I believe aliens exist. I believe life will be found elsewhere in the universe. Whether they are visiting us here on earth I don't know and they may only be small possibly virus like in nature. But i think in a universe as large as this one appears to be then there is the possibility of other planets harbouring some form of life.
2006-10-09 19:04:57
answer #1
answered by thescouseanator 2
It's interesting that we don't hear much about the alleged deceptions of the so-called devil and demons. Or what the fallen angels look like etc. From what I have seen it could still go either way or both for that matter. I think we are getting very close to the truth to finding out in our lifetime or quite possibly in a few years. I can say I have seen many different looking ones but if they are as knowledgeable about genetics who can be for sure if it isn't just one species doing it. Once they had mentioned about not being angels or aliens but just alternating life forms. Some would call these shape shifters. Here is one example I remember:
2006-10-09 15:02:20
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
at first to Donna, do you have some style of psychological situation? there is extra suitable than adequate element to return up with an answer for this question. in spite of if an intensive answer should not be that precise. ok, to me this relies upon on what you define as alien. Are we conversing of humanoid like creatures? respectable sized creatures the dimensions of like, a squirrel a minimum of? Or are we in simple terms conversing of existence in outer area in spite of length? by way of fact if we are conversing of any variety of existence in outer area then i ought to unquestionably say confident I do have self belief there is existence on different planets. the element is those existence varieties will ALL be microscopic in accordance to my very own perception.
2016-11-27 03:38:16
answer #3
answered by gardy 4
Only the human race could become so conceded that they would think they are the only ones in this galaxy, or any galaxy.
I beleive that aliens exist on that knowledge alone. We can't be the only ones 'out there'...seems scientifically impossable (or it least improbable)
2006-10-09 19:23:26
answer #4
answered by Midnight Butterfly 4
If you can see my hands right now, I will believe you are an alien.
2006-10-09 14:28:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Proof about the existance of extra terrestrial intellegance comes from the fact that so far, they have haven't spoken with us.
2006-10-09 16:16:48
answer #6
answered by Silent One 4
It would defy logic not to believe that they exist, considering the size of the universe!
2006-10-09 17:31:10
answer #7
answered by F R 4
Seen "Contact"?
"If we're the only ones in the entire universe, wouldn't that be an awful lot of space to waste?"
I believe!!!
2006-10-09 17:51:14
answer #8
answered by Nicole 4
sure do as we would have to have an extremely huge ego to believe we are the only intelligent species in the entire universe wouldn't we ?
2006-10-11 03:45:42
answer #9
answered by Marvin R 7
i do not but we have a person in our neighborhood who even has tin on her windows from aliens and some of my friends do
2006-10-09 14:29:44
answer #10
answered by kandyland_babeee 2