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jeez..I am sick of this.

Somedays I feel like finding 2 or 5 white people that rub me the wrong way, finding some arbitrary similarities between them , aplly this similarity to all whites and then ask why this is true, expecting them to explain thoroughly, like they all freakin know!!! What the heck, then some innocent white person whose good, kind, fair and friendly is gonna get assaulte by my crappy @$$ attitude because of 2-5 whites I saw.

what the heck!! White people seem to do this to every other race every freaking day an this site! I am sick of it. I was wondering what it would be like for them to see how that feels, but then I think of all the kind whites I've known my entire life and realize I cant hate you freakin' people!!!!!!!!! Not over stupid crap anyway.
This is the same crap the Black, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterner's go through. I would like to be the Black Racist.


by the way, why DO you whites smell some sort of crap so much?

2006-10-10 05:02:54 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

but people like juanita shaquita are racist!!
why not a Black Racist!?

2006-10-10 05:10:50 · update #1

33 answers

Hi, I will be honest with you. At one time I was kind of racist. I lived in a poor area of town and had bad personal experiences with black people. Also within two weeks, two people were killed in nearby convenience stores. They both gave the black men who robbed them the money, but were shot and killed anyway. One had 6 kids and one 4 kids and this upset me. A month later it happened again. I started generalizing this bad feeling and traits (not being killers just negative things) to all black people.

Then I became very interested in politics..I began going to areas of town where a lot of black people lived to campaign etc. I started to talk to them. I realized how aware they were of the acute suffering of the poor etc. I saw how similar their philosophy was to my own. I had long talks with my grown non racist son. I started to realize how wrong I had been...I felt very terrible and guilty to have felt this way about people I didn't even know based on the actions of some of the people who shared one trait, their skin color. I really felt bad and asked God to forgive me for what I had thought and believed. I changed my attitude about black people in general (never discount a person changing. I was in my late 40's when this occured...one would have thought I would be set in my ways).

Now I know more black people through my political involvement..some are obnoxious and loud and rude, but more of them are wonderful, kind, brave people working hard on our common goals to make a difference..standing side by side fighting the good fight and hugging and talking.

I am actually crying in the retelling of it as I don't believe I have ever told anyone. Many black people are some of the most religious, caring, smart people around. They are, like whites, all individuals..they are not a group.

In fact, I did a protest this past December..it was the first one I ever did. I knew nothing about how to do it..at the time I only had one contact email. Yet I managed to, after 120 hours, pull it off successfully. In trying to find speakers, I talked to two extremely nice black women. I talked to one for many hours. They were both wonderful and went to all three of the locations and activities planned and were a great support and addition to the protest.

We had 8 speakers and reached 5000 people. Although we touched on dozens of topics, the protest was done in honor of Rosa Park's 50th bus anniversary...the main themes of the protest were racism, poverty (a topic very dear to my heart) and war.

Although it is very hard not to generalize, I have always been very aware of it and tried not to, but I had this blind spot with black people due to several bad experiences that I generalized to all black people and this was wrong.

I am happy God brought it to my awareness and adjusted my attitude. Although I am not black, I am obese and I do understand stereotypes and prejudice from that perseptive. I even experience it with gifted intelligence..many people make assumptions and classify people even with that based on previous experiences. When I was pursuing a teaching degree, one of the prospective teachers in a class about exceptional children made the comment "I hate giftd kids, they are all big snobs and know it alls..I only want to wor with slow learners. I knew a gifted girl once and she was awful...beleive you me, I was a little stunned. I would not want this woman teahcing either of my two gifted kids since she already hates them before she even knows them

.Being prejudice and filled with anger and hate and bitterness, always hurt not only the person who is the victim but in some ways the perpetrator too as it is always not in our best interest to carry hatred and be judgmental. God designed it as such and warned us as it harms us mentally, phsically, and spiritually. Though hard, forgiveness is best for all concerned...sometimes it takes time though, but we need to have the willingness to one day forgive with God's help.

I do understand your feelings though. i was on a chat line and met many, many men (always upfront with my exact weight and description)...invariably they turned out to be users, liars, players, game-players, and generally crappy people and these were the ones I thought (after long conversations prior to meeting generally) were the cream of the crop.

Several lied and were married and I had women (who I knew nothing about) calling my house cussing me out and threatening to stab me etc. (they found my number in his possessions).

Me --who would not even go out with a man who was separated 15 years because I thought in God's eyes, he was still married and who was extremely insistent in relaying that I had a SERIOUS moral problem even talking to an attached man - let alone meeting and dating one.

I began to have a VERY negative view of men....and to think they were all jerks and there were NO good ones. I found myself rolling my eyes and thinking "yeah, I heard that before" I eventually decided I was lucky to be alone if this was how men were and totally stopped meeting people.

Many men loved my personality and want to meet me and take me out, but though I might talk to them, I would never meet them again..so experiences with so many men I am ashamed to say the number of them were bad and I generalized it to all men..their actions hurt it for the decent men as I started thinking they were all liars and users. It's too bad, too, because I have many traits men like..but it is me who won't give anyone a chance now after muy experience with many men..

However, about 1% of the men were very nice and wonderful people, considerate and kind..maybe 2%..

There are good people of all races, creeds, religions, etc, Sometimes we forget this but millions of people belong to these groups and each one is a snowflake..no two alike..remember when God was asked if for the sake of a few good people, if God would spare Sodam and Gomorrah...it's like that...do it for the sake of those few good ones because they are there..in every single group of people..

My son has told me "mom, you are prejuduice against rich people"..I find myself generalizing that all reps and religious right people are nuts, but this is because these bad ones stick in your head but I have had some decent ones respond on here and be civil...there are hurting it for all in their group, just as the white people are and the selfish rich people and the men I met..

