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I'm 99.9% certain that the number of people kill each year by the use of guns CAN BE AVOIDED. So why can't congress abolish all guns to the general public? Don't give me the 2nd admentment crap either...freedom to bare arms (you still have your knives and baseball bat). Also for you hunters out there, you can establish a "rental" system at desinated hunting grounds. "its not the gun that kills people, its the person"....some say. I say BS!

2006-10-11 03:30:19 · 18 answers · asked by Dr.True 2 in Politics & Government Politics

18 answers

Let me state from the beginning that I am an avid hunter, shooter, retired soldier, and did my 20 years in the Army as a Military Policeman. That pretty much sums up the 2nd Amendment and hunter remarks that you made.

SO, we have enough laws on the books to put people away who commit crimes, with or without weapons. The trouble is three fold. 1) The courts are tied up with frivolous lawsuits that detract from real crimes, 2) for whatever reasons, judges refuse to sentence criminals to the full extent of the law, take pity on the criminal, and dismiss cases for "perceived" violations of rights, 3) jails are NOT punishment, they are criminal schools. The criminal gets fed three times a day, gets a free education, can learn from seasoned/professional criminals, and are released early because of "good behavior" or overcrowding of jails.

Until the court/jail system get fixed, we will have problems. Personally, I think that we should make punishment "cruel and unusual". Let's whip the criminal in public, let's bring back the chain gangs, let's put the criminal in solitary confinement, let's take away the luxuries (education, TV, books). Sitting around all day, doing nothing, and getting fed is not punishment. Let's stick to the rules we have, and PUNISH the criminal. Why should a criminal have the same rights as a law abiding citizen? Especially one that commits a crime with a weapon.

2006-10-11 03:43:59 · answer #1 · answered by My world 6 · 3 0

Dr. True, You are truly an idiot. The only thing to be avoided by banning firearms is freedom. A gun has NEVER killed a person in the history of the world. 2nd Amendment crap? What the fu*k are you talking about? The second amendment is the only thing "we the people" have to ensure our freedom! It states " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Notice it said "the right of the PEOPLE". Your rental idea is so retarded I'll not dignify it with a response. You say B.S? Fine, that is the first amendment at work, but don't try to impose your extreme ignorance/stupidity on me. If you don't like freedom, GET OUT!!

2006-10-13 11:23:41 · answer #2 · answered by Gudelos 4 · 0 1

I see you enjoy the 1st Amendment “crap” but are more than willing to take away my fundamental right to own a gun.
“If the second Amendment applies only to muskets and flintlocks, than the first Amendment applies only to quill pens and movable type presses.”

If you’d do a bit of research, you’d see that the 2nd Amendment’s secondary purpose has to do with a militia. The primary purpose was to ensure that individual people retain the RIGHT to own a gun to prevent a truly totalitarian government from becoming established and taking away all our rights. You might notice, the term “Right” is used more than 50 times in the Constitution to refer to an individual’s freedoms, not to some government’s responsibilities or duties.

With a bit more research, you’ll find that in Great Britain the criminals still have guns and the rate of rapes, home invasions, assaults, etc has gone up. Same in Australia. Like it or not, legal gun ownership reduces crime.

2006-10-11 18:53:20 · answer #3 · answered by RockHunter 7 · 2 0

2nd amendment also states a well regulated militia. How many people who own guns are in a well regulated militia? You're gonna catch a lot of heat. A better way to start is stricter gun control measures for known criminals and black market sales. Laws that punish an owner of a gun if the gun is used as a murder weapon when a household member gets a hold of it.

2006-10-11 10:33:20 · answer #4 · answered by Enterrador 4 · 1 0

If you knew your history you'd have a better educated opinion of this. I'll leave the history for you to search but I will tell you this; a number of years ago there was a town in Georgia who passed into law a requirement that everyone in town over the age of 18 own a gun and the ammo for it. The crime rate dropped to practically nothing. This follows several documentaries where prison inmates were interviewed and nearly all said that the homes and people they steered clear of were the ones where they thought they might get shot on the spot for their crime. The best offense is a good defense. It's a matter of record and a matter of fact. Criminals prey on the weak - not the armed. And regarding the UK. There was a woman who told me once that the type of gun violence we see in the US would never happen in the UK. I asked her if she was including Northern Ireland in that. She shut up and left. Now go get yourself a gun and wise up.

2006-10-11 10:40:49 · answer #5 · answered by Spud55 5 · 2 1

You must be very naive, because to implement your suggestion essentially means that only criminals will have guns. Do you really think that hard-core criminals are going into WalMart and showing them their license and going through background checks in order to obtain a weapon? Where do you think they get their guns?

Violent criminals everywhere love misguided people like you.

Thousands of people die in auto accidents. Is it the car or the drunk driver that kills? Should we go back to riding bicycles in order to reduce the number of needless deaths?

Interesting what you think is BS. Guns are inanimate objects, as I am sure you know. Individuals have free will and make the choice to pull the trigger.

Good luck with your knife (or bat) when an intruder turns the gun on a member of your family's head.

2006-10-11 11:29:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

because it would be just like drugs they are illegal but people would still get them and the death rate would go up even higher because of the abolishment, simply because there would be alot of pissed off crack heads with guns that dont want to lose them, also whens the last time you saw a case where a gun jumped up grew legs told a person to go to hell and shot them, dont think thats going to happen any time soon so yes guns dont kill people people kill people a very funny comedian once stated a true fact callin bs to the sayin guns dont kill people is like blaming a failed test on your freakin pencil ,,,,,, oh i failed im gonna get a new pencil this one got stupid and cant remember the answers and as for the idot that says 70% agree, he is full of sh1t cuz lets see if 70% agree thats a majority vote, duh the guns would be gone so its more like 70% disagree

2006-10-11 10:40:59 · answer #7 · answered by Lance 2 · 2 0

So you think it's BS that people kill people? Okay, smart guy. Then direct me to the nearest news story or video that clearly shows a gun prowling around BY ITSELF looking for someone to shoot and then shooting that person all by its little ol' self! If you can't do that then you are simply a moron. In the history of planet Earth there has NEVER been a single instance of any kind of weapon going on a killing spree all by itself without a human wielding it. You obviously have the IQ of a dung beetle!!

2006-10-11 10:37:35 · answer #8 · answered by Wayne H 3 · 3 1

Yes, maybe in the perfect world your theory may work! Because once you disarm the innocent, the criminals will still have guns and will have them illegally, so in essence if you are a crimminal you will be armed and not the general public. they tried it in this country and crime has gone through the roof, now people are not handing in licensed firearms,or illegal ones! because why shoudl the crimminal be armed at not the innocent public memeber. I personally will keep my firearm or if it taken away , I will purchase one illegally, because I am sure as hell not going to stand by whiel some criminal bring harm to my family, I will blow his f*cking brains out!!

2006-10-11 10:51:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Statistically more lives are saved by guns than taken. If you take away the right of law abiding people to own guns how do you propose for them to defend against an armed attacker intent on killing.

2006-10-11 10:41:02 · answer #10 · answered by the_news_junky 2 · 2 1

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