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I had sex with someone right after my period ended. We used a condom. But I felt that as he was pulling out, maybe the condom came off, etc.It's been a month and a couple days since my last period - I'm never late. I may be overreacting but I haven't even gotten the symtoms like headaches, backaches, etc. like I usually do before my period.

I don't feel comfortable enough to buy a pregnancy test. Sounds childish. It's out of the question for me. I don't trust my new doctor enough, yet to go to him. And I just would like to know if there's a way to kill "it" now, before it develops. I've heard that massive amounts of alcohol would do it, but I do that on the regular, anyways. (My family and I are very Irish).

2006-10-08 13:11:32 · 31 answers · asked by Shannon 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

31 answers

Massive amounts of alcohol will not kill the fetus but could leave it with sever defects after birth. If you are too embarrassed to get a test have someone else buy it for you. If you want an abortion you will have to seek one from a doctor. Many people have died trying to give themselves abortions by using pills or backwoods abortionists. Go to Planned Parenthood and have a test, they can council you on what to do next.
I suggest that you stop having sex until you are ready to face the consequences...come on you can't even buy a pregnancy test!

2006-10-08 13:16:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Being 2 days late when you are not normally late does not confirm a pregnancy. The quickest thing to do is to buy a pregnancy test, and if you are concerned that someone might see you buying the test then you can go a town or two over and buy one probably without being seen (or have a friend get one for you), take it at home/friend's house, and dispose of it discreetly.

A doctor can order a blood test to check for HCG, the "pregnancy" hormone. Assuming the results are positive, the doctor could also discuss your options for terminating the pregnancy if you so choose. If you discuss your concerns with your new doctor and you don't feel as though you/your concerns are being taken seriously, then it is time to find yet another new doctor who will.

Binge drinking in combination with unknown pregnancy status and fear of finding out will likely result in a baby with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (if you are in fact pregnant). The source listed is the Center for Disease Control - there is a ton of information on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders worth looking at.

Binge drinking is never a treatment for termination of pregnancy, it is an old wives' tale. Please contact your doctor to discuss your current situation. Best of luck to you.

2006-10-08 20:54:13 · answer #2 · answered by always_cookin 3 · 1 0

If you are old enough to be having sex you are old enough to take you hiney down to a drugstore and buy a pregnancy test... If you are that embarrassed you shouldn't be having sex in the first place.... Grow up and get your head on straight...

Now since I think you would be a horribly immature selfish mother from your comments about not bring able to buy a simple test and thinking that aborting a child using massive amounts of alcohol are logical and a good decision... I will tell you .... Visit your dr. and ask how to go about getting an abortion...

Drinking massive amounts of alcohol could kill you (not exactly a bad idea) cause a child you are carrying to have fetal alcohol syndrome ( a life long problem for that child) and lead to you hurting/killing someone besides yourself( I have already said it isn't a bad idea for you to go)...

Use you brain for something other than holding your ears apart.... be responsible and grow up...

2006-10-08 20:25:58 · answer #3 · answered by Diane (PFLAG) 7 · 2 0

Don't drink a lot or stick anything inside of you. These things will only end up hurting you. You most likely won't end up killing your fetus and will end up having a baby with disfigurement or fetal alcohol syndrome and that is WAY worse and WAY more responsiblity then having a normal baby. If you don't trust your Doctor, then you need to go and visit a local Planned Parenthood. They can help you with your options and if you can't afford to pay, they will not charge you. It's completely anonymous and they will never tell anyone. If you want to email me directly, I can help you find a place in your local area. And don't let other people on this board make you feel bad. I'm sure that you mean well and you're just in a desperate situation and so you're thinking irrationally. It happens to a lot of girls. Good luck.

2006-10-08 20:23:05 · answer #4 · answered by ggirl 3 · 0 0

ok - stuff happens right?! but... before you think about "killing it now BEFORE it develops" please realize that it starts developing from the moment the egg becomes fertilized. 18 days after conception there is a heartbeat. You can get a free preg. test done at most health clinics. They also offer free info on "termination procedures". I would not recommend alcohol, drugs or any other home remedies as it may end up backfiring (ie a girl back in highschool thought that she could do the same with lots of drugs & the baby lived and was premature with a 5% chance of living - he graduates this year) If you are pregnant and decide to terminate please seek a doctors advice on termination procedures. Also have you ever considered the "day after pill"?

2006-10-08 20:23:35 · answer #5 · answered by jenni_dew2 1 · 0 0

First of all a pregnancy has to be diagnosed before you can "loose it". And until you go to a doctor to find out if you are you will not be diganosed. If you don't want to continue a "possible" pregnancy I suggest you see a doctor soon because after a certain amount of time you will be unable to "loose" it and will have to gestate to term. Massive amounts of alcohol might kill you which of course would take care of your problem...it has no abortive effect at all. Do not realy on the so called information your "friends" give you they obviously know as little about the subject as you do.

2006-10-08 20:17:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are WAY to young and immature to even be having sex let alone thinking you are pregnant. If you can't buy a pregnancy test then you shouldn't be having sex!!!!! Because you want to "kill it" go to planned parenthood they should be able to help you out. Your too late to take the morning after pill so its either go to the doctor and have an abortion before its to late or have a baby. That is if you are pregnant. Oh yeah by the way GROW UP!

2006-10-08 20:25:00 · answer #7 · answered by ebsharer 4 · 0 0

If you really do not want the baby, I would look into abortion. Massive amounts of alcohol may not even kill the baby, but just might screw up their development and you'll have to get an abortion later. It's also not very healthy for your body when there's a baby brewing in you.

I also believe that everything happens for a reason and maybe you were meant to have this child. I would try to sway you and try to talk you out of abortion, but you seem really set on the fact that you don't want this child. So please take the responsibility for the well being of yourself.

2006-10-08 20:15:59 · answer #8 · answered by Lori M 2 · 2 0

you could go to your local health dept. and get a test they dont tell anyone.

About the drinking all that will do is make your baby retarded possibley.

Its already starting to develop so its to late for anything like the back up pill. You only have 72 hours to do something about it when a condom or something breaks.

Also, there is other reasons girls are late who have never been late before. Stress is an example.

2006-10-08 20:19:46 · answer #9 · answered by mellow_26241 4 · 0 0

buy a pregnancy test take if you are go get an abortion. there is no other way. next time use the morning after pill it works. don't drink you may produce a fetal alcohol syndrome child and that will add more problems than you need. just find out first than decide from there. you could carry it and put it up for adoption. but if you don't want to get caught get an abortion.

2006-10-08 20:13:44 · answer #10 · answered by jasmine m 3 · 1 0

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