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What are the arguments for and against gay marriages?I would like to know all the for and against as it has been such a big issue till now and I would like to understand more about this issue.

2006-10-10 04:34:36 · 26 answers · asked by jap_anime_gal 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

26 answers

I have had just read the two books based on gay marriage, “Gay marriage” by Jonathan Rauch and “why you should give a damn about gay marriage” I have had to say these books are meant to be heard, the people needs to be heard.
Yes the politics always gets a lot of angry protesters and angry demands on many sides, both for some things, another anti on some things. It forces the balance in many things on which they may or may not come to pass according to the law. Will it be the prejudice and hate that will prevail, or will the justice and goodness be the victor?
The fanatic religious followers and leaders have been battling on with their desire to make amends of the religion request be passed into laws, but is rejected. Which I believe it should be rejected, for religion is will become a chaotic mess that’ll create imbalance and throw the world into the darkness and tragedy.
The battle between pro and anti gay marriage continues for years and still presses on. I myself am by far for gay marriage.
When I have finished reading the “Why you should give a damn about gay marriage.” I found myself thinking, why are anti gay marriage fanatics so blind with their hate and paranoia? I believe America is by the most paranoid society I have met. They have led themselves to believe the sky will fall if things change, like if gay marriage will be legalized, the world will burn. But it has been legalized in few countries, and the world is in no serious danger. In fact, not a speck of danger ever occurred with gay marriage. Things turned into an ugly mess when gay marriage was not legalized.
If you read the, “why you should give a damn about gay marriage.” You would be saying the same thing about why we should give a damn. If by anything, marriage would not only be good for the country and the growing families, it would also create strong bind in many things, and lessens the tragedy many has to go through. Without the gay marriage, it doesn’t just hurt the gay people, it also hurts heterosexual people too. Read the book to understand, I implore you.

Many people felt that if gay marriage were given the right to be legalized, and then it would open the door to polygamy, bestial, incest, and more. As Jonathan Rauch said in his book, they have potential harm that gay people don’t have. Thus homosexual marriage wouldn’t hurt anything. It doesn’t harm the marriage in any way. It’s not like gay people would walk around with bombs in their pants during gay marriage.
I bring myself to think, I love cats, a lot, but I never thought of marrying them since it sounds retarded. Animals cannot do anything that would be beneficial and they cannot do anything with the legal terms either. With polygamy, it is high potential that it would be messy and cause multiple problems. We’ve seen what incest could do, it has created birth defects and mentally retarded children. And as Jonathan said, we’re pretty sure people would just avoid incest as possible, however, some may not be willing to heed from getting into incest.

I have never thought of marriage is anything but love. It scares me to believe people would marry one another without actually loving them. Some says it’s about procreation, but there’s many that can’t produce children or some that don’t want children.
In some one reads Jonathan Rauch’s book, “Gay marriage” they would understand how silly it sounds to say marriage is procreation only.
Plus you can’t marry someone you don’t love. THAT destroys the traditional marriage, and makes a mockery in marriage rights. For example, someone marries one for money and they don’t love each other. Is this what people wants to see? Do people see domestic violence, child abandonment, child abuse, martial rape, adultery, and so much more as a traditional American family? If you reply no, then you should understand it’s folly to suggest Gay marriage possess a threat to marriage. If you think, yes, you need help, seriously.

Reasons I believe gay marriage should be legalized

1)gay people CAN love.
2)It strengthens the country and traditional family values.
3)Homosexuality can provide better and healthy home for orphans.