.I hope you will be able to remember that just as all blacks should not be judged due to the actions of some blacks I knew, so, too, so too must all white people not be judged by the actions of white jerks..Hope this made sense.

2006-10-11 11:07:45 · answer #1 · answered by healthnut 2 · 6 0

I wouldn't say I was racist. If I don't like someone. it's not because of their race or religion, it's because they're a prat! Fair enough, find a couple of white people and judge all white people on them, that's what most people do. Personally, I'm prejudice against politicians (specifically presidents) because they do tend to be egotistical war mongers.

I totally agree with you. It's gonna sound racist in itself, but it seems to be white Americans harping on about how terrible Muslims are. Most Americans wouldn't even recognise a Muslim (they think they all wear turbans, for pities sake!) if they met one. Theo only thing I would say is that people are racist to white people on here too, it's just their questions tend to get removed whereas the other racist questions stay. Take the guy who said all Arabs are related to Satan, he never got removed despite numerous reports! It's madness!

2006-10-12 03:32:08 · answer #2 · answered by babyeddieuk 3 · 1 0

Actually, what you hate in certain white people is what you hate in yourself. That is simple psychology 101 lol. However, I am unsure of why you would clump all whites into one category? I have a lot of black friends. Some, i could not longer be friends with because they were not color blind. I think you need to worry more about how people truly are, then what color they are. You may miss out on a great friend, otherwise.

And no, white people in general do not hate, same as black people .. a person hates.. an entire population of one or the other doesn't.

That is like saying all females are gold diggers and all men beat their wives.. simply uneducated and not true.

A lot of it is how a person is raised too.. bad parents teach thier children hate, fear, jealousy. If not in so many words, then by action. A good parent teaches their children to accept all, and to watch out for the bad ones. And a good parent teaches bad, like good, comes in all forms, shapes, sizes and colors ;)

A good analogy - judging people by their color is like buying a car just because it is red. Perhaps there are actual qualities to look for.

2006-10-10 07:07:58 · answer #3 · answered by Vita 3 · 3 1

Racists come in all colors shapes and sizes. To be a racist means you let your heart fill with hatred. You seem to be letting certain people push your buttons. And make no mistake it is politically correct to blame white men for all the worlds woes. I,m white but I,m not blind, I know that there is prejudice against black people and its not right. No more right than you being prejudiced against white people. Like Marten Luther King said "Judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" Face it there is always going to be racists out there, just don't diminish your self by becoming one of them. And while your at it crack a smile and have a good laugh about something, it will make you feel better.

2006-10-10 06:57:53 · answer #4 · answered by Captleemo 3 · 3 0

I don't think it's the race i think it is the ppl. I don't judge black ppl and there are some that live near me that are constantly trashing things and breaking into ppls cars, but at the same time I know some black people that are the kindest and most honest people i know. If I was going to judge a race by some characters then black people with flavor flav. Yikes that man is a fruit! But white people have jeffery Dahmer. it's all good! Thank God I am Native American and Italian. We just drink a lot, but mind our own bussiness. I think these days with all of the world turning on us I think we should all stand as Americans, and stick together.

2006-10-10 05:13:04 · answer #5 · answered by Adriana27 2 · 1 1

There are many black racists already. I live in a town where a black kid can get away with many things because their parents will start screaming racism if any one says anything, whereas a white kid would get punished. Also, what drives me crazy is how so many people in the past and present have worked so hard to try and overcome racism in our culture, but then two little black girls tell my little brother that he can't play with them because he's white! In kindergarten no less! He didn't even know there was a diffrence until they told him that. Seriously, what the hell have we regressed to?! And the teachers couldn't do anything about it either! Can you imagine what would've happened if a white kid had said that to a black kid? Really people! It just drives me crazy!

2006-10-12 02:53:41 · answer #6 · answered by Julie 3 · 2 1

You as a black should understand that people don't want to be judged by their skin color. Just look at each person for who he is individually, and get over the whole racism thing. It's really hackneyed and old, so just get over it. In response to your other question, there's nothing wrong with it that you are a lesbian or bisexual. Just do it! And be nice. We whites are sick of the angry attitudes coming from black people when we ourselves are not racist. I have a newsflash: I never owned a slave and neither did my immigrant grandparents, so just get over it already. Better yourself, be kind, and just live your life. And you were never a slave anyway.

2006-10-10 06:27:30 · answer #7 · answered by nido_tr3s 5 · 3 1

Its always interesting to find someone else at the edge of an issue. You stand at this point as a good reminder of where our right thinking should be? So, thank you!!!

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:9-10

2006-10-10 05:10:55 · answer #8 · answered by rapturefuture 7 · 2 0

Don't be a racist! If you listen to those who are you don't want to sink down to their level. It is unfortunate that so many whites are ignorant jackasses that they can't do the right thing. They were raised wrong and don't see what they are doing. I suggest that you make a statement with support from both sides. Please, don't sink to their level, you are only hurting the cause to wipe out racism.

2006-10-12 03:12:20 · answer #9 · answered by Obi-wan Kenobi 4 · 2 0

You have issues.

Why only whites? Why not Hispanics or Jews or Indonesians?

You sound like some lazy black person that feels like Whites owe you something? Get over yourself. The crap that whites smell is probably you with all your Jerry Curl crap in your hair!

Grow up.

2006-10-12 03:08:51 · answer #10 · answered by ○Freeman○ 6 · 1 2

When reading the contents of your question, I get the feeling that you are on the way of becoming one...
Don't let that happen. On the other hand, the same text describes you as thinking about race relations and reflecting on the possible negative outcome of your actions.
That makes you a responsible person. Please, stay that way. The world deserves it.

2006-10-10 05:31:17 · answer #11 · answered by Yuri 3 · 4 0

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