--5-6 onsies 0-3 month size
--2-3 outfits 0-3 month size
--5-6 pajamas footy 0-3 month size
--6-10 pairs of socks 0-3 month size
--Diapers (at least 2 packages of newborn with umbilical cut out)
--10-12 burp cloths (cloth diapers work wonderfully and are cheap fold in half then in half again and sew around the edge and two to three lines ----across the middle to make a thick pad if they are not presewn) )
--4-5 recieving blankets
--1-2 heavier blankets (for warmth when taking baby outdoors or if the house is really cold)
--1-2 bonnets/baby caps (babies lose most of thier body heat through thier head)
--Diaper bag
--2-3 pacifiers (they get lost/ misplaced easily and you don;t want to play search for the "binky" at 2 am)
--Formula (if not breastfed also good to have a bit to suppliment when milk is coming in if needed)
--4-5 4 oz bottles with nipples (you can get larger bottles as baby eats more)
--Carseat (make sure it's designed for a newborn)
bassinet/crib/cradle (some place for baby to sleep not on your bed or sofa)
--Baby wipes (2-3 containers you will use alot til you get the hang of it)
--Alcohol (rubbing) (for umbilical cord care)
--Cotton balls (umbilical cord care)
--q-tips (unbilical cord care)
--vasoline (especially if having a boy who will be circumsized)
--gauze pads (small) (for boy with circumsision)
--diaper rash cream
--Tylenol/ Ibprophen (for you incase you have discomfort)
--Ice (for you, it can ease pain in tender breasts and vaginal/ c-section incision pain from delivery... 15 mins on 15 mins off always have a cloth barrier between bag of ice and skin to avoid frostbite)
--sanitary pads (make sure to get both overnight pads and regular as your flow may be a lot the first few days and you may need an overnight pad for day use)
---Heavy socks/slippers for you (take them to the hospital you will find you are chilled after delivery and will like having them especiially on the tile hospital floors)
--A couple loose fitting sweat suits for you (they will keep you warm as well as be comfortable to wear while your initial pain subsides)
--1-2 nice pillows ( they are great to have to prop your arm on while feeding or sit on when your vagina is tender)
--- phone numbers of a couple women living near by who you can call at anytime day or night for help or just cause you need to cry to someone who will understand.... (I had my mother-in-law and grandmother- in-law I coud call to just say "I am crying and don't know why" they were great my grandmother-in-law came over one night at 2am because I called and couldn't stop crying for no reason... hormones)
Ok that's all I can think of that you may want to have on hand... Alot of things the hospital will send you home with they usually have new mothers packages with alot of products to supliment what you have and what you have forgotten...
2006-10-10 15:13:19
answer #1
answered by Diane (PFLAG) 7
I was overwhelmed when I was ready to deliver too! The thing is, I prepared the nursery and everywhere else in the house before I brought my baby home, and didn't even use half of the stuff. The important things to have on hand are:
Diapers (you'll go through these like crazy!)
Formula (if you're not breastfeeding)
Bottles and nipples
Lots and lots of onesies (forget about all those cute baby clothes...they probably won't be on for two minutes before the baby pukes on them!)
A place for baby to sleep - bassinet, crib, moses basket (whatever you prefer)
Washcloths and burper cloths
Laundry detergent
These are the essentials. The rest can wait. I just HAD to make sure that the cute little mobile that I bought was hanging over the crib and all ready for the new baby. Funny thing, I kept him in a bassinet by my bed for the first few months and he didn't even use it right away. It's SO easy to become overwhelmed with all of the new baby stuff out there, but you really only need the basics. Don't over-do it and make yourself nuts! Congratulations on your baby! I bet you're starting to get very excited! Best of luck to you!
