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Canadians are so pathetic. They always go on about how they invented this and how the USA didn't or how they have safer cities than us, or how they have free healthcare. And they say when Americans visit other countries we put Canadian flags on our backpacks. What a load of BULL! I always show my American flag with pride on all my luggage and backpacks when travelling abroad.

Also Canadians don't respect the United States. They don't help us in our wars and they don't have much of a military. Why? Because they think if they get nuked one day, we will protect them. If it wasn't for the United States, Canada could not function properly. More than half of everything in Canada comes from the United States, is made in the United States, or is an American company. We do TOO MUCH for that country and we deserve some respect, not the anti American crap they give us all the time.

They are jealous that there not the USA. There jealous they dont have what we have.

God Bless America!

2006-10-08 12:44:14 · 27 answers · asked by S3XY 1 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Please don't answer this question if you are canadian. So don't answer, I will just ignore canadian answers because i dont wanna listen to anymore anti American bull from you people.

2006-10-08 12:45:55 · update #1

27 answers

I am American. You don't speak for me. Canada rocks!

2006-10-08 12:47:48 · answer #1 · answered by Brand X 6 · 13 0

First off, I would like to state the obvious. The anti American sentiment that can be found internationally (not just in Canada) is the direct result of ideology such as your own.

With regards to jealously I am a little lost. I was actually hoping that you would clarify what there is for Canadians to be jealous of? Could it be the imminent recession? Lack of social safety nets, with regards to health care an education?

I am not going to waste my time explaining how Canada has supported many efforts with regards to war. That has been done at nauseum.

The whole elitist ideology will get you nowhere. You are perpetuating hate and continuing to give the good people of the USA a bad reputation. You should be ashamed.

2006-10-10 05:21:08 · answer #2 · answered by smedrik 7 · 4 0

Sounds like you know next to nothing about Canadians. I am glad that you're proud to be an American. I don't deserve to be put into a generalized category for being Canadian. We do not enjoy war, and do not want to be associated with war. Peace and love are what matter, it sounds like you are full of nothing but hate. I hope most Americans do not hold the same opinion as you.

Please keep in mind that if we get "nuked" you're right next door. However because Canadians do not start or participate in wars that are unjust we likely will not be "nuked"

I am not jealous of America, however I am ashamed that you think of your neibor in such a way.

May I make a suggestion that you write your president and ask him the same questions.

God bless all the countries of the world, and may hate and prejudice end one day so that there will be no more war.

2006-10-08 12:55:52 · answer #3 · answered by phjamo2021 2 · 10 0

Hey Jerk, I am Canadian and I am going to answer your f--king question whether you like it or not and others will see it so there! I don't know where you get your ideas from but all Canadians do not think the way you described us. We, meaning some of us, may not totally agree with your Mr. Bush and his wars but as far as economics is concerned we are your biggest trading partners. Maybe you should visit one of the international bridges that join our two countries to figure out how many of us and how many of you go back and forth daily from these two countries. I personally have visited your country about 12 times in my lifetime and have enjoyed myself everytime. How many times loud mouth have you visited Canada? Probably never. Now most Canadians know of Americans like yourself but we usually just ignore you and concentrate on the other 98% of good citizens from the United States that we can interact with everyday on golf courses, at the border, in resort areas, in New York city, on Ebay, or even here on Yahoo Answers. It is that odd person like yourself that the rest of the world has gotten to know and find a little disgusting thinking that you are better than everyone else. What you need is a good talking to by that Bookman guy, the library cop, from the Seinfeld episodes, he would straighten you out so that you would never put down someone from another country again all the time thinking that you are sticking up for the American way of life. The other 98% of Americans are doing just fine without your two cents worth. And now that I have had my two cents worth I will end this dialogue with, " May God bless America ".

2006-10-08 13:05:59 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. PDQ 4 · 11 0

You really are a brainwashed idiot. You are exactly the kind of person who makes Americans unwelcome all over the world. Your kind of ignorant stupidity coupled with loud obnoxious opinions based on some propaganda you have heard is an embarrassment to intelligent Americans everywhere.

I've never heard a Canadian bragging about their health care system or their safer cities. But it is a fact that you are less likely to be shot or killed in a Canadian city. You think this is somehow uncool? Why is a high homicide rate something you are proud of? What exactly is wrong with the concept of trying to provide health care access to all? Do you think it is cool that 45,000,000 Americans have no coverage, among them children? Do you think it is cool that the infant mortality rate is one of the highest in the industrialized world?

As for the back packs, I think it is Americans who joke about the Canadian flag. They joke about it because being associated with dumb Americans like you is an embarrassment.

