I completely agree with you, I think that people just fear what they don't understand. But if they would actually take the time and do their research, they would have a great appreciation to Wiccans and Paganism, because they have contributed alot to the Christian religion...look at the Christmas tree, not originally a christian tradition, but a Wiccan tradition!
2006-10-09 09:45:01
answer #1
answered by devil_kitty22 2
Lets get something straight here. Wicca is not Witchcraft.
Wicca is a modern invention. It is a mixture of Witchcraft and Freemasonry. Gerald Gardener, the founder of Wicca, was a freemason(co-mason) and a Rosicruxion. He had some experience with a coven and filled it out with the rites of Freemasonry.
Wiccans are Pagan, but not all Pagans are Wiccan. I had my training in Wicca, but found it to confining and short sighted. Im now a Witch. Not condemming Wicca at all though, it is an excellent starting point and provides the practioner with disipline, but its not the be all end all.
As for the "satanic"issue. Satan is a Christian God, (not THE, A xian god) We are not christians, we dont follow your deities. What if I said you worshipped Hades? Kinda silly, no?
Jesus appears in Pagan mythology. He is known as Bran the Blessed, and is considered the founder of the Druids. I know Pagans will jump on me over this, but its true.
Yes Wicca is a VERY caring religion, a little too fluffy bunny for some. The law of ' An it harm none, do what thou will' covers everything.
I attended a happy clapper church mass on invite, and found them praying that the witchcraft anti-discrimination laws in victoria would not be passed. I confronted the pastor afterwards on this. He had little to say.
Yahoo is biased as well. People are being violated for saying Jesus masturbates, yet when I report people for saying pagans are satanists that sacrifice children on Halloween, nothing is done about it.
And if you actually bothered to read the christian text that is the "Satanic Bible" Anton LaVey, in the book of Lucifer it says that under no circumstances is a satanist to harm children or animals.
Yet the book of Leviticus in the Bible is all about how GOD wants you to Murder animals. Animal sacrifice is a trait of YHVH, not satan. So is smearing the blood of sacrificed animals onto HORNS on an alter. Hebrews 9. Disgusting!!!
How many of you god bothers have actually read the literature you profess?
2006-10-09 13:14:20
answer #2
answered by Leshy 2
It is simple those who translated the Bible made several mistakes either on purpose or by accident when copying the Bible form Coptic to Latin and into the other languages form there. The BIGGEST line I have heard over and over again is "Thou Shall Not Suffer A Witch To Live." Which is a mistranslation form the original Hebrew into the above listed languages; the line originally read "Thou shall not suffer a poisoner to live." which makes a whole lot more sense. A poisoner can be easily proven to have done something wrong; where as a person charged with committing a crime through witchcraft is just someones word without any real way to prove said witch did any thing wrong at all. A poisoner is/was one of the most uncaring type of murders, and hence the strong stance against them. How it change for Poisoner to Witch though is a mystery to me.
2006-10-09 12:57:00
answer #3
answered by Phoenix Summersun 3
Why does anyone perpetrate hatred, ignorance and prejudice? Especially, why do those who profess of worship a god of LOVE promoted these? Is this a question that can be answered completely? I don't know. I doubt it.
> I believe that many truths are presented here that answer this question: Fear, ignorance, generational prejudice, history perpetuating, etc. What I don't yet see included is systematic and purposeful destruction of a powerful way of life for the purpose of subjugation, dominance, and power and control over the masses.
> Throughout history, every dominant nation has rewritten history to their own favor and preference. As a result some truths have been obscured and/or obliterated. However, we can still form a relatively clear picture of those events that led to the existing attitudes of many today. Check out When God Was a Woman by Merlin Stone. I think this book will go a long way to answering your question in a more grounded way than is possible in this forum. It will probably raise as many questions as it answers, but that's a good thing for the one who wants to learn - as opposed to being programmed.
> Blessings on you!!! :-)
2006-10-10 06:33:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, okay. I was raised in a pretty fundamentalist church, and the mindset seems to be that Wicca=Satanism, which is of course far from true (and even Satanists don't deserve the bad rap they get from the uninformed). Why? I suppose it goes back to Bible verses about practice of "sorcery", which is a not-too-good translation, to be honest. (The word translated thus would be better put as "poisoner".)
