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As a Black American, I have to say there has never been a more brave, equitous, bright, sexy and reverred President of the US of A.

He changed the face of America for ever and some say paid for it with his life.

He was a great constitutional leader unlike some we know.

2006-10-08 12:02:53 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Chainsaw, Bringing in the Marshalls to ensure Meredith is able to register in Mississippi doesn't count I suppose. You people and your understanding (lack of) is truly troubling.

2006-10-08 12:22:15 · update #1

Walter R.. after last week you people still on the morality crusade. I don't believe any Republican can talk about Sex in the Office right? At least our guys were after adult women not our kids.

2006-10-08 12:30:29 · update #2

26 answers

JFK was a decent leader, though the USA does tend to overlook his flaws, viewing him through 'rose-tinted glasses'. Morally, he paraded his wife and famly, proclaimed good old fashioned values, whilst cheating on his wife incessantly, he was addicted to pain-killers, and had stds. His brother Robert did a great deal of the good, with which America remembers the Kennedy administration, regarding civil rights, organised crime etc. He is probably the best president never had.
FDR alternately was a great man, who stood (when he could still stand) by his principles, learnt the lessons of the first world war, and made the world a safer place after the second. He was very intelligent (unlike today), and paved the way for the successes the US enjoyed domestically throughout the 50s and 60s.
Mind you, I'm English, so what would I know?

2006-10-08 12:37:14 · answer #1 · answered by SteveUK 5 · 1 0

Actually, John Kennedy is ranked in the middle of the pack of U.S. presidents by historians. Perhaps that is due to his much abbreviated presidential career. He would have been re-elected, and maybe then he could have really made his mark. His first term was notable for two, very close disasters - the Cuban Missle Crisis and the Bay of Pigs. Never has the world been closer to World War III than the Cuban Missle Crisis.

Actually, the president who is rated the highest is Abraham Lincoln for keeping the Union together during the U.S. Civil War of 1861-1865. Lincoln is to be admired for not letting the Southern states secede from the Union over the issues of slavery and states' rights and going to battle to prevent them from doing so. He didn't want the war but knew it was necessary in order to preserve the Union. That would have been an extremely difficult decision to make. Another difficult decision was in firing Gen. McClellan, who was unwilling to attack to advance the Northern cause. Lincoln ended up going with Sherman and Grant, who were willing to be brutal to fight totally for the Northern cause. Lincoln's decision to promote Sherman and Grant was not popular with everyone, because of the total war concept these two employed. But it worked. The Union survived.

2006-10-08 12:11:43 · answer #2 · answered by Shelley 3 · 4 0

Humanist, huh?

JFK liked his prostitutes two-at-a-time at the White House and on road trips; he was such a class act that he didn't even try to hide his activities from his wife. In fact, Jackie's FIRST domestic trip with JFK was 2 years and 10 months after he was inaugurated. That happened to be on November 23, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

At that point, the hagiography started and hasn't stopped since. It's fairly sickening as ol' JFK had the morals of an alley cat (like your boy Bill) and the drug habit to go with it (which ol' Bill managed to kick in the late '80s).

The Cuban missle crisis was HIS fault as he backed Khruschev into a corner over it as a means of asserting his masculinity. He was known to be seriously lacking in this department.

If you're young enough (I'm SURE you are), you'll get a kick out of the re-writing of the reign of JFK as time goes forward - it's already started, check it out, but not if you find facts disturbing.

2006-10-08 12:14:28 · answer #3 · answered by Walter Ridgeley 5 · 5 0

JFK was so great, eh? How about the fact that he refused to force intergration in the South? Bet you did not know that. Keep drinking the kool aid pal. Keep thinking that Republicans hate blacks and Democrats are their best friend. Look at how pathetic the inner cities are and thank Demcrats for this one. They have run the major cities for years and yet problem keep getting worse.

As for ole Bill, how can you even call him competent when his legacy includes:

1. Refusing to address the upcoming terrorism problem. He had no spine to make tough decisions.

2. He took credit for economic growth that he had nothing to do with. The whole boom was the overpriced tech stocks that eventually deflated at the end of his term.

3. He embarrassed the office. He cheats on his wife, lies about it, plays word games with what is the definition of is. The longer he is out of office, the more we learn about how much of a hack he was.

2006-10-08 12:09:20 · answer #4 · answered by Chainsaw 6 · 6 1

This place just gets funnier and more bizarre all the time. The answer is yes, many were better. JFK left LBJ with the Vietnam legacy and 58,209 dead Americans later it finally ended in defeat. It took a Republican, Nixon, to finally get us out.

Clinton isn't even on the map.

2006-10-08 12:26:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

LOL LOL LOL you have managed to pick probably the two worst presidents in history. History has found that do nothing equals nothing done and thus no record to speak of. Kennedy had his sisters brain cut out because he thought she might embarrass him and keep an Irish Catholic from getting elected. OH, and who hates the blacks more than the devil himself, The Catholics. And good ol boy Bill was a slug who forced young girls under his desk for service. Have any blaks ever been there. Think about just who you want on a pedestal. LOL LOL LOL

2006-10-08 12:11:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

FDR was obviously great, considering that he led the USA through both the Great Depression and WWII.

Otherwise, Lincoln (Civil War), George Washington (considering he was the father of our country and set pretty much every presidential precedent), Teddy Roosevelt (I'm not sure what he did, but he was popular), and Woodrow Wilson (WWI

2006-10-08 12:11:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

FDR would be the greatest if he had capped his entitlement nightmare, teaching generations to live of the government dollar.

Reagan is the best President, followed closely by Teddy Roosevelt and Lincoln. (FDR is 4).

JFK ranks in the middle of the pack, just behind Dubya and quite ahead of Clinton, Johnson and Carter.

2006-10-08 12:32:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

no person is familiar with in basic terms counsel on it is Lee Harvey Oswald with a rifle. question is who replaced into on the course observing for snipers or guarding homes alongside the course. additionally if after all this time the bullet has been stored and can be while in comparison with the secure practices guards gun. probably yet another documentary will factor this out and pass away issues back the place they started. desire this facilitates

2016-10-15 23:44:34 · answer #9 · answered by reus 4 · 0 0

LOLOL your absolutely hilarious, and by whom's measurable standard did you come up with Ole Bill being one of the best? LOLOL Boy the liberal propoganda machine is in full swing tonight LOL

Oh and stevj, for your own personal records, Bill Clinton was a habitual liar! He lied to a grand jury, the American people and anyone else he could stretch the truth with. Evevn his appearance on TV two weeks ago, he lied through his teeth, half the things that came out of ole Bill's mouth have already been debunked! He's a liar, what part of that do you, or any other lib not understand??? "I did not have sex with that woman"! LOLOL

2006-10-08 12:05:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 4

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