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I had a really disturbing dream last night where I was in a fight for my life against a home invader who happened to be a black man. I have a notion that the person in my dream might represent my shadow self, but I would like to know more about this theory before I start thinking too hard on it. I dreamed I needed to stab this invader to save my life and my partner's life (I am a European lesbian). As soon as the police arrived, he came back to life and attacked me. By the way, if you have anything racist to say about black people, or anything nasty to say about homosexuals, don't even bother answering my question, because I will report you to the yahoo authorities. Thanks for compassionate help

2006-10-09 16:25:57 · 9 answers · asked by coco_lawton 1 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

9 answers

The shadow self is really the ego. There comes a stage in spiritual development when you will experience the conflict between the fears of the ego and the power of spirit. During this stage of conflict you will feel as if you are teeter-tottering between the two. One moment spirituality is in the forefront. The next moment it is the ego dominating your thoughts and actions. Your True Personality is coming forth into your consciousness and is a more powerful vibration than the ego. As your True Self emerges it will challenge how you think, how you see the world, and how you live your life. As spiritual awareness begins to grow stronger the ego will begin to diminish. The ego has no power against the higher vibrations of your True Self, but it will resist. This time of conflict will be a time of fear and confusion as the ego struggles to survive.

2006-10-09 16:39:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not familiar with the shadow self theory, but I am with dream symbolism. The fight represents some real life struggle you are experiencing, can expect in the future, or fear you will have to face. If you came out victorious in the battle in your dream it portends that you will also be victorious in the real situation, but not without some effort on your part.

2006-10-09 16:53:24 · answer #2 · answered by strgoddss 3 · 0 0

It does sound like an instance of shadow self, since the shadow self is almost invariably the opposite gender, regardless of sexuality, and generally either looks very close to your own appearance or very foreign, and a person of a different race would certainly fit that bill.

The shadow self is indeed a part of the ego--basically the ego's unconscious, if I remember correctly. I'm not going to go armchair-psychologist and attempt to interpret...but there's a bit of info for you.

2006-10-10 00:36:28 · answer #3 · answered by angk 6 · 0 0

I think you either have insecurities about yourself or how I interpreted my dream about being attacked by one of another race,... He caught me me and his penis was so long that it was coming out of my mouth, i had been supressing something that I either desired or despised. I think we all have dreams that we can not explain and just have to guess. If you are not insecure then it probably means just that you are lackong something that you really want deep down but it doesn't mean that it has to be sexual. Just sharing a true moment that for the longest time I thought I had the only dream like that! true sincerity from a sister! good luck too you!

2016-03-28 03:19:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Here are a few site that might help you find what you are looking for. In psychology you take what you get out of it so I will not try to explain it is best that you read his theory for yourself and then come to your own conclusion on the matter since after all it is your dream.

2006-10-09 18:15:51 · answer #5 · answered by fierequebecoiseauusa 2 · 0 0

Sweetie it generally represents a conflict within yourself sometimes you have created it ( fear, anxiety etc) or it can be created by the views and your need for acceptance from those around you. If you accept yourself the way you are don't worry about what others may think. Don't let fears or insecurities interfere with it. If you are happy that's all that matters.

2006-10-09 17:39:18 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

what do you think this shadow self was trying to tell you? I have a degree in social work and have studied this somewhat, I have some insight to offer, I am interested in more details....

2006-10-09 16:29:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my mother dreamed , the future sometimes. warned me that four black men would cut me she saw blood it was four Whites. be aware in all in situations hon.maybe get a friend to stay with you.maybe get a pistol. just in case.I will pray for your safety.

2006-10-09 17:08:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

im not familiar of the theory. but i dont think dreams are things that we need to worry on.

2006-10-09 16:30:53 · answer #9 · answered by lnfrared Loaf 6 · 0 1

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