speaking as a parent .. I would guess that if they dont trust you there is a reason... look at WHY they dont trust you
And what dont they trust.. They dont trust you tot ake care of it?
Have you had other pets or have other pets that this has happened too?
I will be honest... Fish are very low maintenence pets.. But if you dont keep things clean and fed they die easily
You can get 5 gal aquirium sets pretty cheap and then get a few inexpensive fish to practice on...
Try to get your fish close to the same size so they dont pick on each other
If you want to reduce how often you change your water even with a gold fish... make sure you have a filter and pump
Undergravel filters are great... lets the yucky stuff sink tot he bottom under the rocks
If I were you.. Id read up no the stuff and then call a pet shop or go to Walmart or even call them and get an idea of what it will all cost.. and read up on the fish you want to start with and then Put it all down on paper like a business proposal and calmly talk to them ....
I mean read too have answers redy for questions they have..
What will do if we go away ...who will feed you fish???
Answer... I can use a vacation feeder packet
You get the idea
I wish you luck...Its often hard to change a parents mind...
If none of that works... THEN give up for now;;; let it goooo
Put it on your Xmas list.....
No luck try the b day list
Meanwhile be sure you are doing what they want you to do at home and at school... homework , helping out etc...
Show them you are responsible in other ways..
Good Luck!!!!!
2006-10-10 07:59:00
answer #1
answered by Wismom 4
First you have to show that you are serious about owning fish, read about tropical fish and learn as much as you can about them. You local library should have books and maybe magazines such as "Tropical Fish Hobbyist". You also have to prove that you can take responsibility for cleaning and caring for the fish. Ask you parents if you do chores (Take out garbage, wash dishes, help around the house) will they reconsider their decision on having fish. If they say yes then set up of schedule and stick to it. Don't make them remind you or help you. Also discuss how you will earn the money to buy the equipment and fish. Tell your parents that this will be a learning experience and a way for you to learn responsibility. It is far less expensive and easier to get rid of fish than it is for other pets like Cats, Dogs, Lizards etc...
2006-10-10 17:53:35
answer #2
answered by Stan 2
I don't beg them. I am an adult that lives with my parents (I am only 18) so I went out and bought my own fish. I want to get hermit crabs but I have to wait on those for a while. No money. My suggestion-support the fish on your own. My parents don't care that I have fish and they actually enjoy my fish. But I support them. I bought the fish, I bought the supplies, I care for the fish entirely, my parents or siblings have nevered changed the water or feed them because I have asked them (they have spoiled my fish and feed them before but not because I didn't feed them), I take care of my fish when they are sick as well. Mow a few yards, do a few chores, etc and get some money. You can start out with bettas it cost me 17.41 to get everything I needed, including the fish, when I got my first betta. Now I have three.
2006-10-10 23:34:53
answer #3
answered by Charis 3
Well, first, I'd show I was responsible and read up on what kind of fish I'd want and what it takes to house them.
Please don't put a goldfish in a bowl as someone here suggested. Goldfish get HUGE and need 10 gallons per goldie and really good filtration. They're not easy fish.
You may want to read up on male bettas. They're inexpensive, have great personalities, and can be kept in uncycled bowls. You could earn the money to buy the stuff you'd need to keep a betta. Here's a good caresheet to get you started.
It is a big responsibility cuz they depend on you for everything and if you fall down on the job, they can die from it.
2006-10-10 17:45:18
answer #4
answered by Betty H 2
Well if your parents are anything like mine you're not going to be able to change their minds about it. So here's two solutions, wait until you have enough money and just come home with a bowl and goldfish or wait until you move into your own place and get yourself a tank and some fish. I mean you can try to talk to them about it but that never got me anywhere with my parents.
2006-10-10 17:53:11
answer #5
answered by cyber_music 4
Save your money and buy yoyr own fish. Ask your parents what kinda of chores you can do to make more money. Half the reason they won't allow you to get a fish is responsibility, take the initiative and prove your responsible :) Maybe then the fish will come :)
2006-10-10 14:49:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
show you are responsible. start with a small fish that is easy to take care of. maybe try having a beta fish first. buy the supplies to get a betta fish and have it all set up, then ask. they might be impressed that you figured all of the stuff out yourself
2006-10-10 14:53:41
answer #7
answered by Jenn 5
You could buy your own fish or ask them why
OR say that a fish doesnt need that much responsibility especially if you have the cleaning thig
just feed it everyday...clean the fish tank...and there it is. the responsibility of taking care of a fish.
2006-10-10 18:19:25
answer #8
answered by mzthinmami 2
Tell them it's a very good low matience pet that won't make a mess in the house and will show them your responsible, don't mess up if you get it though you might lose privelages.
2006-10-10 14:50:45
answer #9
answered by steve 2
Go buy your own. Goldfish cost 25 cents each, and a bowl from Walmart is $5.
2006-10-10 14:48:50
answer #10
answered by Esma 6