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1. George Bush is the greatest President ever because he has balanced the budget, increased social programs to help the poor, and won the War in short order in Iraq.


2. Dick Cheney is the greatest Vice President since the Rolling Stones began their singing career, because he really knows how to key into the heartland of America and feel the guts of the people.


3. The current Republican dominated House of Representatives and Senate together with our great Republican President GW Bush have had carte blanche to do whatever they want because they have a majority everywhere, and thank God they have because they have fixed every major nation problem that existed before Americans voted them in.


2006-10-09 04:54:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

That would be a Triple FALSE!!!

2006-10-09 05:07:49 · answer #1 · answered by Sugar 7 · 1 1

1. False. The budget is not balanced, GW has not increaased any social programs to help the poor, and the war in Iraq is still going on, with insurgents still fighting every day.

2. False. Cheney is out of touch with a lot of the people.

3. Kind of true, but not necessarily a good thing. The fact that one party controls all three branches of government eliminates the Constitutional system of checks and balances, so, while they can do just about anything they want, it's really at a tremendous cost.

2006-10-09 12:01:24 · answer #2 · answered by theredmosquito 3 · 1 0

Sounds like you should go to work for the drive-by media or one of the big polling outfits. The drive-by media pounds out a steady drumbeat of "Bush Sucks!", and "Bush is the Devil!", then the pollsters follow up a few days later with questions like, "Do you think Bush sucks? Is Bush really the Devil?" It's the perfect example, as you so clearly demonstrate, of the old Garbage In = Garbage Out Principle. If all you hear is Big Media leftist crap, that's all you're gonna repeat. Name me one fact about Bush, real quick. What schools did he attend? What sort of degrees did he earn? How old is he? What branch of the military did he join? What was his rank and duties? I have not met a Bush-basher yet who can answer any of those questions. All they can do is repeat over and over, "Bush Sucks!" "Bush is the Devil"....Just proves my point on how easy it is to indoctrinate narrow-minded people. For further edification, read anything by Greene, Kafka, or Orwell...

2006-10-09 12:19:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

All three are false as the weapons of mass destruction that George Bush said Iraq had. Long live George Bush so he can suffer the indignities of getting old.

2006-10-09 12:03:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

regardless of your own political views, and by the way I only read the opening of your first question and assume you are a conservative, there is absolutely no such thing as a true/false political survey. Politics are not absolute, they are based on individual beliefs and ideals. So I have to further assume that all you are looking for is validation of your own beliefs. There is nothing wrong with that, but please, be honest when you ask the question.

2006-10-09 12:11:52 · answer #5 · answered by sixfour76 3 · 0 0

The answer here are clearly all true. At least if a neo con were asked. Or a deaf dumb and politically blind fool were to answer.

For those of us that have the ability to think for ourselves however, the answer is BULL SH IT!!!!!!!!

2006-10-09 12:04:23 · answer #6 · answered by my_iq_135 5 · 0 0

I can only say that if any out there believe any of the above can possibly be within the realm of truth i hope they are responding to you by typing with their noses in straight jackets confined to padded cells.....good day.

ps john b is an Idiot!!!

2006-10-09 12:00:52 · answer #7 · answered by I Am He As U R He As U R Me 3 · 3 0

False on everything

2006-10-09 11:59:29 · answer #8 · answered by brian2412 7 · 1 1

false times three

2006-10-09 11:57:04 · answer #9 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 4 1

False ,false,false!

2006-10-09 11:57:55 · answer #10 · answered by justgoodfolk 7 · 4 0

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