Koi are egg layers, and its called spawning. this happens mainly in the spring, but sometimes as late as fall and occaisionally we will even see it happen twice, both spring and fall.
Koi generally like a shallow area with lots of plants, the eggs are sticky and will stick to the plant leaf , roots and what ever they brush up against. Since they lay so many eggs, what they manage to eat is not hardly a dent but breeders will place spawning brush or matts and remove those or the parents to a seperate tank to hatch. In the pond, a few eggs are eaten, some will not be fertile, but they survive. Natural echo systems in pond provide and nutrients for the fry, infusia, Water fleas, rottifers are all there for them to eat on.
The spawning itself is not nice, its often brutal and occasionally some times one or more of the fish spawning can be lost if no one is around, Koi have been known to jump out, or get tossed out in the frenzy. Females can often be injured as well. And if the pond is small, then the ensuing DOC- dissolved organic content, from spawning can create a bad ammonia spike, wipe 02 out and reek havoc. Most of us prefer a controlled environment or will have ponds of males seperated from females or only buy one or the other.
2006-10-10 20:14:55
answer #1
answered by Fire_Wolf 2
Koi are big goldfish, they lays eggs. The female lays eggs and the male drops sperm over them . The parents need to be removed immediately as they will eat the eggs and the young fry. If the pond is big enuf and has many hidding places aome may survie the parents appetite. Fry is very very tiny and need to eat a special infusion of small one cell organism ( you grow it with egg yolk) and then brine shrimp as they get older.
2006-10-11 00:15:04
answer #2
answered by morganpony 2
try this may help when you click on the link just scroll to the bottom
2006-10-11 09:52:10
answer #3
answered by C live 5