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36 answers

See a doctor for professional advice and make sure he gives you contraception for post termination! Abortion is not a form of birth control.
IUD (coil) fitting is NOT a way to stop the pregnancy as someone suggested

2006-10-11 04:43:26 · answer #1 · answered by huggz 7 · 1 0

Fuc**in hell leave the poor person alone!! she could of taken the morning after pill!!! or used contreception.. Accidents happen!! my mate got pregnant and she took the morning after pill in the right time and still ended up pregnant!! I do think you should think about it before getting rid of it, go to your doctor or the family planning clini where you can get FRIENDLY and helpfull advice off somebody. There is a pill you can have that basically aborts the baby, if i'm correct it makes you have a misscarriage. So my mum i think was sayin, by the way she works in that kinda of practice!! but good luck and hope everything goes well!!!

2006-10-11 05:36:33 · answer #2 · answered by hineycone1987 2 · 1 0

Well, you're too late for the "morning after pill", but NOT for Ru 486 (the "abortion" pill). Yes, it IS an abortion, aka, termination of pregnancy. For those who would dissuade you out of their own "moral" beliefs and other brainwashing....remember, it is YOUR decision. IT impacts YOUR life, not theirs.

Also remember this; fetuses do NOT have any brain activity until TWELVE weeks. For me, that pretty much shoots a hole in the "fetuses are humans" argument!

Still, in the end, do what you think is best and DO NOT be surprised if you run into "holier-than-thou" doctors with an agenda! Just go somewhere else. (Family Planning clinics can give you info).

I would also try the site "NARAL -prochoiceamerica.org", for links in your area.

Any doctor who performs abortions should have no trouble getting rid of of 3-week old fetus.

However, in the future...PLEASE use better contraceptives!!! Condoms are 90% effective when used right and, when I taught Health Ed. in High School, if you asked guys whether they'd rather have no sex or sex w/a condom...over 99% of them picked "Sex WITH a condom"!

Don't let guys snow you w/that "I don't LIKE condoms" routine! Guys will generally do whatever they can to have sex, IF you insist on the terms! Be in control of YOUR Life!

2006-10-11 04:43:24 · answer #3 · answered by Gwynneth Of Olwen 6 · 2 0

Hi, No, you should have used your common sense if you didnt want this baby in the first place. Obviously you dont really know much about it. But i suggest going to your doctors and seeing what he has to say. Its not the babys fault that you were careless. You can always have an abortion but i dont agree with it and i think alot of people dont, as the baby is a living thing now, growing inside you. Anyways, I suggest in doing a web search and findong out about your options and go from there. Next time think before you act then you may not find your self in this situation that you dont like very much.

Also maybe you want to type in babys in the womb and then you will see that a baby just isnt a cell and nothing formed yet, At weeks it has hands and feet, and nearly its face. Then at 12 weeks it can be seen yawning and crying, New studier have show this. Try talking to a close relative.if this helps

2006-10-11 08:11:53 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hi Hun, There is a pill that can be taken if your under the 6 - 7 weeks pregnant, you will have to go to a family planning clinic, your doctor can not prescribe this.
on your first appointment they will give you the pill and then you will have to return in a couple of days to make sure that the pill has done what you want it to do. There will also be councelling at both appointments. Take no notice of any of the smartt comments,its your choice to make.

Good Luck

2006-10-11 05:00:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yours is a question that brings out the real snakes from under the stones ... here you are in a real panic, and you're getting some truly nasty answers.

Not from me though. First of all, calm down. I assume you've done a test and it's positive? Okay. Then you really should go to a doctor to discuss options. I know that right now all you want to do is make this horrible situation go away - and given that you don't say anything about the circumstances around the sex you had that made you pregnant, I can only wonder - then this is understandable.

If you're going to terminate it, do it safely. Go to your doctor, otherwise go to a Women's Health Centre and ask their help and advice. I am pretty sure that they deal with people with unplanned pregnancies all the time, and in confidence. It might be reassuring to know that you would not be alone in this, okay?

Take care of yourself.

2006-10-11 04:40:50 · answer #6 · answered by Orla C 7 · 2 0

If you mean over the counter stuff, no not safely.
Go to planned parenthood or another clinic and they can give you something. Check here...


Be sure that you want to go through with it though. Talk to people on both sides of the fence or read others' stories while making your decision. Not something you want to regret later.
Good Luck with whatever you decide.

And to all of the people with their nasty remarks, you don't know the situation that put her here. Most of you are probably against abortion for religious reasons, but you're sitting here judging this girl w/o even knowing the nature of her issue. What if she was raped, or is a 12 yr. old whose father has been using her for years. Don't assume that every pregnancy is the 'mistake' of a reckless woman who didn't keep her legs closed.
And Im sure there are parents that regret having their children, I just doubt that theyd openly admit it.
So don't sell her the dream that everything will be wonderful if she has the baby. She might be saving this child from abuse or death at her hands years later.
Don't judge.

2006-10-11 04:40:41 · answer #7 · answered by morethanfacevalue 3 · 1 0

I don't know the names of the herbs, but it is possible to give yourself an herbal abortion. Read **** by Inga Muscio for more information. She did one like that. I know that she had a friend who is a masseuse who massaged her abdomen in the way you should not rub the abdomen of a woman who wants to keep her baby, and that she drank herbal teas from herbs that can cause a miscarriage, and that she focused herself completely on the embryo detaching from her uterus and flowing out of her. I know it worked.

Either that, or you can go to the doctor. Or carry the pregnancy to term and give the baby up or keep it.

In the end, it IS your decision.

But definitely be careful with the herbal abortion thing. I do NOT want you to hurt yourself. Going to a doctor is definitely the safest thing to do, especially if you're going to do this by yourself. Ms. Muscio had about three or four friends helping her, and they would have been able to rush her to the hospital if something happened.

2006-10-11 08:56:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sweet girl - you'd better be careful before you do anything drastic such as trying to "get rid of it." That's saying you're trying to get rid of a human life that didn't ask to come into being. You made a mistake perhaps by having sex at a bad time in your life - yet - life's greatest miracle is at work in you right now - that's a total gift of grace if I've ever heard of it. You just don't know - you could have a miscarriage. If you mess with your hormones now you might be hurting yourself as well. Abortion does have risks and you owe it to yourself to have all of the information before making a serious decision like abortion. I've never met a woman who regretted the decision to have a baby but I've never met one who had an abortion who didn't struggle with depression, anxiety and wondering what could have been for the rest of their lives.

2006-10-11 04:35:44 · answer #9 · answered by ? 6 · 2 1

u can not be 3 weeks u must be 4 or 7 as u must miss 1 period

and yes there is a pill u can take up to 8 weeks but only of ur doctor

2006-10-11 04:32:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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