In the American marriage constitutional rights, gives rights for the rights for men and women. There is many major arguments over whether or not to allow gay marriage. I see no problem with the idea of legalizing gay marriage.
What protection does a marriage needs against gays? Within the marriage of both women and men, there has been lots of sham marriage. There were marriage that fails, and marriage that has turned the world inside out. There have been very high divorce cases between heterosexual couples. Things have not really turned well even for the children. Too many parents abandoned their own children, disowned them for many reasons, committed murder on a family member, committed adultery, family members seems to scatter miserably.
Gay marriage is nothing different from what heterosexual marriage can provide. When it comes to two men, they want to provide same service to their country by being a family. What gay couples do is their own business as is heterosexual couples’. What gay people can do for the country is help keep the country strong as hetero couples can do. They can raise children well as heterosexual couples can. They can apply for jobs that They can keep the country going strong and well. There is a chance of less divorce rates in homosexuals. They can raise children very well and most likely be more like the American’s ideal of traditional family.
The marriages of gay couples are seen as a meltdown that brings the country to mass destruction. They, the America society, feel that allowing gay marriage to be legal in many or all of the states would bring chaos. They feel that gay couples would weaken the family value the country has built. Politics and religion needs to provide solid proof that gay marriage can be dangerous, not by their homophobia. Through the bible they believe marriage is a tradition between men and women and always has been. With that being said, the tradition of the marriage is vague because it shown no solid reason why gays should not marry.
The rights of gay marriage should be legalized not because of someone’s belief, but by solid proof that it brings no harm. A blind rage against each other’s belief and homophobia keeps things from being set right. The marriage is about love and upholding commitment to each other and the country they serve under.

I have just read the book “gay marriage” by Mr. Rauch. And from what I read, I think it should be certainly heard.
The people that are against gay marriage feels threatened by the fact it was gay people that wants marriage. Some feels that by letting gay people marry, it would open the door for those who are into incest, polygamy, bestiality, and/or underage child marriage. There is some who I think, by making fun of it, that people would want to marry inanimate objects.
We have seen what those things like polygamy and incest could do and it seems like it would hurt marriage, unlike gay people, gays are very much like just any other heterosexual couples.

2006-10-10 11:33:50 · answer #1 · answered by mystic_lonewolf22 5 · 0 0

For starters because we are people just like everyone else we are able to love n hate hurt n bleed. We love just as hard n strong as a man and a women. Why should we not be able to marry the one we love just bc that one is same sex as me, that's just not fair. People are against back n white couple but I don't see them being told they can't get married bc people don't agree! Everyone deserves the right to be happy and experience love no matter who it comes from. Just take a min look at the person u love n ask urself how wld u feel if u were told u cldnt marry that person. Someone's opinion shouldn't control someone's life! DON HATE ME BC I SIN DIFFERENTLY THEN YOU!

2014-05-21 04:45:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know, for a long time I was against gay marriage. My main argument was that it would reduce the value of marriage.

Well. I spent a few years trying to back that up and I couldn't. The truth is the only thing that can reduce the value of marriage is getting divorced. With heterosexuals, divorce has been increasing rapidly. They can only blame themselves for damaging the concept of marriage.

I also pointed out that gays did have the right to marry. They can marry the opposite sex. Well, that was faulty too. Heterosexuals have the right to choose the person they love to marry. Since homosexuals don't love those of the opposite sex, they cannot marry the person they love.

There is another thing too. If you have a solid marriage, there is nothing that other people can do to affect your marriage. Your marriage will not collapse if two gay men are married. In fact, the institution of marriage will be STRONGER because more people will be participating in marriage.

If you're wondering why the 180 turn, I tried to suppress my orientation for a very long time. I fought hard against accepting it.

2006-10-10 04:40:33 · answer #3 · answered by it 3 · 3 0

In the 9th or 10th century the Vatican banned M-M marriage, F-F marriage had always been banned on the theory that marriage is a transfer of property (the woman) from one owner (the father) to a knew owner (the husband) and women, being property, couldn't own property. Catholic canon was the source of Church of England canon, which was the source of English Common Law, which was the source of U.S. Common Law. Same sex marriage is illegal because it is forbidden by the Bible and it was deemed the purpose of civil law to compel the practice of Christianity. Other popular arguments are that gay people are either not human beings, i.e. You don't let people marry pigs why should you let people marry (insert epithet of choice)?; or that they are mentally incompetent and therefor unable to give consent, i.e. You don't let people marry and have sex with two year olds, so why why with a (i. e. o. c.)?

