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Oh and before some **** says go back home this is my home .when i was in the army we were all one .....It's just sad to see how things are (good that's off my chest )

2006-10-11 00:49:04 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

36 answers

You are english, you have served Queen and country and no matter what a vociferous and intolerant minority ( oh yes it is a minority thankfully) think you cannot be denied your birthright. In reality few people are English we are a real mixture of origins depending on how far back you go. Born in the UK you are British so what are we going to do now? Lets decide on British citizen subdivision English ethnicity African or Asian or...........
we won't need a chip on the passport to replace the chip on some people's shoulders we'll need a bloody full sized computer. Be proud you are English and I for one am proud to call you my fellow countryman. By the way I'm English my forebears only arrived here from Germany in 1873 so I suppose one day someone will tell me to go back home.

2006-10-11 04:42:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

as far as im concerned mate you are english colour or creed should not come into it im 47 so i know the difference im welsh your english end of story there should never be any in between oh and were both british dont you agree its sad to think that you fight for your country and its no problem but outside it as.?i would not look at you as any thing other than an english man mate and thats the way it bloody well should be not every ones an arshole butty so be proud an sod em they cant see past their own predjudices they are the ones with a problem not you chin up mate your not on your own . take care ok and keep smiling even though you probably want to scream ...

2006-10-11 01:00:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think the reason why some white people don't see black/asian people as being english is because they see some of them celebrating and embracing they're roots and feel they don't show the same passion for their own country. For most white people they have been here generation after generation and don't look beyond this country to define who they are. If, as you have done in your question by declaring this is your home, you show you are proud to be english most people would shut up and be accepting. You will always get a minority in any culture or walk of life who will be intolerant to change but get the majority on your side and we can ignore and marginalise them.

2006-10-11 01:15:33 · answer #3 · answered by Jack c 4 · 0 0

I'm sure they see you as English (although you should say you are British), stop flaunting the race card! But you can't hide the fact that you are black and people like to differenciate between Irish, Joe Scotts Joe and Black Joe? What is wrong with that? I regularly go to China and to them I'm a 'Western' girl. Nothing wrong with that. If I'd been born there I would still be called that. You should be proud of your origin and stop flaunting the race card. Honestly, only a real foreigner would think you are from Africa or somewhere like that but that doesn't matter does it? By the way, I'm not British, I'm foreign by birth but I like to think of myself as british even though my accent would give the game away. And not long ago, I went to visit my country of origin and some friends of a friend referred to me as the 'english girl'. How's that for racial differentiation? So, don't feel sorry for yourself and I'm sure you are at home because home is where the heart is.

2006-10-11 01:09:11 · answer #4 · answered by Luvfactory 5 · 0 0

If you really want to be seen as English, come to Scotland, and bring any skills you possess (we currently have a shortage of skilled workers), your wife and children and you will automatically be ridiculed for your Englishness, rather than the colour of your skin. (We have our fair share of racists here, too, but most of them aren't bright enough to think of more than one route of abuse at a time and will default to blind and misguided nationalism rather than colour prejudice.)
Racism exists everywhere, it's a curse on the entire world. Small minded, culturally repressed people will always try to make themselves feel better or more important by belittling those that are different, and as you are black, you are visibly different and an obvious target.
Education is the key. We have to teach kids in our schools that the racial prejudice they are being taught at home is wrong and hope they can take it on board and learn from it.
It's not going to make a whole lot of difference to your situation, but at least your kids might rise above it.
As you said, when you were in the army, you were all one..... you still are mate, it's just a minority that are causing the problems, and you sound like you are bigger than that.

2006-10-11 01:10:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Black people originally came from Africa, but were forced to come here as slaves. All of the ones that were born in America are considered African Americans. Therefore, I think you should be considered African English. Let me give you another example of this: Both of my parents were born in Pakistan, but I was born in America ten years after my parents moved here (18 years ago). Every American person I have asked has told me that they consider me middle eastern. I think they're wrong. I consider myself Pakistani American or just American. They still consider me to be foreign for some reason. It makes no sense.

2006-10-11 01:50:57 · answer #6 · answered by عبد الله (ドラゴン) 5 · 0 0

How do you think the American blacks feel, when a lot of them can trace their ancestry back to some southern plantation in the 1700s? And yet they have people who are only second generation Americans telling them to go back to Africa where they belong.

The problem is not in society itself, because I honestly feel that most of us are glad to look on our neighbours of all colours as our equals. The problem is that we the majority tend to be quiet about our beliefs, and non-confrontational. The only ones you hear talking are the mouthy minority that would gladly kill off 3/4 of the world's population to have more for themselves.

2006-10-11 01:03:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your only not seen as English by the ignorant. Your as English as I am (*white,27 born in south london).

2006-10-11 00:54:28 · answer #8 · answered by l_pawsey 2 · 1 0

If an English couple go to Africa and while there have a child is that child then African or English? Why do people today feel such shame for their real roots and ancestory? If you are English be proud, if African be proud and quit trying to be someone who you are not and focus on who you are before the Lord.

2006-10-11 01:21:24 · answer #9 · answered by CM 2 · 1 0

Look mate, if you could get into the British army (and you need some form of Identification like a British passport before they allow you in, which is something you've got if you joined the army.) Then that shows you are British, its the ignorant people who don't consider you of British origin.

2006-10-11 01:59:10 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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