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it all started when I resigned from my previous work.. after that I feel that my life fell... problems keep on coming.. and I can't find a new job.. I feel so worthless right now... don't know if I still need to live or not... want to end my sorrow and my family's aswell... please help me.. what can I do to recover my worthless life...

2006-10-08 16:12:15 · 11 answers · asked by Joanna 1 in News & Events Other - News & Events

11 answers

One foot in front of the other , life is hard but it is also a blessing, and you are a blessing to your family and to your friends. You owe it to yourself to weather the storm. The struggle will make you stronger & it will build character. I had a hard time growing up. I just turned 40. My life has shaped up beyond what I would have ever imagined. I'm not married, but I have two nice dogs a couple boyfriends my own home, 4 cars & 2 motorcycles(alot of new friends). I did it all on my own. No help from anybody. I don't know how old you are, but you can get books to read on this topic, just look. Love yourself.
You will find a job there are alot of jobs. Education is best. If you can't afford it, educate yourself, choose something you are passionate about, and educcate yourself. I was in the music business for 16 years and in that business I learned it takes 10 years to accomplish something of any significance. Maybe you already have some talent you have experience with. Explore your options. Plus, it would be so selfish and hurt your family so deeply if you were not around. Your Mom would cry forever because of you, isn't that reason enough to get some help, or help yourself? Maybe you have clinical depression. A professional could give you help. You just need a little tiny bit of help. It could all end with a Dr.'s visit. Maybe even a trip to the book store. It's worth it.

2006-10-08 16:36:30 · answer #1 · answered by motogirl 3 · 0 0


The solution is so simple it is almost impossible to find. I am not so very good at explaning things, however I will try.

Your problem, it would seem from the limited information you have given is that you simply have not found your nich in life. In other words a vocation. A vocation should not be work. It is something to make a living that you enjoy doing. Not very many people find what I would call a true vocation. It does not matter how much money you do or don't make if you don't enjoy going to work for what ever reason you have not found it.

I am going to relay to you my situation, past and present. It took me 57 years to find what you can find almost immediately. That is , if you will take my advise.

My career, work or whatever, after a few meniel jobs was selling.
In looking back, I would say this was some kind of curse. The reason being is that I could actually sell. And I do mean sell. I was always and still could be in the top 5% of any sales organization. (Except for Multilevel Marketing) Which in my opinion is nothing but a con game. One on one I am a Master.
Make tons of money. But greed always sets in when there is lots of money to be made and there are other people involved. Now listen!!! The key words here are (other people involved). They always , and I don't care who it is , if they can't or won't do what you can do come up with YOU ARE MAKING TOO MUCH MONEY! So I would quit and start over, and quit and start over.
The same thing would happen. I am a or used to be a very trusting person. Well George won't do me that way! Suprise, George did. Oh well. Who was at fault? Given the data I had, It was my falut, not George's.

Joanna, at 57 years of age I was in the same frame of mind you are and had been many times before. So what I did was find a business that required only me to do it and do it well. That was ten years ago. It has been tremendous. No one can sell me out except me. And I sure ain't going to do that. Now I am not going to tell you that I work only 23 minutes a day and spend the rest of my time at the beach or playing golf or flying my jet. NO NO NO
I am able to perform my task which is very enjoyable with the vigar and enthusiam of a 25 year old. I call my shots and earn a very healthy income.

For many years I thought the outcome of events was my fault. And you know what Joanna? It was! Only because I kept sticking my finger in light sockets. Don't stick your finger in a light socket and you won't get shocked.

I sincerely hope you can understand.


2006-10-09 00:10:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you can't find a job you're not trying. It may take time to find your dream job, but if you really want to work you can find something. Go to a local employment or temp service agency. It doesn't matter how amazing your skills are, just take what they can get you. This will give you a sense of structure again, and will buy you some time to look for the job you truely want. If this is a blow to your pride, take it as a character building experience, and use it to motivate you to find what you want.
As for ending your life, don't even think about it. Your family doesn't deserve that kind of hurt from you. Good Luck

2006-10-08 23:24:26 · answer #3 · answered by awakeatdawn 3 · 0 0

Joanna, I think you need more help than we can give. I have been in your situation before and have contemplated suicide. You need to reach out to others for help...if you don't feel comfortable going to a friend or a family member, there are hotlines in the phone book you can call to help talk you through your options. Sometimes, just hearing a voice at the other end of the line, even if you don't know them, can put things into perspective so you can think more rationally.
I lost a job myself once and spent a month wallowing in self-pity. What brought me out of it was getting busy and keeping a schedule. That meant getting up early every day, devoting a specific amount of time to the job search, planning what exactly what I was going to do that day in terms of job searching, and filling the rest of my time with busy work, such as cleaning.
I know it sounds trite, but occupying yourself with something takes your mind off your troubles. Dwelling on the question "why am I even here?" just leads to more heartache. Believe me, I know.

