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im a leo..a girl..& i dont know what else you need to know but do u see anything for my future??

2006-10-08 15:50:49 · 9 answers · asked by DuHcALi2010 1 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

9 answers

Yeah, asking alot of stupid questions. don't believe in horoscopes. Those things are written by people who don't know you or anything about you. How the hell are they going to predict what will happen to you on a given day?

2006-10-08 15:54:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If you're a leo girl, chances are you'll be leading a life surrounding the pursuit of passion. leo females tend to be run by the heart more than any other sign-so whether it be that you are constantly looking for love, or whether it just happens to come around quite a bit-it's always part of your life. You'll sometimes even confuse your life with a movie(subconciously of course) and many times-i won't lie-that movie would belong in the drama section. You'll be stubborn, maybe to passionate for your own good, attention craving, egotistic, defiant-and all together it's a recipe for d-r-a-m-a. But, I think you'll live life to the fullest, because your passions will drive you through to some interesting things. Whether it be that your passions turn later to your career or other things besides love itself- you will never pursue anything you care for half heartedly. Even with the drama too, you will be strong enough (as the lion) to rise against that which might potentially destroy other signs. You will also likely be a leader in some way, or in a spotlight because leo couldn't stand in the background for long (the sun-it's planet is never gone long-and is always visable-like leo). You must watch for you jealousy and vanity, remember to think and care for others as you EXPECT they'd care for you. You're going to have quite the life i'm sure-parties-love-ambition-drama-jealousy-WOW...that does sound like a movie doesn't it?

2006-10-12 20:21:41 · answer #2 · answered by luckmess 2 · 0 0

Most leos are born lucky, but some leos like other people have to work hard to get wht they want in life, a peace of advice, u as a leo know yr weaknesses, work on them and you will be so much happier, i know i am, work hard, work right, be honest in yr dealings and u will go very far in life, stick to yr values of never being hyprcrytical, whn people let them say'' with her its what u see is wht u get''

2006-10-09 06:44:07 · answer #3 · answered by haboba13 3 · 0 0

Hey, Im a guy and a leo.

Horoscopes can not really tell you much about your future - they do however seem to have the uncany ability to tell you about your personality.

Leos tend to be cool under preasure, strive in managerial roles and seriously like the limelight - yes even those that are rather shy truely love hearing how great they are. They are generally caring, sharing people, and tend to spend their money on other people instead of themselves. Thats ok, because usually they are in high paid careers due to their confidence and charisma. Academically they do well - again due to their confidence and those who don't will always be able to cheat.

2006-10-09 02:21:10 · answer #4 · answered by shauny2807 3 · 1 0

I am a leo too, and a girl as well.

Daily Overview for October 09, 2006
Provided by Astrology.com Daily Extended Forecast

Do not worry about someone matching your feelings -- just say what you have to say.

Your personal power is greatly increased -- what you want, you'll get. Just make sure that you don't steamroll anyone along the way. They might not even notice now, but later on, they could become resentful.

Daily Overview for October 10, 2006
Provided by Astrology.com Daily Extended Forecast

Unusual people have unusual ideas, but that doesn't mean they aren't good.

In the morning, you're feeling a mite cautious and reserved. Use this energy to power through some to-dos on your list. Schedule social events for later in the day when you're feeling more gregarious and quick-witted.

Weekly Forecast for October 09, 2006
Provided by Astrology.com Monthly Forecast

Your frustration on Monday isn't so much that you don't like being a cog in a machine -- it's that you don't like the machine you're part of. Find a way to bust out of this familiar territory; infiltrate a new social group. Tuesday or Wednesday, if someone invites you to a party, convey your enthusiasm with a magnificent piece of fruit. Or a hulking sunflower. Or a nice bottle of something. Don't be afraid to go splashy. Thursday and Friday see a return to conservatism in the social realm -- why come on too strong, after all? Saturday fills you with a warm, wonderful glow, and Sunday's utopian.

Weekly Forecast for October 16, 2006
Provided by Astrology.com Monthly Forecast

You are sprinting toward a finish line on Monday, and you've never looked better. You don't mind hearing a cheering crowd, but it's not the reason you set out in the first place -- your satisfaction runs much deeper. Tuesday through Thursday, concentrate on the stuff that you've been setting aside: the bills, the house, feeding the dog. Take the long view on your future. Friday and Saturday, you are plugged in -- getting people to agree with you takes virtually no effort -- but Sunday you begin to wonder if you aren't better off going the next phase alone.