2006-10-10 21:40:26
answer #2
answered by Megan 4
A play-pen or sleep n' play with an 'cradle' top accessory for infant
-or- a changing table for convenient changing, rocking chair, bassinet or cradle (you can wait on the crib for the first 2-4 months depending on how quickly your baby grows), good amount of cloth diapers for spitting up, receiving blankets, warm baby blanket (one or two), several onesies, infant car seat and infant swing (this will really help out a lot!!!) Since your baby will be born in the cooler weather, you will need warm clothing. A winter cover for infant car seat works much better than an infant snowsuit, 2-3 warm sweaters or sweatshirts, warm socks and/or booties, newborn diapers (pampers swaddlers work really well), diaper wipes, baby powder, baby bath, baby lotion (get all unscented stuff as baby will probably have sensitive skin), A &D ointment (with aloe is great), diaper bag, rectal thermometer, baby brush/comb and baby tylanol. I would wait on any baby toys for the first month or so. Oh, a baby tub would be a good idea and baby washcloths /couple of baby towels. Hope that I did not make things more confusing for you. Good luck. A diaper geiene is nice to have to cut down on baby poop smell but is not really nesassary as infant baby poop does not smell really bad. When they start eating solid foods. Oh, forgot to tell you, you can get a lot of this furniture at second hand stores and most items are in good shape.
2006-10-10 21:47:13
answer #3
answered by Justme 3
A bassinet or crib. If you are using a crib you need a mattress and crib sheets
Newborn diapers and wipes
Baby Shampoo
If you are breastfeeding you'll need breast pads for yourself
Newborn clothes, and you'll need to bring an outfit to the hospital to take the baby home in
These are your basics, other stuff like cute toys and such can wait till a little later. All that baby needs in the beginning is a place to sleep, dry diapers and a fully belly.
Good Luck!
2006-10-10 21:36:41
answer #4
answered by BAnne 7
The basics are all you're going to need at first. Think about it this way; food, clothing, shelter. Do you have formula and bottles sterlized and ready to go? (if applicable obviously). Do you have at least 7 or so clean outfits? Layettes or even sleepers are just fine at first. Do you have socks, mittens, hats? Diapers and Wipes are obvious nececities. Does the baby have a place to sleep? For your sanity does the baby have a place like a swing or bouncy seat to rest in? As long as you have those, you'll be able to get through the first week or so no problem. Congrats!
2006-10-10 21:36:23
answer #5
answered by Melissa, That's me! 4
diapers and wipes. I bought them both by the boxes its easier that way. If ya formula feeding get bottles and a bottle drainer thing also bottle brush, a nuk, hand santizer is a must. Ya don't want alot of people touching ya baby without it at first because newborns get sick so easy. Alot of bids and burp rags. Sheets for the crib. Another thing I wish someone would've told me to get is gas drops. So if baby gets gas in the middle of the night. Another thing is good to do is when ya pack ya bag pack more the one outfit for baby. ya never know even some 8 pounds babys wear premie stuff and so get one or 2 premie outfits just in case. So ya can have ya baby cute in hospital pics and not have big clothes on the baby. GOOD LUCK BEING A PARENT IS GREATTT!!!!!
2006-10-10 21:42:40
answer #6
answered by Sondra 3
Car Seat, Diapers and Wipes, a few sleepers, bottles and formula (if not breastfeeding), a cradle/bassinet, a hat/jacket if it is getting cold where you are for when you shop for more stuff.
They should give you a nuk, but you can get an extra.
Some blankets and burp cloths/bibs would be helpful.
Most other things you could probably do without for a week or two...
2006-10-10 21:37:27
answer #7
answered by AJF 1
A crib would be the first and most obvious. Enough clothes, bottles, blankets, sheets, towels, bath soap/shampoo, and lots of help for a couple days. Sleep whenever the baby does and enjoy him/her!!
Good luck :-)
2006-10-10 21:37:58
answer #8
answered by jerseymilo9 2
Relax, what that baby needs the most is you. He or she will need someplace safe and warm to sleep, formula or breast milk and diapers. The rest will just fall into place.
You may need someone there to help you out, but the baby just needs you.
Good luck to you and the new baby!!
2006-10-10 21:38:35
answer #9
answered by sc 3
1.baby milk if not breastfeeding .2 nappies .creams etc.3 clothes.4warm dry place to sleep.and lots and lots of love
2006-10-10 21:40:41
answer #10
answered by kitkathead 1