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Ok guys help me out.If u had a gf and that was bisexual and kinky had turn ons that involve other women. But not just her and the other women but she likes to watch and join in.The only thing is they is the couple has to agree on a personand rules.And all the ladies are hot.Then what is the point of cheating behind your gf back when she open minded?The only thing asked is to be honest.

2006-10-10 14:02:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

He says he likes have three sums.And it is not something we do every week or anything like that.

2006-10-10 14:14:12 · update #1

5 answers

Bisexual women don't turn every guy on. Like me, for instance, would rather be loved and have a monogomous relationship than have two women at once. Cheating, in general, is pointless. There is nothing gained from it, unless you believe lieing and hurting others is the best way to go. Maybe if he cheated he wasn't interested in this particular girl or in a bisexual person at all. Some people are homophobic, maybe that had something to do with it.

2006-10-10 14:06:17 · answer #1 · answered by Stick Man 2 · 1 0

i believe men like the ideas and fantasys of being in an open minded relationship like you have described but in the long run they will settle (90%) down with a mature monogamous relationship if they have experienced their fantasys. Also, if you let him have women with your permission he will think that you will be okay if he doesn't have you there all the time. The old saying is, "It's easier to get forgiveness then it is to get permission". If you have multi-partner relations a lot, he may be wanting one on ones and doesn't want to hurt you by saying he does, thinking that you may not like one on ones. Men like a variety, some in women, some in positions, and some in quantity.

2006-10-10 21:13:43 · answer #2 · answered by Liome 3 · 0 0

If I had a woman that will do all that, it's just sex to me because in my mind she is confused and I'm just taking advantage.

Besides, if your that kinky and bisexual, why do you care who he sleeps with? Why any rules at all. That's the question, I would ask myself If I was in your position.

2006-10-10 21:30:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is never EVER a reason to cheat. It shows a lack of respect for the relationship and the partner, as well as the cheater

2006-10-10 21:18:59 · answer #4 · answered by snoop_dougie_doug04 5 · 0 0

Depends on the situation.

Not really knowing too much about yours it could be many different reasons.

People should just be honest with each other about relationships.

Just my opinion.

2006-10-10 21:04:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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