Monthly Forecast for October, 2006
Provided by Astrology.com Yearly Forecast

You start the month, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, in 'downtime' mode. 'Who, me?' you say, 'downtime?' Yes, you! Yes, downtime! Sure, sure, you're usually out there singing and dancing and running and jumping and giving quarterly reports under the bright lights of folks' undivided attention, but it's okay, really, to take a break once in a while. In fact, you'll do your best work if you give yourself an opportunity to recharge every now and then. By the 8th and 9th, you're back in the game -- pitching, hitting, pinch-hitting, running bases and scoring a whole lot of points (your skills are so superb that you could even discover you have a fan club). On the 15th and 16th, go ahead and try to imagine how things could be better -- and don't be surprised if you can't! Yes, everything is going your way, and the crowds are cheering you on. On the 20th and 21st, if you've been feeling a little stuck when it comes to romance, prepare yourself to become very, very unstuck. On the 25th, your key word is creativity. On the 30th, however, your key words are: Give work a rest and go for a jog!

Year 2006 Overview

Provided by Astrology.com

You're out for a real, honest-to-goodness emotional connection this year. That's first and foremost on your priority list. Fortunately, when it comes to prospective partners, you know what you like and, more importantly, what you don't like -- and during 2006, your perceptive abilities will be especially keen. If you're already attached, your emotions for your partner will deepen considerably as the year progresses, and from Halloween through the start of the New Year, you'll be amazed at how close you two become. There may even be cohabitation or marriage on the agenda as the year draws to a close.

If you're without a soul mate as 2006 begins, you'll be especially determined to find one this year, and you won't stop until you do. The actual 'interview' process will be quite streamlined compared to past attempts, thanks to your newfound (and almost psychic) ability to cut to the emotional chase, especially during January and February. When it comes to dating, you'll be able to tell whether you have a future with the person you're sitting across from within five minutes of the moment you say hello, smile your charming smile and unfold your napkin. And don't discount the possibility of 're-interviewing' someone you've already been involved with, by the way -- someone who seems quite different now. (And if it doesn't work out in January, they may ask to try it again in July.) If it's someone new you decide upon, the real fun will begin when you discover that they felt the same immediate connection you did. (You'll know when you meet this person -- they're the one who puts that grin on your face, right from the get-go, whenever they're in the vicinity.)

When it comes to career matters, you'll be working hard -- really hard -- but you'll definitely see some serious rewards. The higher-ups in charge of your paycheck and your professional future will toss some 'atta boy/atta girl' sentiments your way during mid-March and late September, followed by the raise, promotion or bonus you've been aiming for. And don't be surprised if you end the year as a highly regarded authority figure yourself!

2006-10-09 07:19:07 · answer #5 · answered by mklaks 2 · 0 0

hey I'm a Leo girl to... most say that us Leo's are most of the time ... the center of attention.. ,happy, nice, caring, and we take the leader position..went the situation calls for it.... most of us Leos are easy to get along with..in other words..but we do have... are attitudes when we are cross....

2006-10-08 23:53:10 · answer #6 · answered by Crystal 3 · 0 0

are you a leo? wow...with a question like the one you asked, anyone could have mistakenly thought that you are, in fact, a jerk.

2006-10-09 16:14:50 · answer #7 · answered by thehelper 3 · 0 0

a leo always wants to be the center of attraction n if its not then he can show tantrums ......is selfish ,,,egoistic..proud,,large hearted n attractive

