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why are we all here, what are we here for?

2006-10-10 10:42:59 · 15 answers · asked by VIXEN 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

15 answers

I think that we're here to take care of the world and all of it's stuff. On earth we are the smartest animals otherwise you wouldn't be able to think of this question in the first place. DO you think a chicken dolhin, fish, or any other animal would know how to put there own kind on the moon, build buildings or even homes like ours? That's my main thought. My second one is that we are all supposed to have sex and populate this world and just....live.

2006-10-10 10:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by G-unot 1 · 0 0

There is no answer life just is.

This may seem simple but really ,it is a very complicated answer. All of life ( On earth.) teaches us life is finite.
If all life has an ending (yikes !) there can be no answer other then "It just is". We answer this ourselves many times over when we ask ourselves why we do things( Like climb a big Mountain.). The answer is because it is there. So there is no why and therefore no answer. God is not the answer due to the fact that God is a man made object.

2006-10-10 18:16:02 · answer #2 · answered by Truth hurts 3 · 0 0

The answer is very simple, but it takes a very deep understanding of it's simplicity. Most people cannot get past the simplicity and try to add complexity to something that is very simple. It's such an easy question but the true answer sometimes causes discomfort in the person unless they just accept rather than fight with it.

The mean of life is that their isn't any. But that doesn't matter.

2006-10-10 23:18:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bertrand Russell writes in his book “The History of Western Philosophy” that there are two perspectives of seeing things. First teleological, which seeks “For what purpose a thing is made?” Second mechanistic, which looks for the cause of a certain thing (cause and effect). When we see around us, we see things which are made by men for a certain purpose, like a table, a chair or a computer. This is why we have a habit of looking for the purpose of things. Even when it comes to the Universe and life itself, we always wonder about their purpose. This is not a correct way of thinking, because the universe and the life are not created for a purpose, they have evolved randomly. In this context, there is no fixed and ultimate purpose of life. Therefore all our purposes depend on our inclinations. Whatever you are interested in is your purpose or meaning of life

2006-10-10 18:30:36 · answer #4 · answered by Rustic 4 · 1 0

We are a wonderful accident!!! We are here to live, love, cry, laugh, make love, have babies, and ask the question, "why?"

I think we all make our own meaning to life. My personal philosophy is a sort of hedonism mixed with existentialism. The universe and life have whatever meaning we give them and it's our duty to make life as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for everyone if possible.

2006-10-10 23:06:22 · answer #5 · answered by catalamity 3 · 0 0

If you accept that a Word (for example 'meaning') refers to something or another;

and if this is accepted, you allow for the possibility that this something or other can indeed EXIST in and by itself WITHOUT actually NEEDING this or that Word to hold up its existence; Language would only have a referential function, it only REFERRS to this or that, but is not actually IT, it is just Symbol;

and if you accept this, you must agree with the fact that meaning -wether it be meaning of life or anything else-CAN in fact exist without Word or Language;

thus, there IS a meaning to life, but given that the very concept of meaning AS WE UNDERSTAND IT differs from the actual REAL meaning -due to the referential function of Language mentioned above-, the something-or-other-out-there CAN and DOES exist without sustenance on Language or Word.

Therefore, there is no TRUE and UNQUESTIONABLE meaning of life that can be attained/understood WITHIN Language, there is only its metonymical relative, that created and upheld within and by language; the TRUE, actual, Real MEANING OF LIFE, that 'it' to which we refer to when we use the word 'meaning' is extralinguistical, it can and will exist OUTSIDE the realm of language:

Thus, the TRUE meaning of life DOES exist, OUTSIDE the realm of that cultural creation called Language, but we can never know it nor attempt to understand it, for this very language, our cultural cumulus of symbols, our TOOL for MANIPULATING the world, unfortunately keeps us from truly Understanding the very world we so skillfully maipulate; all we are left with are cultural consensed-upon truths, which can be quite pragmatical, functional and operative, but not quite what we are looking for here.

This does not mean that one cannot find meaning to life; all it means is that the meaning we may find to it will be an artificial cultural creation, no matter how pwersonal it may be, because it will always be sustained by Language, not by the Real to which Language and Word makes reference to.

2006-10-10 18:43:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll be quick. You are here to experience life, a life which God gave to you as a gift. You are able to find whatever value in life that you desire. This is your right. Also you were created to praise God, to acknowledge his power and mercy. To show kindness and mercy to others and be an example to all through your behavior and words.

2006-10-10 19:05:49 · answer #7 · answered by You Ask & I Answer!!! 4 · 0 0

The meaning of life is to discover the truth about the illusion we live in.

2006-10-10 17:54:46 · answer #8 · answered by St.Anger 4 · 0 0

Seems we have been placed here to take in sustenance, eliminate waste, reproduce our kind and ponder the imponderable.

2006-10-10 20:45:12 · answer #9 · answered by Seeker 4 · 0 0

Answer is 42! (life, the universe and everything else?)
The real questions are:
Who we are, where we come from,
and what's for dinner???

2006-10-10 19:14:45 · answer #10 · answered by gobervart 2 · 0 0

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