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Can you explain why there are still apes around if we supposedly have all "evolved"? What about the fact there are no Man-apes. Does evolution just magically happen all at once. There must not be any in between stages. You just go from Ape ...poof Man!! HAHHA. How silly.

2006-10-08 16:25:52 · 33 answers · asked by joshjones007 1 in Social Science Anthropology

33 answers

There seems to be plenty of examples in the fossil record of 'apes' walking up-right with near human characteristics.

But I'm not an advocate of the idea that "God needs help, so he 'invented' (macro) evolution", either.

What gets me, is the idea that the a particular species has a set gene pool millions of years ago. And 'evolution' drifts aimlessly with millions of failures before it 'evolves' upwards. How come then we see spiders that are millions of years old? Certainly evolution would require that evolution happens without a purpose, and therefore to appear exactly as it does now, as it did millions of years ago violates this "drifting aimlessly" principle.

Therefore, a designer DID design a spider and it was perfect for what it did. Two absence of evidence is not 'evidence of absence', therefore humans are not in the fossil record due to inadequate numbers. Three, there's tons of stuff that evolutiontists can't explain, -nor will ever explain. But it's their 'religion' to not give it over to God, - as the explaination.

2006-10-08 16:34:41 · answer #1 · answered by MK6 7 · 2 3

People who do not have a good understanding of how evolution has worked will find it difficult to comprehend or believe or even "ridiculous".

People with a solid understanding of the science of it see that the reality of evolution pretty much hits one in the face when looking at any living creature and may be amazed at how plain it is to see.

This "man-ape question" keeps popping up on here over and over again. Why is it so difficult to understand that a few "zillion" years ago x number of apes had some metabolic or genetic "mix" that meant this particular type of ape was subject to further physical and mental refinement over a period time. Evolution has never asserted that anything "magically happened".
Think of it this way: Some birth defects are called, "inborn errors of metabolism". If some occurance/condition can happen to affect either the development of the ovum or the sperm or else the newly growing blastocyst or else the embryo or fetus; then why is it so hard to believe that somewhere along the way a long time ago something happened to alter the direction that some apes' descendants would take in terms of development.

Final comment on this boring question: There were in-between stages, but they were subtle, subtle, changes that occurred over a long period of time. There was no ape that poofed into a human (like the Incredible Hulk, who is, by the way, fictional, in case you aren't sure about that either) on September 15, 1956!!

2006-10-08 21:39:08 · answer #2 · answered by WhiteLilac1 6 · 1 1

1) We didn't evolve from apes but rather a common ancestor

2) Why would there be man-apes? We didn't evolve from apes.

3) No, evolution doesn't just 'magically' happen at once like some magical being that creates the universe in 7 days.

4) Evolution's speed is variable. Sometimes it is faster and sometimes slower. Evolution really is just change. Many small changes equal one big change. Whether something changes, how it changes, and how long it takes to change are all based on random things.

2006-10-09 12:26:45 · answer #3 · answered by Julie M 2 · 1 1

were you brainwashed y your preist or just raped as a child?

Evolution is not a "constatnt" things MUST change to make them better. Things change to adapt to thier environment or because there is a mutation that is beneficial that gets passed on and then stays because it is beneficial to the species. Sharks have been around for millions of years because they are very well suited to live in thier habitat with what they have.

Only a moron still uses the term "from ape comes man". First off "apes" and humans did not evolve from each other any more than your mother was also your sister (ok, wait bad example, she is). Ok then any more than a normal person wouldn't have thier "parent" bieng thier "cousin". Apes and humans share a common ancestor.

Besides this makes a hell of a lot more sense then believing that some magical spaghetti monster created the earth and man. Pretty stupid. I wonder if some ancient failed sci-fi writer came up with that load of crap too.