2006-10-10 10:37:15 · answer #8 · answered by tulika 2 · 0 0

You can go to astrology.com or astrology-online.com for a free numerlogy portrait or birthchart or anything of that sort. I have one made and it is quite accurate. :-)
The Leo female often has an almost stately bearing and is capable of achieving great elegance even though she is not necessarily interested in clothes as articles of fashion. There is a regal air to this woman, coupled with a sympathetic nature and good social qualities. Indeed, many female members of the British Royal Family have been born under the Sign of Leo...Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, Princess Margaret Rose and Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, for example. By nature, the Leo female is passionate, loyal and loving when secure in the knowledge that she is loved. However, this woman can be exceedingly vindictive or bitter if scorned. Because the Leo female has such high standards in so many spheres of life, other people will rarely live up to her expectations. This does not necessarily worry the woman governed by Leo unless the individual in question is intimately involved in her life. This female is capable of showing love, forgiveness and kindness to complete strangers or mere acquaintances, but is often critical and almost unkind to those close to her if she feels they have failed her in any manner. The Leo woman strives to be a model of self-esteem, strength and confidence. She thrives on praise and frequently suffers without it. This female is a magnificent manager, organizer and leader...one who understands teamwork and can work well under the command of another, but will constantly harbor the ambition to be on top. In many ways, this woman is something of a "drama queen." Indeed, she sees the dramatic side of almost every situation.Blessed with superb taste, the Leo woman would rather have one dazzling outfit than twenty cheap ones. In short, by her very nature, she is something of an extravagant creature and adores making a "grand entrance." Nonetheless, she has a deep and abiding need for respect from those around her and will work very hard at being noticed and remembered. She is likely to be surrounded by admirers at social events and will insist on being the center of attention at parties. Naturally vivacious, the woman governed by Leo can be overpowering at times with a magnetic personality that always seems to capture the limelight. There is something of a vain characteristic attributed to this female which tends to irritate others of the same sex and she can be arrogant and incredibly stubborn. However, she can also be incredibly generous and compassionate toward those who are close to her. To foster a good relationship with the Leo female, it will be necessary to ignore her shortcomings and dwell on her virtues. She adores being praised and, although many might perceive this as being hopelessly self-centered, in all reality with woman has an intense drive toward self-realization and possesses an unquestioning faith in her own personal values. In short, the woman who falls under the jurisdiction of Leo feels she was born to be special and is obliged to express this.Perhaps the greatest lesson to be learned in dealing with a Leo female is that she refuses to be ignored. This is a proud woman who frequently plays "hard to get" and expects a great deal from her romantic partner. As a wife, the Leo female is often totally self-sacrificing and absolutely unselfish. As a mother, she may well be over-conscientious on occasion with a tendency to expect her own personal high standards to be displayed by her children. Nonetheless, she will never fail to be extremely loving and extremely affectionate, displaying immense personal wisdom and refusing to heed the counsel of others when it comes to the rearing and management of her children. In general, the mother who falls under the jurisdiction of Leo will be a paragon of gentleness and tenderness, displaying the utmost ferocity if a child is injured or even reproved by another. The female ruled by Leo will expect a great deal from her family members, but also expects to give of her utmost in return. This is an altogether wondrous, fascinating and interesting woman...a "golden girl" who likes to be free, independent and ambitious until she gives away her heart, at which time she will become completely self-sacrificial in her giving. Generally warm-hearted and exceedingly sympathetic, this woman may well insist upon a complete estrantement if subjected to neglect by her partnerWhen it comes to the choice of a partner, the Leo female is attracted by a male who radiates warmth and shows affection in a physical way. The interest is heightened if the male in question happens to be rich, famous, powerful and/or handsome...thus, does such a man's glory reflect favorably upon the Leo woman. A male who commands respect will also be appealing to this female, as will one who is generous...as long as he can afford to be. The woman ruled by Leo may be particularly attracted to her boss or males who are leaders in some fashion. There is also a certain attraction here to men who are in the creative arena...actors, artistis, musicians or performers, for example. Regardless, any male who would win the heart of a Leo woman must be gallant, courteous and chivalrous...it would also be unwise to allow this female to get her own way all of the time. Females who fall under the jurisdiction of Leo are drawn to ambitious men who are admired and respected and she would rather be conformed than be a non-conformist. This is a romantic lady who can be shy of showing it...she has to be won through the old-fashioned style of love and chivalry.Leo individuals, regardless of gender, are far better fitted for mental labor rather than manual labor. The fields of medicine are highly suitable given the fact that all Leo subjects are sympathetic and their patients become greatly attached to them. There appears to be an air of hope and love of life associated with all Leo natives, coupled with a personal magnetism that can easily sway the largest of audiences. In addition, the Leo woman (and man, for that matter) is often an excellent cook. However, as a general rule, the Leo female does not seek employment in the business world, preferring a domestic life. In short, this woman loves the home and is truly a home-maker.

2006-10-08 23:55:45 · answer #9 · answered by Echo Forest 6 · 0 1

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