sure.. you'll get married, have some children, have some grandchildren, then you'll die of cancer of the eyes.
2006-10-09 13:37:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I see you wearing a school uniform -- perhaps a plaid skirt. You're walking past a group of lockers. There are boys at the school, but you find them a bit goofy. You are in a play and work very intensely.
Your home life is average -- occasional parental spats, but by and large, it's comforting for you and your parents adores you.
Your ability to work hard and the self-confidence you have from living in such a good home will stand you in good stead in about 10 years.
I see you with medical personnel facing a medical crisis. I believe it is one of your own children. It will be hard.
2006-10-09 20:40:10
answer #2
answered by hawkthree 6
No, he is unsure about you.
If you ask him out, he might take it the wrong way.
I think he'll hurt you more if you don't kow for sure.
Just ask him to go for a cup of coffee. If he says no, and he doesn't have some pressing business to get to, then it's an east let down, and you can go on.
Don't set your heart on him. I'm sorry.
Wait one week and three days, someone better will come along.
2006-10-10 00:54:32
answer #3
answered by Nicole 4
there is a psychic sense in all of us. your hand is one place you can look. get a book on palmistry. it is amazing how it will detail every line and explain how every line has meaning. it is in the bible that god put a mark on the hand of man so all men can know of his works. just a few thoughts hon. you take care and good luck.I m from greenville.s.c.
2006-10-09 20:51:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Even if psychics weren't bogus--and they are--how could one give you a "reading" via Yahoo Answers?
You have to make your own life, honey. Don't go looking for answers from strangers and frauds.
2006-10-09 20:38:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The magic 8 ball says try again later.
2006-10-09 20:38:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i see a young woman, shes in school and has an attention to detail problem. home life is ok but her parents dont really understand her. kinda into guys and kinda into doing your own thing. she needs to try and open up to her folks alittle and try to spend more time with them.
2006-10-09 20:42:01
answer #7
answered by chef_q_c 2
you will go thru ups and downs throughout your life! you will marry someone your very fond of but not completely in love with you will have useless arguments over money and whats best for your kids you will never get to spend all the quality time you like but will get buy anyway and have a normal and rewarding life till you die! 100$ please
2006-10-09 20:42:01
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
yeah im psychic your confused teen that thinks your world is coming down on you cause your best friend lied to you about somthen or your boyfriend cheated on you or heres one your parents just dont understand you
i bet i got one of those right
teen girls your all so predictable
2006-10-09 20:40:06
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Welcome to the real world. Just say hi. If he wants to know you he'll find out from someone. Just read about body language and other clues so you become more intuitive.
2006-10-09 20:49:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
NO, am not psychic but if you fine a good one I would like to know. So if you do please come on line an let us know.
2006-10-09 20:41:13
answer #11
answered by Nikki 2