just because the boy can't tell you how bad it is doesn't mean that it is not painful. If you ignore a child's crying long enough they will quit crying as it is not doing them any good anyway, nobody is making the hurt go away.

The thing is it is such an unneeded pain. The reasons that are used for circumcising are totally false.

If a doctor says circumcision is needed, it is because he/she doesn't know or want to know how to treat an intact penis. He can make more money cutting than he can by perscribing a cream to treat what ever little problem might arrise.

More and more little boys are being left intact, those that are cut are going to see that they are missing something. Some day they will look it up and find just what was taken from them, without their consent. Do you want your son to ask "Why did you have my penis cut? What gave you that right?

I see a lot of females answer these questions, like they have so much experence with what it is like to be circumcised. They have no idea! If her clothing was to grate against her clitoris every day all day, a woman might get the beginnings of an idea. They think it is just a flap of skin; with 240 feet of nerves and 20,000 specialized nerve endings the foreskin is comperable to the female clitoris.

It comes to this; some new mothers are so damn lazy they are willing to have their new baby cut on because somebody said it is easier than cleaning him or teaching him hygene!

2006-10-11 08:16:03 · answer #1 · answered by cut50yearsago 6 · 3 2

I'm a nurse in L&D and work in a smalltown hospital in the south.
I've prepped many babies for this proceedure and have assisted with many.
We usually do circumcisions the second or third day after birth here in the hospital.

We use EMLA cream about an hour before the circumcision which numbs the penis. Babies do fuss a little but mainly from having their legs held apart. Some cry when when the foreskin is being squeezed by the gomco clamp but they soon settle down.

The proceedure only takes about 15 minutes and the baby is sent back to the mother with a vaseline gauze wrapped around the penis.

2006-10-11 15:13:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Yes, they use a local anesthetic. The baby does feel pain, the same as you do when you go to the dentist and get novacaine. The circumcision itself doesn't hurt because the area is numbed by the local anesthetic. It is done in the hospital by your OB. Since you didn't ask whether it is right or wrong or whether you should or shouldn't have your son circumcised, I, unlike the other answerers, won't give you my personal opinions about circumcision.

2006-10-11 14:24:17 · answer #3 · answered by mickeymouselover 3 · 2 2

Another mama recently asked about circumcision also; this is what I posted to her:

There is not one medical association in the world that recommends routine infant circumcision anymore -- not even the APA. It's a cosmetic procedure without any health benefits.

Personally, I think it's barbaric.

First and foremost, this is HIS body, no one else's. It should be his decision whether or not to permanently remove a healthy and functional part of it. It's never too late to have a circumcision done, but once done, it can never be undone.

Secondly, it DOES cause pain. A lot of pain. This has been proven over and over again in medical studies and anyone who says differently is trying to convince themselves that they didn't choose to hurt their precious new baby. In order to give numb the surgical area, they stick a needle into your newborn's penis. Of course that hurts. If they do it right, they wait at least 15 minutes before proceeding with the circumcision. Many doctors don't, and there are some who still don't use any pain relief. Unless you're in the room with them, you won't know. Nurses will often tell you your baby slept through the procedure. I know several nurses. They tell parents that to make them feel better. What really happens is that the baby screams in shock, pain, and disbelief as the foreskin is ripped away from the glans (similar to ripping a fingernail off, but much more painful), then passes out as the foreskin is cut away.

Then while the wound is healing, it's kept in a diaper and exposed to urine and feces. That's supposed to be healthier???

Check out www.nocirc.org. I think it should be mandatory that any parent considering surgery for their newborn watch a circumcision video so they know exactly what is entailed, and then be in the room with their son while the surgery is performed. To do any less is to willfully blind yourself to the truth so you won't be bothered by any pesky feelings of guilt.

The foreskin is fused to the head of the penis during childhood to protect it. It secretes smegma, which has antibacterial properties, to keep the glans clean. Sometime between ages 3-13, on average, the foreskin will gradually separate from the glans and become retractile. Never force this. Retracting a boy's foreskin can cause scarring and infection. You don't need to clean under there any more than you need to clean the inside of a girl's vagina. Caring for an intact boy is easy -- just wipe the outside and leave it alone.

It sounds like you've got strong instincts, mama, and they're telling you to protect your baby boy. Listen to them!

2006-10-11 14:38:54 · answer #4 · answered by peregrine1123 2 · 5 3

Wait, you mean that if it hurts the baby and the baby forgets it then it's all right? Wow!!! What in the world? I don't care if the baby "forgets" it as soon as the doctor walks away...how can anyone put their child through that regardless.

I'm with mama 2 min...there is absolutely no reason for it. Think about it, some people say it is for religious purposes. But come now, would the skin be there if God not intended it that way?

Then some people say it's to prevent infections and certain cancers later in life. Come one more time now, is it possible that that could happen? Maybe the infection, but it's just as preventable as it is plausible.

Then others will say that it's for the child's own good, what? I've never understood circumcision and I am also in agreement that my children will not be circumcised. I mean my boy children won't be.

Hope this helps. But please think twice about doing it.

2006-10-11 14:14:37 · answer #5 · answered by Miss P. Square Pinky Swear 3 · 4 2

I think it depends on the child's age. I do believe they do use a local anesthetic on the area. I think it will hurt a little but it is a pain they will forget due to their age. You can have them do it before he leaves the hospital or they can do it later at a clinic. It is really up to you.

2006-10-11 13:57:36 · answer #6 · answered by mekhia81 2 · 3 2

Yes..they use a local anesthetic and it's quite quick. There is a medical reason to do it. I've known many young boys that end up having to it later and it's worse later.

2006-10-11 14:19:50 · answer #7 · answered by KathyS 7 · 2 3

In most cases your OBGYN does it while the baby's in the nursery - usually the day of discharge if not the day before. Some doctors use a numbing cream called EMLA, some don't. If it hurts them, they forget it before the doctor leaves the room.

2006-10-11 13:56:45 · answer #8 · answered by zippythejessi 7 · 4 2

Hi,it usually is done before the baby leaves the hospital. ,, my advice to you , is if you want it to be done, let them do it hospital before you carry the baby home,
good luck

2006-10-11 14:49:49 · answer #9 · answered by leena 2 · 1 1

the only recently began using something to freeze it and you shouldn't do it, it's not your body to cut things off, would you like it if you were circumcised, there are places where woman are also circumcised, let him decide, his penis is healthy

2006-10-11 15:37:01 · answer #10 · answered by Mat 4 · 1 1

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