2006-10-08 23:22:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous 4 · 0 0

The answer is that no matter how many times you fall on your backside, pick yourself up and try again. You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself and look hard at what you can do. Feeling sorry for yourself leads to depression and failure and depression is where you are at now.

I have been battling with chronic pain all of my life and I suffer enough to make the average person curl up and die, but I do not let it stop me. I have things to do and places to go, so I do as much as I can and always work at achieving goals I set for myself. Nothing unrealistic, but if I don't make it, I try again and again until I succeed.

If I can do it, so can you. Get involved with helping other people and you will not only feel good, you will learn to help yourself.

Problems come, problems go, that's life. Meet each one head on and get it out of the way quickly. Don't worry about other problems until they actually get there, as that's just paying for something that hasn't happened. When they arrive, deal with them at that time.

Clean up your personal side and get out of the rut you are stuck in. You will then find your life will improve greatly. Rule number one, never give up.

If you just can not implement what I said in your life, get medical help from a clinic or doctor. They can get you back to feeling like your old self. I fought depression more than once and the medical folks were great. They got me back to where life really meant something positive.

2006-10-08 23:39:43 · answer #5 · answered by Seikilos 6 · 0 0

Your question caught my attention because I'm pretty much in the same spot you're in. I'm hoping it helps at least a little to know that you're not alone. I'm in a deep depression and I've had thoughts like yours, also. I try to think of how devastating it would be for my family if I carried through with it. Try to think of each day as a new day with new opportunities. The job situation is no better where I live. Just please keep trying, and don't give up! If you need someone to talk to, email me. It would probably do me some good also.

2006-10-08 23:26:37 · answer #6 · answered by Starscape 6 · 0 0

Hi, first of all let me remind you tht your problem are being faced by hundreds of million people throughout the world.
You resigned your previous job for a reason, in this rapid world to find a job its pretty hard as competition and willingness to work more hours at less pay are the factors where people are ready to work.'Wht you can do for a time being is you shld find any job which pays and has low working hours. Here you can work and also find new job which suits your education level, wage expectation and most of all your interest.

We shld keep in mind tht, though it may be very hard at the moment tht you r thinking to end your life, this is totally worthless. We all human beings have problems in life, each and every one of us have problems, we as a human being our main duty is to face all obstacles in life. Once you face the obstacles, you'll be alright. It may be soon or it may be long, you have to face it. Find some minor jobs where you can earn alittle and dont waste your time. You'll find a good job soon.
I believe indian astrology alot, i personally have 5 masters who live near me just to guide me in all aspects in life. According to indian astrology, every human will face huge challanges every 9 years.
You must be strong in life, and you have to face it. Never to think tht if you end your life tht things will be all better, as a matter infact, it will be even more terrible. Think abt your family and close-ones, they will suffer the most and this suffering wont end for a very long time.

Compared to other people who are suffering more than you, the strong ones will face it and continue to live, the weakers one will die.

As a successful person, every time you fall you must learn your mistakes and once again rise. If you dont learn your mistakes and keep on falling in the future than you are a fool.

Be sensible, be wise and most of all be smart. Your life is very precious, it may not be for you but for others. You come to this world for a reason, we all have duties to finish.

2006-10-08 23:37:33 · answer #7 · answered by Jendralus 5 · 0 0

Don't be wasting your time on Yahoo Answers. If you are really contemplating ending it all, get off the computer and call a suicide hotline NOW!!!!!! You are not worthless. Take small steps, view each good thing in your life as an accomplishment. Your family will not be better off without you. In fact, you will be hurting them more than you can ever imagine if you decide that they are better off without you around. GET HELP!!!!

2006-10-08 23:23:47 · answer #8 · answered by Stephanie73 6 · 0 0

Dude you are not worthless at all, Not one bit. And if someone ever says you are that is total bullshit because everyone is the best no matter what. I'm sorry that your going through tough times, I know what it feels like, I went through that about 2 years ago it lasted several months maybe a year. I dont know what you can do to get better jobs and such, try maybe www.monster.com , but to make you feel better about your self you can try maybe taking Yoga classes or listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers, yes I know it sounds cheezy , but whenever I just wanted to quit and end it all, they just made everything better for me. I recomend the song give it away it might brighten you up a bit. But dont quit, life is hard, but once its over you'll know that it was woth it, living through it. I heard once that "Its not the happy times that makes us who we are, thoses are just passing moments, its the shitty times that defines our character and develops us." But yeah sorry to here you feel that way just aim me I might be able to help you out. aim-daggie7

2006-10-08 23:25:10 · answer #9 · answered by dreadwraith 1 · 0 0

I am sure that you have a good skill which is somewhere inside, just hoping to be discovered. Do not be desperate. Just keep looking and applying for jobs. I am sure that you can do more thinks than you expect. Just Try!

2006-10-08 23:22:31 · answer #10 · answered by marinam 2 · 0 0

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