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she is 3 months old, and my Aunt keeps saying "haven't you started that baby on solid foods yet?". I think its a bit early yet, and she is doing fine on formula and breast milk.

2006-10-11 04:07:26 · 19 answers · asked by ratface 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

19 answers

Please don't do that.........they are waaaaaay too early for it.
It's different now then when we were growing up with our parents....
remember they used to feed us at 1 month old....and give us like sugar water.....and put us to sleep on our stomachs....

American and Canadian Pediatric Society recommends that you do not feed your babies till at least 6 months old......
they don't have the digestive system matured yet to take food.
You will just give them upset stomachs and gas.

You will have a TON of opportunity to feed your child.....you have to feed this child for the rest of your life remember???/
so why the rush?
I don't know why people are all rushing to feed their babies at 2 and 3 months old......

Age: Birth to 4 months------------
Feeding behavior
• Rooting reflex helps your baby turn toward a nipple to find nourishment
What to feed
• Breast milk or formula ONLY •
Your baby's digestive tract is still developing, which is why solid food is off limits for now.

From 4-6 months------------
Signs of readiness for solid food
Your baby probably won't do all these things — they're just clues to watch for.
• Can hold head up
• Sits well in highchair
• Makes chewing motions
• Shows significant weight gain (birth weight has doubled)
• Shows interest in food
• Can close mouth around a spoon
• Can move food from front to back of mouth
• Can move tongue back and forth, but is losing tendency to push food out with tongue
• Seems hungry after 8 to 10 feedings of breast milk or 40 oz. of formula in a day
• Is teething
What to feed
• Breast milk or formula, PLUS
• Semi-liquid iron-fortified rice cereal, THEN
• Other grain cereals like oats or barley



2006-10-11 07:49:50 · answer #1 · answered by Joogie 3 · 0 0

My son never seemed to be full when only on formula so I started him on rice cereal (very watery - the consistency of A1 steak sauce) right at 4 months. First he ate once a day for a couple days, then twice until now he eats 3 times a day. FYI - he still drinks the same amount of milk in addition to the food but he wakes up less at night, sometimes not at all.

About a couple weeks after, I also ventured into other varieties of single grain cereal with formula, then with juice, then with multi grain or the cereal/banana. After about a month I had him try stage 1 baby food. He is loving it.

2006-10-11 19:18:33 · answer #2 · answered by Georgina 3 · 0 0

Don't give her any solids before 4 months period! And if you can hold her off until 6 months even better. Giving solids too early can make a child develop allergies and remember there little digestive systems are developed enough yet.

Formula and breastmilk is all she really needs for the first 6 months. Some babies need solids at 4 months but never before that. Ususally your doctor will advise you when your child is ready.

2006-10-11 12:11:36 · answer #3 · answered by Lisa 4 · 1 0

Well, I started my twins on solid foods, oatmeal cereal with fruit added, at 6 months.

I had read that if you want to curb or curtail food allergies for your baby, start feeding them solids around this age.

My doctor had also said to wait until 6 months. Plus, my hubby and I were in no big rush. I mean really, what is the rush. Babies grow up too fast as it is. If your baby prefers the bottle over cereal, them good for you and your baby.

2006-10-12 01:25:54 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They say between 4 and 6 months but the best equation that I thought was when she consumes 32 oz of formula in a 24 hr period.
The most calories and nutrition your baby gets is from formula and NOT solids.
So when she consumes the full 32 oz she is ready for solids,
All the best .

2006-10-11 14:49:06 · answer #5 · answered by mommy 2 · 0 0

My child is 4 months old. For her 4 month check up I asked the dr. when I can start to give her cereal. She said to wait until she is 6 months old. The baby should be able to sit up on it's own. I'll wait till I go to her 6 month check up and ask the dr. again! Don't rush into it and don't let people rush you. My sister in law started feeding her 3 1/2 month old cereal and my husband thought we should do it too. I'm sticking with what the dr tells me! They know best!

2006-10-11 12:09:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Nearly all pediatricians recommend that you wait until 6 months. But, honestly not all babies can wait that long because they just do not get full on milk alone anymore. Some pediatricians will allow you to start at 3 to 31/2 months with just cereals. It is always best to check with your pediatrician first and I wouldn't start them that earlier unless they really were not getting full from their milk or formula.

2006-10-11 11:16:33 · answer #7 · answered by Sherry 3 · 1 0

Wow, starting a 3mth old on solids? I had most of my in-laws pushing me to start solids at 4mths, and you know what... I didnt start my girl on solids till we were good and ready (6mths!). And if you are breastfeeding, your baby doesnt need anything else until 6 mths... next time someone asks (more like reprimands you) regarding this you can tell them the AAP, WHO, and a lot of other org. recommend to start solids at 6mths nowadays. This has been changed from your Aunt's days of child-rearing. Ok, if your baby is wanting more than milk before like others are saying, you can start earlier. But that is YOUR judgement call as the mother (and in agreement with your pediatrician of course). My girl was fine with just milk until 6 mths (she had a few bites here and there of fruit just to try the taste of it) although I noticed nursing more often around 5 mths. See below for further info on this, a copy/paste from the link I've attached...

Why Delay Solids? Health experts and breastfeeding experts agree that it's best to wait until your baby is around six months old before offering solid foods. There has been a large amount of research on this in the recent past, and most health organizations have updated their recommendations to agree with current research. Unfortunately, many health care providers are not up to date in what they're telling parents, and many, many books are not up to date.

The following organizations recommend that all babies be exclusively breastfed (no cereal, juice or any other foods) for the first 6 months of life (not the first 4-6 months):

World Health Organization
US Department of Health & Human Services
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Dietetic Association
Australian National Health and Medical Research Council
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Health Canada

2006-10-11 11:31:36 · answer #8 · answered by MaPetiteHippopotame 4 · 1 0

No solids prior to 6 mos per the AAP.
Starting too early can lead to diabetes, obesity and allergies.
A 3 mos old is not physically ready to digest cereal yet.
ALL she needs is breastmilk and/or formula.

2006-10-11 11:09:55 · answer #9 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 0 0

Do what you feel is right. Moms usually know best. Anyway, wait awhile before giving your baby cereal. At least until 4 months if like you said your baby is doing fine on formula and breastmilk.

2006-10-11 11:27:08 · answer #10 · answered by Rosey55 D 5 · 1 1

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