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Is there always such hate filled people on here towards GLBTs????

2006-10-08 18:27:15 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

18 answers

Yes and no... There is allot of haters on here "Post-bashing" people... even people who ask genuine questions are unfortunately made mockery out of. But Darl don't let that deter you there are some really nice awesome people on here. You just need to wade through the idiots to find them...

2006-10-08 18:37:51 · answer #1 · answered by *Aus*Surfer*Girl* 2 · 1 0

Well, heres the harsh truth. Get ready.


Ok, you asked the question...

The reason people react so strongly to GLBT's is that homosexuality is a genetic abberation. Now, I am in now way esposuing that GLBT people should have fewer rights, shouldnt be able to get married, anything straight people can do, but thats the reality. Homosexuality, unlike say being black or jewish, is something that goes against natures intent and people react that way. It is a short circuit with no real evolutionary purpose. Maybe. Or maybe in the end homosexuals will take over everything and become the dominant species. That would be natural selection to. But to heterosexuals, you will always be instincitvely abhorrent. Of course, with education and an open mind, it should pose no problem for people. But how many people fall under that catagory?

Again, I espouse no abuse of GLBTs based on this theory. if you abust a GLBT, you are an ahshole. Thats not a theory.

By the way, churchies, Jesus said 0 aboutgays. Nothing. Not a word. He did say love everyone without judgement, to leave that to god. So to even CALL something a sin is to cast judgement and sin yourself.

2006-10-09 01:59:33 · answer #2 · answered by mark r 3 · 1 0

Hatred is a sad reality that we have had to endure for countless millenia. But consider this, thousands of years of persecution, torture, beatings, even murders and still WE ARE HERE. Whether they like it or not, heterosexuals who hate us are going to have to accept that we are NOT going anywhere anytime soon. Also, given the history of evil perpetrated against gays throughout the centuries, and given we still continue to flourish, one has to consider that we clearly are more than just an aberration or divergence within evolution. Clearly we have a function, personally I suspect we are a form of population control.

Either way, in the end, people will hate or be fearful of what they do not understand or cannot control. That is human nature.

2006-10-09 09:15:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

fraid so babe

Well having read so many of these hate and gay bashing questions over the last few months on here i have come to several conclusions as to who these people are and why they do this.

1..There kids that aren't too bright and really don't know enough about anything to answer or ask a question with any confidence.
2..Gay haters and homophobic people who are so scared of there own sexuality they just cant face it so they set out to distance themselves from gays by having a sad little bash on a free question site.
3..God botherers that really cant be happy with there own faith (or who don't really believe anymore) and are terrified that someone may be enjoying life better.
4..Sad or jealous people that are so desperately lonely and unfulfilled in their lives that this may be their only form of communication,a lot don't answer any questions but just post hate and then sit back and watch the reactions.
One way or the other they seem to have been left behind on life's journey and bitterly resent that so they roll their disappointment and frustration into a bitter little ball and post some vile hate on this site.I suppose we shouldn't mind too much because if they didn't have this outlet they may have to open a vein to deal with the sadness and disappointments in their lives.

Either way its so sad to watch,the poor attempts at wit and the desperate lengths they will go to,to get attention.
To respond to them just drives them into a frenzy of activity i suppose it make them feel that they matter to someone rather than just sitting alone and unwanted in front of there monitors because no one wants them or is too interested in them,its very very sad really.

So to all of the above if posting hate makes you feel alive go ahead it matters to no one really,and on here your safe to do it because no big bad gay can actually reach you.
Your like a little fluffy dog behind a screen door on the porch barking and snapping because you have a nice screen door protecting you.Hate all you like gay people are here to stay and there is nothing you or your hate postings can do to change that!

So go on vent till your eyes bleed no one cares.


2006-10-09 02:10:11 · answer #4 · answered by Bearable 5 · 1 0

well not just on here but everywhere... many glbt act like attention seekers always wanting to look so "out there" and different and want all eyes on them, and since they want so much attention im sure the rest of the world gets sick of it and they only attention they give is negative attention... in my view, all these glbt who make big deals about it all, make it harder for the rest of us glbt people who understand that your sexual preference is your own business not the entire worlds.... its the same for straight people..., sure tell people, but dont make a f*king huge scene out of it, besides im gay because i like guys, not guys who act like girls, if i wanted to liek guys who acted like girls i may aswell just like girls, makes everything a whole lot easier, no wonder glbt cop so much anger, they most likely asked for it..

2006-10-09 07:01:01 · answer #5 · answered by benk969 1 · 1 0

They are afraid of what they are not comfortable with. Some people just need a scapegoat too... they need someone to hate, to be against, and since they could not be gay, they can lash out at something they do not understand.

Also, some of them might feel homosexual urges, or have experimented in their childhood, and they are lashing out in order to conceal their secret.

It is sad, and I wish it would change.

2006-10-09 02:25:28 · answer #6 · answered by Stephanie S 6 · 1 0

No, no. Not just towards GLBTs. Towards all people who show any small achillies heel of vulnerability. We hate all people, take no sides, and seek to demean, disparage, insult, and enrage as many people as possible on here. it's really quite fun.

2006-10-09 01:31:49 · answer #7 · answered by jack b 3 · 0 2

yes, we're under constant attack. i guess the morons don't know when they do it we just get stronger and unite to drown them out. i hate the negativity but i will not stop using this site because it's ours they can't have it. we have the absolute right to be here, so here i'll stay............as jack would say "WE'RE HERE WE'RE QUEER GET USED TO IT!" lololololol end of tirade the soap box is all yours.

2006-10-09 06:22:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i sure hope not.
god says to love one another as christ loves us.
god says to: hate the sin but love the sinner.
but honestly, the GLBT'S can't enter into the kingdom of heaven if they don't repent & turn from this immoral way of living.
god doesn't approve of this lifestyle at all.
but he still loves you all.
that's why everyone needs to get their lives right & their hearts right with god before dying.
we'll all be judged b/4 either entering into heaven with god or being cast down into the pit of hell forever with satan.
see, life is like a vapor: here today & gone tomorrow.
we're not promised tomorrow.
that's why god says to live today as if it's your last day.
everyone needs to repent(turn away from sin), before entering into heaven.
everyone needs to acknowledge that jesus christ died upon the cross for our sins, transgressions & debts. we need to ask jesus for forgiveness & for jesus to come into our hearts & live as our personal lord & saviour.
this is the only way to guarantee eternal life in heaven.
to follow jesus christ, his ways.
jesus is the way, the truth & the life./light.

2006-10-09 01:35:46 · answer #9 · answered by lu 3 · 1 3

Here's to us, those who like us and all those we love. Let the "haters" wander in their wilderness.
Love to all, Rose P.

2006-10-09 01:55:17 · answer #10 · answered by rose p 7 · 1 0

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