2006-10-10 06:48:06
answer #1
answered by Marsha 6
Some forms of pneumonia are contagious. It's worth going to the doctor now to get treatment before it gets worse and you end up in the hospital.
If you can pay a chunk of the bill in cash at the time of service, ask the office (billing manager or office manager) for a discount. (Better if you can pay all of it that day) They'll probably give it to you because it'll save them money not having to chase an insurance company for it. (Otherwise, make a payment plan with them right away.) BTW - a hospital will be WAY more expensive than a doctor visit.
Good luck and feel better.
2006-10-10 13:49:48
answer #2
answered by zippythejessi 7
walking pnuemonia is a bacterial infection, mycoplasma. It is bacterial, but clinically resembles viral infections, as it is an intracellular bacteria. It is contagious, but less so than other pnuemonia causing organisms.
It is contagious is very close contact, and is usually self-limiting, ending in about 10-14 days. Generally people with walking pnuemonia aren't given anything. The bacteria which cause the illness are transmissable for several days after a person has cleared the infection, so stay pretty much away from them. Even if you get it, it will usually just resolve on its own.
2006-10-10 13:49:45
answer #3
answered by banzai 4
Yes, it can be contagious. Although waking pneumonia is usually at the stage that it is not contagious.
2006-10-10 13:49:33
answer #4
answered by noice 3
Uhhh.... YEA.... If it wasnt contagious... how would your brother and his girlfriend both get it? BECAUSE IT IS DEFINITLY CONTAGIOUS.... If its absolutely necessary for you to go to the doc, look in the phone book for free clinics... many cities have them for people who dont have alot of money and are very sick.
2006-10-10 13:48:28
answer #5
answered by Angel Eve 6
Most pneumonia is viral, so you can catch the virus that causes the pneumonia. Doesn't mean you will get pneumonia---just the virus they had that started it.
2006-10-10 13:48:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It is not only contagious but affects your brain.
Insurance or no insurance go to a doctor.
Pl take insurance.
2006-10-10 13:52:37
answer #7
answered by SKG R 6
Wrap yourself in Saran Wrap and you will be protected.
2006-10-10 13:53:29
answer #8
answered by Thanks for the Yahoo Jacket 7