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Me thinks they doth protest too much. If this was a groundless claim, then I would expect to be ignored, NOT argued with or condemned. These responses I get are very, very defensive and offer a lot of convoulted and muddy " facts " or they offer straw men or red herrings. I am thinking it REALLY was stolen.

2006-10-11 02:05:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

I hate: Millions of Americans would disagree with you. Those of us who believe in free and fair elections care very deeply about this disturbing Republican behavior. Unless we get Diebolded, your party may become marginalized again for a while.

2006-10-12 14:07:42 · update #1

Gerry: you can't prove that.

2006-10-12 14:08:40 · update #2

Diamond: So truth is annoying ? I guess so if you have something to cover up.

2006-10-12 14:09:35 · update #3

Lana : a conservative majority of the Court appointed Bush to the presidency. He did not have the popoular vote. Your rightwing Republican activists staged a coup d' etat in Florida.

2006-10-12 14:11:19 · update #4

B Rawl: This is a very immature response. I am coming to think you represent much of the people who still support Bush. I think if you did not feel a tiny bit apprehensive over the election theft you would not be so vehemently adament and offensive. It won't make this question go away however. If the Republicans lose the House, we need to open inquiries on what exactly happened in Florida.

2006-10-12 14:14:21 · update #5

Victor B: you are losing sight of the main issue: this was NOT a free and fair election and voters were denied their right to vote by right wing machine politics. The Supreme Court just hammered the nails in the coffin.

2006-10-12 14:17:03 · update #6

Fortunately Carolina A: most Americans don't agree with you and over a third honestly think your chimperor was put in office through a fraudulant election. - I don't think you are getting first prize this time. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.

2006-10-13 12:56:01 · update #7

15 answers

This is an answer that took me hours but from a first hand eye witness to the fraud still very involved with other voting rights activists in my state..highly informed. ..in fact, going to a three day conference on it tomorrow..

Planksheer--please see the additional comments I left in your other related qurestion..thanks..

to baby rawls--"get over it". .WHAT? -- get over democracy..get over that our troops in history died defending democracy (what about "I won't forget the men that died to save that right for me" and forget that people died to secure the right to vote here at home which is gone now..say to get over it that there now have died in vain for democracy that is fast eroding.

Get over people in Ohio on chemo waiting in lines three hours, fainting and not getting to vote...I was an eyewitness to the theft and I will never get over it (and no true person who loves this country would).

Hear the song on this site about what we think of the fraud in 2004 http://www.bobforohio.com/ (Bob F. is one of the primary people who got the vote fraud here to congress and to the historic election challenge (1/6/04 in congress). He also sued Bush (w/3 other attorneys on behalf of disenfranchised voters in Ohio in Moss v Bush and has been on Air America and across the country speaking. He is currently running as an independent against Blackwell (mentioned below--Hackwell)

For a humorous look at vote fraud, see this one minute ( or less) video


As far as the answer to your question, the same holds true with the 2004 election which had massive voter fraud across the country and the greatest voter suppression ever in swing states like Florida and especially Ohio.

There were 57,000 voting irregularities across the country reported by poll workers, etc (and "glitches" like 4000 more votes than people (all for Bush) here in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio (Gahanna)...these are indisputable facts and demonstrate the serious problem s with electronic voting machines (both with and without paper trails) and electronic voting tabulator/counters (optical scanners) used with punch cards or paper ballots. In fact, nearly all of the "glitches" and problems favored Bush...practically none favored Kerry.

There is no disputing the lines in Ohio that were caused by election officials by the republican secretary of state (currently running for governor--Blackwell or Hackwell as he is known here) and also while he was overseeing the election co-chair of the re-elect Bush committee (who broke several election laws in the fraudulent recount) and threw away the massive amounts of democratic new registrations (dems had 9 times more new voters registered than reps) due to an archaic law about the weight of the paper before he was stopped in court for throwing out so many new registrations. and so much more...