Outside of Judeo/Christian controlled societies lifelong hetero-sexual monogamy is only one of the many forms of marriage that have been practiced throughout history, and it is actually one of the rarer and least success full forms at that. Just look at the divorce rates and the numbers of cheating spouses. More than that, the same people who oppose same-sex marriage oppose divorce. What is the logic of denying marriage to people who want it, while denying people who don't want it a way out? Many Pagan societies regarded marriage as a legal contract, like a business partnership, and the terms were negotiated like any other contract. Druidic law included pre-nuptual agreements over 3000 years ago. Types have included same-sex marriages, line marriages, polygamy, polyandry, open or closed marriages, even marriages that expired and had to be renewed. Property division, child custody and support issues, all the things that are usually addressed in a Divorce court were normally discussed and worked out in advance. The existing laws about marriage and sexuality are relics of another age, we are in a new millenium, we have new kinds of people living in a new kind of society, we need new laws to reflect that. The customs and mores of 100 years ago can no longer work because the social conditions that made them work no longer exist. Trying to deny reality because it isn't what it used to be, or what you want it to be, is the path of madness.

2006-10-10 12:51:58 · answer #4 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Thanks for asking an intelligent question! I can not give you the "against" issues because I see no reason why it should not be legalized.

Being gay or lesbian is NOT about who sticks what where. It's about love and commitment and making a life with your soul mate who may just happen to be of the same gender you are. Unfortunately, society views it all as some barbaric sex fest when in reality it's not like that at all. Yes, you do have some sexual sickos out there both in the HETERO world as well as the gay and lesbian world. But overall the gay and lesbian community are seeking love and commitment just like your typical hetero folks. We're no different. Its just that our partners are the same sex.

2006-10-10 04:40:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

As a straight man, my argument for gay marraige is why not? The Constitution says all people of the US have the right of the pursuit of happiness. Why does any one care whether gay people can get married or not. Mind you're own business. As long as you are not hurting me or anyone else I do not care how anyone goes about being happy. If that is marrying the same sex, so be it. This is a free country.

2006-10-10 04:37:51 · answer #6 · answered by M.B. 4 · 3 1

because they deserve the same rights as anyone else. otherwise we're going back to when blacks couldnt marry whites. or it was at least looked down upon. the whole thing is stupid. everyone should be allowed to marry anyone they want. end of story. people who are against it think its gross or against the "sanctity of marriage" which is BS. if thats what its all about, then divorce needs to be illegal, as well as second third forth etc marriages. and on the whole, its gross thing, then dont marry someone of your sex if you're so against it!!! geeze.
every person deserves the same treatment, and this is legal treatments they arent getting!! just let them marry and be like everyone else. and if you dont like it, well then dont be gay!

and to the whole, its against the bible, crap.... ever think some people dont care about your stupid bible? to most of the world its a dumb book that idiots read and try to force down everyone elses throats. if you believe in it, fine, but you have no right to make decisions for everyone else that doesnt

2006-10-10 04:40:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Because the law says separation of church and state... when anyone can give me an answer as to why it should not be legalized without using a biblical reference, i'll bow to them. Until then, it's our unalienable rights as citizens of the United States to be given equal opportunities and equal protection under the law.

2006-10-11 05:03:38 · answer #8 · answered by Phedre D 3 · 1 0

The practice of homosexuality is destructive to the human soul and God gave His warnings about this in the Bible. Supporting gay marriage is a sin because it means to support homosexuality.

Iniquities (sinful tendencies) pass down the generation line if they are not removed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus. Homosexuality is caused by iniquity and the Blood of Jesus cleanses the iniquities of all who accept Him as their Saviour.

After a person accepts the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, they are transformed and made a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). So the gay person would be changed and so would the alcoholic, liar, drug addict, fornicator etc. It's the power of the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit in the believer that brings about this transformation.


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.

If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:

"Dear Jesus,

I am a sinner.
I repent of my sins.
Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood;
come into my heart.
I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior.


2015-09-20 16:16:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't see that there are any valid arguments against it. Some people say it detracts from their marriage. Those people are shallow. If two people of the same sex want to get married why not.

2006-10-10 04:37:58 · answer #10 · answered by Max B 3 · 3 1

It's a gender issue. The U S Constitution says it does not discriminate based on gender, and they are trying to pass laws based on gender. It should be legalized because it's not legal to discriminate based on gender.

2006-10-10 04:35:47 · answer #11 · answered by Justsyd 7 · 4 1

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