Then you talk about respect. With people like you spouting your ignorance and hate, what is there to respect? You criticize them for not having much of a military, but maybe as a nation they would rather spend their money on other things like making life better for their citizens. There are plenty of countries around the world that don't pump such a huge amount of their GDP into their military. Do you hate all of them? Do you really think that a country as inoffensive as Canada is ever going to be nuked?

Next you move on to their economy and how they import things from America. Well who do you think that benefits Einstein? Don't you think America makes a ton of money by exporting goods to Canada? What's wrong with that?

Your views are merely a combination of ignorant messages you have heard over the years. You talk about respect, but you seem to think that respect should be automatic just for waving an American flag. America is a great country, but that is not helped by such flagrant displays of stupidity and ignorance, combined with insulting one of your closest neighbors. Maybe Americans would be a lot more popular world wide if they chose to educate themselves and be more tolerant of other cultures.

2006-10-08 22:41:42 · answer #5 · answered by ZCT 7 · 3 0

Whoa...don't be starting any border wars just yet. Canadians do seem to be getting a bad attitude about the U.S., but they're not pathetic. Show a little class and don't fuel the fire.

Get your facts straight. Canada has supported us in the war in Afghanistan. To say they haven't is a direct slap in the face to the families of the Canadians that have lost their lives there.

If you think they don't respect us now, posting a question like that will only make things worse.

2006-10-08 12:51:16 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 13 0

How don't canadians help America in wars, i think you will find that Canadians are fighting in Afghanistan along side other Nato troops.Besides with Canada being in the Commonwealth they don't need US help they have and will get help from the UK...You also say that half of everything in Canada comes from US well is that not helping the US economy....Which countries do America respect then?????????? By the way i am not Canadian ,i am Scottish and just like you i am proud .....

2006-10-08 13:04:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 10 0

Well, firstly, coming from a Canadian, let me point out, our healthcare is NOT free. We pay for it in our taxes.
So, pull your head out and get a clue about things before you go on a rant.
Secondly, we put our flags on our clothing or backpacks because, like you, we are proud of our country. We have a right to be like everyone else.
We have invented a great many things...insulin, being just one major breakthrough.
Basketball was invented here...something tells me you are a younger person so that might be of some interest.
You may think we have jealousy of your country but in fact, if we wished to be American, we would immigrate.
As for your apt and very well informed views on our military and the fact that we would rely on your country to save us is at best ridiculous, and at worse, incredibly obtuse (means stupid).
If we were to ever get invaded or 'nuked' as you so eloquently put it, our commonwealth countries would come to our aid swiftly. We are part of the British Commonwealth and are under the Monarcy (meaning the Queen of England is the head of our country) and this garners us protection under this privilege.
To say you would save us is laughable...it would be your own interests you would be protecting..don't flatter yourself as a rescuing type nation. Instigation is more your style.
However, having said all of the above, I am not, nor have I ever been a US basher. I believe for the most part, Americans are wonderful, caring, giving, and kind people.
It's just the odd one or two who have their heads so far up their behinds that they spout off like you.
Get your facts straight before you say things that make about as much sense as your electing Bush president for the second time.

2006-10-08 12:56:20 · answer #8 · answered by tigerlily01ca 2 · 12 0

No country that I can think of would be jealous of the USA most do not like the USA, although I do know some very nice Americans, it just the general impresion the country as a whole gives is the problem and G W Bush does not help people respect your country and neither do you.

2006-10-08 13:00:26 · answer #9 · answered by the_angel_and_the_vampire 3 · 5 1

what do americans have that canadians don't have??
canadians don't reliy on the us for protection for 2 reasons #1 they don't need it, and #2 they have the british (best military in the world, its really true ask some non-americans and u will find out)

this poor little twit, have a look at her other questions, not to mention her answers.
u know what sweet heart if your idol is paris hilton "thats hot" u don't have to get much dumber

2006-10-09 07:30:30 · answer #10 · answered by bubbles 4 · 2 0

Well genius, did you know that Canada is the #1 supplier of oil to the US? Did you know that Canada, as a NATO member, has sent troops to causes that we shared with NATO, such as Afghanistan?

I see Canada as a very self sufficient country who's citizens tolerate obnoxious yanks who shoot off their mouths when they have very little information. People like you!

It's true about Canadian cities, how often do you pick up a newspaper and read about murders in Canadian cities? Oh forgive me, I can see by your questions, you don't read newspapers. About this respect thing, if you represent people who Canadians don't respect, well, I share that observation with our Canadian neighbors.

As far as goods and services are concerned, I'll bet that most of Canadian import goods come from China, Taiwan and Brazil, not the US.

Enlighten me, what is it we do for Canada, except embarrass them because of nimrods like you? I can't think of a thing the Canadians have to be jealous about, but I'd bet they are grateful, that we have you and they don't!

2006-10-08 12:59:46 · answer #11 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 11 0

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