He was aided by Matt Damschoeder in Columbus, the head of the board of elections and former head of Franklin Country (Columbus) republican party in their collusion to give less machines to most of the democratic areas (black, poor, colleges, gay areas, health food conscious sections of town, alternative areas, etc) while giving more machines to republican suburban, wealthy, and rural areas. Some churches in wealthy suburbs had 13 machines while many democratic areas had only one or two machines, many broken machine and one precinct had zero working machines forcing all to vote provisionally.

Our own republican newspaper documented all this (Columbus Dispatch) and about the inability to reach BOE on election day and 75 or so machines found in storage while people were begging them because of the 3, 4, 5, and even up to 13 hour lines to vote (all in democratic areas).

We have sworn testimony from people living in republican areas of 5-30 minutes wait and then who worked polls in democratic and black areas and saw these many hours lines. (see links to transcripts of this and more below)

They also slowed lines and sought to slow down new voters unfamiliar with the machines by having about 35 things (issues and candidates on the ballot and enforcing 5 minute to vote rules...this was the most crowded ballot in history..I took a premarked ballot with ALL my choices checked into the booths and barely got it done in time with no time to proofread my selections, can you imagine new voters unfamiliar with all the blinking lights. This was deliberate to slow the lines further. Also some machine had vote fades where people voted for Kerry, did there other selctions, and looked back at president and nothing was checked. How many did not have time to check this and had no votes counted when they thought they voted?

People were crying (I witnessed first hand working the polls) at not being able to stay and vote (after waiting hours ) due to crying and hungry kids, parenting and job obligations, and disabilities and old age. People on chemo were fainting after standing three or four hours and did not get to vote.

Many were in line in pain, ill, hungry, and thirsty. Fights broke out in a few places because they didn't know they could use the bathrooms or tried to go and renener lines. Kids were crying because the lines were usually 5 or 10 minutes and they didn't expect these hours long waits which had never happened before.

Thousands and thousands left the line without voting, while others braved it for up to 13 hours (God bless these young college kids who waited that long till 3 AM). People were paying for and handing out trash bags (for rain..it was freezing that day), rain ponchos, food, and drink to try to help people waiting in line.

Many left the lines but many showed their determination and waited in lines despite discomfort. People were showing up from the ambulance with IVs for god's sake. It isn't right to steal their votes. You don't get over witnassing stuff like that.

So many tactics were used it is unbelievable, punch card machines calibrated to count the wrong candidate, vote hopping (push Kerry and Bush lights up), vote vanishing Push Kerry, do other selections, recheck and nothing is light for president now, mighty Texas strike force, unknown independents getting more votes than Kerry, etc, etc.)

The chance of the exit polls being wrong in three swing states is 16 million to one, statisticians say. ONe is never wrong, and here 6 were... Exit polls have been accurate to within 1/2 % for over a hundred years. The chance of many, exit polls being wrong is a tiny fraction of a one percent and yet it happened..lucky day for the repubs-- exit polls is how they found the vote fraud in the Ukraine.

When these and so much more things are mentioned..repubs always bring up Chicago...that's it and registering dead people ...it's always the dems they say..they do not care about the evidence. They do not care that people were denied the right to vote otr have their vote counted.They do not care about the present..they wink at the massive evidence because it benefits them. They just keep going back to the far less ominus vote fraud in the past from dems (how I hate those dems since they cloud repbs beleiving facts and that is going on now on far more massive side. We are a democracy in name only and they, most of them anyway, are blind to it and don't care.
Can you imagine if 87% of the voting machine companies were owned by democrats who kept their sourcecode secret and hired computer frau felons..if dems put more voting machines in democratic areas and less in republican and made them wait in 10 hour lines in the rain..and then evidence hit about 57,000 voting irregularities and impossible odd exit polls being worng for the first time in history...they would be on here every day complaining (and rightly so)..they sure as heck wouldn't "get over it"..

For all their talk of moral values voting and Jesus, they do not do unto others or they would be in the streets with us regardless of who won..if elections are fake, their vote doesn't count either.

