Your born. Have a laugh. Then you die. The end!
2006-10-09 09:47:57
answer #1
answered by Sparky 1
The purpose of life is to do whatever you can to make this a better world in which live. The purpose in life is to give of yourself to others without expecting something in return. The purpose of life is not the acquiring of material things (although we use them), but the acquiring of peace with yourself and others. The purpose of life is that all your actions are for the good of mankind, no matter how big or small. The purpose of life is to be kind to each other, especially the elderly and the young. The purpose of life is that all your actions should be an example what is good and kind. The purpose of life is not about you, its about others, and we seem to forget that during the course of our busy lives. Try to think about the impact you have on your family and friends and society as a hold. Your daily contacts should be sincere and humbling, without being taken advantage of. The purpose of life is to reflect goodness towards all mankind. Period. I know it's not always easy, I don't always have the patience I should have, I don't always make the right decision, but I pay attention to what I say and do and if for any reason what I have said or done effects anyone in a negative way, then I know I've made the wrong chose. In closing: The purpose of life is to help make the world a better place for "all" mankind through your everyday contacts. A simple smile or hello, a helping hand, doing a good job at work because you know its the right thing to do, being a loving family member or friend, be charitable and most important, try to exist in a state of love. That is the purpose of life.
2006-10-09 16:23:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
80% of humanity, the religious folks, don't need to ask the meaning of life, the church tells them....the supernatural explanation. But the rest of us can't swallow religious dogma, because there's no evidence. Nobody can prove that there life after death, that people are tortured or rewarded after life or that there's invisible spirits running around.
I've come to two conclusions recently:
1. Life has no meaning
2. Life has a million meanings.
First, there's a certainty that death and annihilation awaits not only you, but the Earth in general. It's an astonomical certainty that our sun will supernova and leave the earth a burnt crisp, not to mention all the other extinction level events around the corner.
Second, the million things that give us meaning are the pleasurable experiences we can conjure up during the short period we are here on the earth, in the form of the relationships we have with our kids and other people, and the 'housekeeping' types of purposes. What i mean by that are the curing disease, ending hunger, improving literacy, reducing crime, preventing war, helping other kinds of things.
2006-10-09 16:59:01
answer #3
answered by Its not me Its u 7
Then there is no answer. God gives purpose to life, and if you keep running away from Him that is useless; because the day you die, you will appear before Him and give account of your purposeless life. What I am talking about is a relationship, not as what you seem to think of it as religious. Your idea of spirituality is warped and you need to stand back and objectively examine what it means to know the living God. The point of living is to enjoy life, a point you have seemed to missed, because you are not following God's design, but man's design. Read Romans chapter 5.
2006-10-09 15:07:04
answer #4
answered by tigranvp2001 4
2006-10-09 16:26:40
answer #5
answered by drg5609 6
Nothing comes easy. Happiness comes with hard work. So, sure, you don't have to work hard...but of course don't expect good things to come to you either. That's just the way the world is.
Of course, my personal belief has a lot more to life than that, but since you don't want a "religious" answer...unfortunately, this world is all there is for you. Sad, isn't it? I'd suggest seeking out something Higher than this world for true happiness.
2006-10-09 15:03:16
answer #6
answered by cb4556 2
It seems to me that you want someone to say what you want to hear. Maybe you are just feeling down and it seems that you need some encouragement. Life may be difficult at times but the difference you need to find is the difference between Joy and Hapiness. Hapiness is temporary, Joy is long-lasting. The purpose of life in my opinion is to bring joy to the people around you. If you try to only make yourself happy, then you will usually only find emptiness. Sure we are all going to die, but living a life dedicated to others is gonna make it feel a lot longer.
2006-10-09 15:14:45
answer #7
answered by greenblaze21 2
The purpose of life is to live it to the fullest. Without that stuff call MONEY you will not have life. For to live you have to work to make that green stuff. Unless of course you were born with a Silverspoon in your mouth. Just ask yourself what you want out of life and go for it. YES we do die in the end however untel that time life does go on.
2006-10-09 15:17:05
answer #8
answered by sersa 2
The idea of working is to have the things you need. If you have a good job you can get what you want and enjoy things. It sounds like you do not like your job. The way I see it most people work eight hours a day, sleep eight hours a day and have leisure time eight hours a day so I suggest that as you spend 1/3rd (or there abouts) of your time working make sure it is something you like doing.
May be time to move on to another job or career. Life is meant to be more fun then dreading going to work. Good luck!
2006-10-09 15:13:46
answer #9
answered by The_answer_person 5
The only true answer is the religious answer. Your life has a divine purpose. God, your Heavenly Father, has prepared a marvelous plan for your happiness. When you realize that God has a plan for you, it is easier to understand why you are on this earth. God wants all of His children to progress and become more like Him. This time on Earth provides opportunities for you to grow and progress. Coming here allows you to:
· Receive a physical body.
· Exercise agency and learn to choose between good and evil.
· Learn and gain experience that will help you become more like your Heavenly Father.
By following our Heavenly Father’s plan, you—like all of His children—can someday return to live with Him and with your loved ones. You can have greater peace in this life and eternal joy in the life to come.
2006-10-10 03:07:25
answer #10
answered by # one 6
we are have different ways we think we should live our lives some people are content with working at a dead end job barely making it but and others live that way and hate it..some people are born driven to make sure they leave a good impression of themselves for themselves on the world..some act like they don't care about much and sell drugs..or binge drink of get high everyday and think nothing of it others struggle with substance abuse
Basically it is between the person and themselves what they want to get out of live some pessimist see it as : life a bi#$% and then you die" while optimists see life as a beautiful struggle and living life should be cherished for what it is
2006-10-09 16:24:52
answer #11
answered by Missbribri 5