Question about earlier answer...why is worshipping the Creator different from worshipping the Creation? If I read a really good book and enjoy it, my logical assumption would be that the author is brilliant. If I am moved by a piece of music, the composer deserves praise. When people have enjoyed something I've written, I take it as indirect praise for me. How is that any different?
2006-10-09 09:50:50
answer #5
answered by angk 6
It's not all Christians, it's the Conservative Christians. I used to live in a different city that tried to get a law passed promoting tolerance. It never passed. Why? Conservative Christians opposed being tolerant to gays and other groups (like Wiccans). As a Deist, I am tolerant to all religions (that is even part of my religion) and having studied religion, both in college and on my own, I think it is interesting that one of the most intolerant groups of people base their beliefs on a religion founded by the Prince of Peace. I have never met a Wiccan, but I have read a book or two on the religion, and it seems like a very peaceful religion.
2006-10-09 15:02:47
answer #6
answered by The Doctor 7
People will condemn anything they don't understand, especially if it's a group of people that devoutly believe the same thing. This is how we get angry mobs and how the witch trials began. It's nice to see that you have done research into this. Being wiccan myself, it's gratifying to see someone who will not follow "the masses" and do a little homework before making a judgment on another group. Good for you!!!!
2006-10-11 09:19:03
answer #7
answered by kat 2
They do so because they're afraid, they don't understand and are so closed minded they aren't willing to become educated about it.
I always find it interesting when fellow Wiccans know more about other religions than most other religions are willing to try to find out about us.
Though, as I hear it, we're the third most popular religion in the US. There must be a reason for that.
2006-10-10 05:45:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
To most people, Wiccans are a type of Witch. Christians see them as modern witches and they believe that they are Satanic. It is human nature to fear what we don’t understand. Christians are taught that everything that exists outside of the Bible is evil. They are taught that every religion or spiritual path outside Christianity is not right and true. Witches especially scare Christians because Christians see them as devil worshipers.
Most Christians are taught to follow. They are constantly compared to sheep and Christ or a minister being a Shepard. They are taught to think with the mind of Christ rather than with their own minds. They are taught that because they were born to sin that they couldn’t trust their own thoughts so they very quickly learn to not think for themselves but to listen to every word of a pastor as though God speaks through them. Christians, therefore blindly trust what they are told to trust and believe what they are told to believe.
What they don’t understand is that the Bible was never intended by the ones who wrote it to be the infallible word of God. They have learned that the Satan that their religion has created is a perfect scapegoat! It is easy and convenient to make mistakes or act in unethical ways and think “the devil made me do it!”. Wiccans are different. They can’t by the definition of their own teachings be Satanic or devil worshiping because they do not believe in the devil. They see the devil as a Christian concept.
Chritians hate Wiccans because they fear them. They hate Wiccans because they are taught that there is danger in learning about or trying to understand anything different than their own doctrine.
2006-10-09 11:06:22
answer #9
answered by cammsters 2
wow, this brings back memories. i grew up catholic. its funny and true i was fundie too. if, someone would come up to me sometime around the time i was confirmed as a catholic (16 years old) and told me that by the time i was 35 i would have been a proud high priest of Wicca and that i would fall in love with magick, well the person saying it would likely get punched. lol, i love Wicca. i love nature and the seasons. i love the spiritual freedom and the way that Wicca not only helps you destroy fears in your life but to seek out smaller fears and deal with them as well. it glorifies knowledge of self and universe! Not hiding it or being afraid of it. it gives a person far more grip on personal responsibilities and doesn't hide behind some one dyeing for their sins(mistakes) no Wicca helps you (with courage) face your wrongs, take responsibility for them. accept consequences for them. help others deal with them as well.
Christians are not bad people. just believing in the misinformation. they take up banners of violence and hate not even knowing that they are killing innocent animals in a forest and not an army of evil satanists. they buy what they are sold. and because it comes at personal cost they fight to defend it, even if what they do is entirely offensive.
solitary practitioner of Wicca and wizardry
2006-10-09 11:06:01
answer #10
answered by mournyngwolf 3