2006-10-09 03:24:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

there is already a lot on here, but yes not only do I believe in evolution, I do not see how it is not an option, I am very open to arguments as well, but there is not a good one countering evolution, the reason animals do not change (some guy was talking about old spider) cats, sharks, some lizards, is because there has been no pressure for them to change, that is what I love about cats. They are essentially the same animal that they were 60 million years ago (minus the saber teeth) their proportions and muscles and organs and over all appearance is the same (though the domesticated ones are smaller) they reached a poiont of perfect evoluitonary status for their environment and have had no reason to change. As for us evolving from a common ancesture with the chimp, half of us ended up in the praire due to some deforrestatin in the african plains, where as a result of survival pressures it was better for us to stand (to see over the prairie grass) then walk on four feet, so we learned to walk...you can figure out the rest

2006-10-09 06:49:35 · answer #5 · answered by ninja cat 4 · 1 1

If Evolution (Darwin) is true then how can we explain that some bacterias which existed billion of years ago are still found unaltered and didnt change to another form,.Darwin's theory seems inadequate in front of the big picture : mutations are triggered by cosmic catastrophes that themseleves cause mass extinctions and pave the way for new species to appear by inoculating new genetic material into the genomes of survivors. While man likes to think of himself as the logical culmination of progressive evolution from stupid bacteria to smart Einstein passing by playful ape, the truth of the matter is that there is no logic at all in evolution : unlucky species are wiped out and replaced by others regardless of aptitude or merit.

2006-10-09 04:51:00 · answer #6 · answered by fuschiafish 2 · 1 0

Did both your parents drop dead when you were born? I hope not, and if they did - my condolences. But chances are they're both alive and kicking somewhere and wondering at the awesome power of genetics. How half of his chromosomes and half of her chromosomes could combine to create you, a totally unique and separate being with some of their attributes but skills and attitudes all your own.

But in actuality, you are misunderstanding the theory. The theory isn't that we descended from apes, or chimps or monkeys. The theory is that we all share a common ancestor. And that isn't nearly as silly as the Judeo-Christian belief in dirt going POOF! - man! with the help of some supernatural being. Or the Asatru belief that a primeval god slain by his own children and salty cow nipples had something to do with it. Most people understand these to be figurative, not literal, and couched in terms the receiving culture could easily understand.

Picture this - you're Moses, ok? You have absolutely no concept of 'billions' of years and no clue as to what a molecule, let alone an atom, may be. But you say "God, how did we get here?" And God thinks "Hmmm. Should I just tell him or should I expect him to use the brains and the logic I endowed him with to spend the next several millennia exploring the world around him and arriving at the answer slowly?" So God looks in your eye and says "Well, on the first day....."

There's still so much about the universe (or even multiverse!) around us that we don't understand and we have to explore. I, for one, am thankful that we did receive figurative explanations from the various world religions. The constant pursuit of this knowledge is one the great joys in life!

From the American Heritage Dictionary -
Def: Theory
pl. the·o·ries
A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena.


2006-10-08 16:41:53 · answer #7 · answered by morgorond 5 · 3 1

Yes a lot of people have evolved from parots , because they cant think for themselves and keep repeating what they are taught at school like the stupid theory of Darwin and it is true that some people have evolved from apes and they still care to preserve this theory because they feel related to the apes by their small brains who cannot accept change in the scientific field,,, Science should evolve or else what makes it different from religion? Darwin's theory is preserved by those scientists who wants us to feel we belong to the apes family,, The homo-sapiens race is different from the neanderthal and the cro-magnons and the homo-erectus races which existed at the same time with us,, Did all these races evolve from the same apes and if yes which ones??

2006-10-09 05:25:54 · answer #8 · answered by kitty 2 · 1 1

oh hell yes. I do believe in this. See, its proven through fossils and such that in evolution its a rather drawn out experience, lasting thousands upon thousands of years. No, it didnt happen over night. There are maaannnyy inbetween stages. And there are many reasons why there are still apes and humans. In evolution, many breeds will stop for a a long time while something that came from the same start will continue. That sepparates the species, in a sense. Like dogs.

2006-10-08 16:41:04 · answer #9 · answered by Blue 1 · 3 1

Yes, actually yesterday I was talking with a friend and she was telling that she actually believes in evolution, like she says that there are a lot of different kinds of apes so that we are just of those kind of apes that have the chance to evolute... crazy... i still dont believe

2006-10-09 02:49:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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