For all those who do care and are concerned about vote fraud and asking what do we do..for one take part in citizen parallel elections (see banvotingmachines.org) springing up across the country to check the vote totals.

Also contact your representatives and ask them to cosign and support HB 6200 a bill just introduce less than 2 weeks ago. This bill, if passed, would make all presidential election votes be hand counted (at the precinct) with paper ballots and would be a first step towards truly honest and transparent elections.

If you are truly an American concerned about democracy, you should have no problem with this bill as even if you do not believe there is voter fraud (republican), there are still multiple proven problems with electronic machines and tabulators such as ""glitches", errors, and human error that this bill would rectify.

Why are they afraid to have honest and totally transparent elections. If the country did, in fact, vote republican in 2004, paper hand counted ballots would concretely demonstrate this and eliminate doubt. You reps should want this to show that your man really did win without cheating.

Here is how to contact your representative.. . http://www.house.gov/writerep/

Here is information about the bill



for more on the text of HB 6200 go to home page and type HB 6200 (and Kucinich)


2006-10-12 06:17:41 · answer #1 · answered by janie 7 · 3 3

human beings say that using fact Gore definitely had the main votes, yet Bush had the main electoral votes. If the final courtroom hadn't stopped the recounts, this is a threat that Gore might have taken Florida, and consequently had extra electoral votes. So technically, the final courtroom stopped the recounts on the factor whilst George Bush had Florida.

2016-10-19 04:58:16 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do not care at all about that. That was 6 years ago. Maybe the liberals live in the past but the present is much more interesting. The best man won. Sure he is only of average intelligence but he has found a way to be the strongest leader in the world for as long as legally possible. He must have something going for him. Oh and i answered another one of your questions and today you awarded me 10 points for best answer. Me a Bush supporting conservative.maybe i will get these ten also. thanks!

2006-10-13 01:46:37 · answer #3 · answered by carolinatinpan 5 · 1 1

It is because even the most benign thing can get freaking annoying.... a gnat is not going to harm you when flying around your face... but when it does it enough you are going to swat at it and get annoyed at it

It IS a groundless claim... just like all the other vast conspiracy theories we hear on here non-stop (9-11 inside job, explosives brought down the twin towers, etc)

2006-10-11 02:18:16 · answer #4 · answered by DiamondDave 5 · 1 3

Sounds like you're the one getting excited when somone mentions the facts backed up by sources...

Federal Election Commision



2006-10-11 11:50:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The reason we get ticked is because we have to deal with enough dipshits on a daily basis. The dipshits that beat a dog that is already dead is just irritating. Get over it.

2006-10-11 02:40:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

think of it this way . if they came in to your house and stole from you . and then you found out and had proof that they were the thief and told them . do you think that they would be honest and return to you what they stole from you , deny it . or as they have been doing since , tell you so what , get over it . we have what is rightly yours and were not going to give it back to you till after we are done using and abusing it . and its totally broken , and you finally take it back . which is whats happened to this country since they stole the government from us , they have been breaking and trying to destroy everything good about this country

2006-10-11 02:16:54 · answer #7 · answered by crazy_ol_hippie_radical 6 · 2 3

Because the facts do not suport such a claim.

Besides, Gore sucks..... Even his home state did not vote for him.

2006-10-11 02:29:27 · answer #8 · answered by lana_sands 7 · 3 2

Well, yes, there is the "protest too much" thing. On the other hand, Bush supporters get angry over every little thing at all - they demand unquestioning, unqualified adoration of Bush, their Party, and I guess themselves....

2006-10-11 02:09:39 · answer #9 · answered by sonyack 6 · 2 4

Me thinks you doth complain too much. Who cares even if it was stolen? He got elected, and did a damn good job.

Also, they ended up counting the Florida ballots, and he actually won.

2006-10-11 02:08:32 · answer #10 · answered by ihatehippies 3 · 4 3

I say the same thing my sister does. I didn't vote for & don't like his daddy & the same goes for him.

2006-10-12 12:55:11 · answer #11 · answered by ancestorhorse 4 · 1 1

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