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till now i was inclined towards darwin, but recently i have got some doubts about his theory of evolution.i am a neutral person. please give me some strong logics against and for his theory.or suggest some websites also.

2006-10-08 11:18:40 · 8 answers · asked by sufiesidhi 1 in Science & Mathematics Other - Science

8 answers

It's not clear whether you are asking about Darwin's theory of natural selection specifically, or evolution in general. (I.e. if you are considering some theory of evolution *other than Darwin's*, what would that be?) So on the assumption that you're just asking for a logical argument for the theory of evolution in general, here's my argument:

Evolution is the best possible explanation for a number of facts in a number of different categories (sorrry this is long ... but there is a LOT of evidence):

1. Genetic evidence - These are the genes that we have in common with other primates. E.g. the fact that we have a huge number of genes (as much as 98%) in common with other great apes. Genetic evidence shows that we are more closely related to chimps than to the other great apes, and more closely related to great apes than to other primates (monkeys).

2. Molecular evidence - These are commonalities in DNA ... which is separate from genetic commonalities ... much of our DNA does not code for genes at all. But random mutations (basically 'typos') enter into DNA at a known rate over the centuries. This is called the 'molecular clock' and again gives excellent evidence of when humans diverged from other apes (about 6 million years ago, according to this molecular clock).

3. Fossil evidence - This is a huge category, but it can be summarized into three main subcategories: (a) stratigraphy - fossils always appear in a certain order in the rock layers ... more highly developed versions of an organism are always in higher layers than less-developed organisms; (b) dating - based on such methods as ratios of radioactive elements, we can tell how old a specimen is, and this confirms what species are older than others and how much time they had to develop; (c) geography - the location of the specimen on the planet is always consistent with the presumed location the species evolved ... e.g., we don't find kangaroo fossils in Egypt, only in Australia.

4. Speciation in the lab - Despite what some creationists say, speciation *has* been demonstrated in the laboratory. This is very difficult, because it can take thousands of generations ... and therefore experiments lasting for decades. But with certain fast-reproducing species like fruitflies and some plants, it has been done.

5. Proteins - These are the proteins in common with other primates. This includes things like blood proteins (the things that give us our A, B, O blood typing and the Rh factor (the plus/minus thing) which incidentally stands for 'rhesus monkey'); the exact structure of the insulin molecule; and my favorite, the photophigments: The photopigments are the three proteins responsible for color vision. The specific proteins found in human color vision are exactly the same as those found in Old World primates (the great apes and the monkeys found in Africa and Asia). These proteins are absent in New World primates (the Central and South American monkeys), and from all other mammals. In fact among the New World primates, only the howler monkey has color vision ... but these use slightly *different* proteins, coded on different locations and chromosomes, than humans and the OW primates. This is yet more evidence of a closer link between humans and the OW primates.

6. Vestigial structures - These are structures that are useless, almost useless, or just badly 'designed' (a word I use figuratively), that can only be explained in terms of descent from animals in which they were more useful. Things like wisdom teeth and the appendix are classic examples ... but my favorite is the plantaris muscle: The plantaris muscle is a long thin muscle in your calf that serves no useful purpose in humans. It is so useless that surgeons commonly harvest it for use in reconstructive surgery (such as heart surgery). In fact, it is so useless that 9% of people have no plantaris muscle at all. So why is it there? Because it serves a very important purpose in other primates ... specifically, grasping with the feet.

7. Homology - These are structures and proteins that have commonalities between species, but have a different function. The simplest examples are the fact that all terrestrial vertebrates have four limbs, and most have five fingers (e.g. bats, dolphins, whales, birds, reptiles, etc.). There are also homologous proteins. But my favorite are the five bones in the inner ear of humans and other mammals, which correspond in structure to the five bones of the hinged jaw of reptiles. These are evidences that evolution will often take structures left over from a now useless function, and repurpose them for a new useful function.

8. Embryology - This includes things like tails and gill folds in human embryos and those of all other mammals. But this also includes things that are evidence of other creatures are related to our branch ... such as legs and five webbed fingers, and distinct leg-buds in the embryos of dolphins.

9. Virology, bacteriology - This includes the development of immunity to antibiotics and antivirals. E.g., the tuberculosis bacterium currently affecting the world is quite different from the strain of TB that was around before antibiotics. (We have samples of both, so we can compare them.)

10. Taxonomy - The very division of organisms into categories and subcategories is explained by the idea of common descent. For example, all primates are mammals, all mammals are tetrapods, all tetrapods are vertebrates. This indicates that all primates sprung from a common mammal ancestor, and all mammals sprung from a common tetrapod vertebrate ancestor (i.e. that the development of a spinal cord came *before* the split between mammals and other animals, like fish, amphibians, and reptiles). If there were a *single* invertebrate mammal, that would throw the entire "common descent" theory out the window ... but there isn't.

(And there's more ... but I'm as tired of typing as I am sure you are tired of reading.)

However, a bigger point is this: while all of these independently are evidence of evolution, they get even stronger when considered *together*. For example, the molecular clock places the split between humans other apes at about 6 million years ago ... and the fossil record shows that humans and other apes split about 6 million years ago. And the split between New World and Old World primates suggested by the structure and genetic locations of photopigment proteins, is further confirmed by the molecular and fossil evidence.

Again, nothing *proves* evolution (or any other scientific theory for that matter). But all of these facts are very very difficult to explain without it. Evolution provides a simple explanation for all of it.

2006-10-08 12:46:36 · answer #1 · answered by secretsauce 7 · 1 0

As a confirmed evolutionist, I am not sure it is yet a theory. Evolution definitely exists, of that there can be no doubt, but we do not yet fully understand the mechanisms. For me, that still makes it a hypothesis.

The fossil evidence alone leaves no doubt that evolution happens. Below is just one example, there are thousands of others.

To the answers you will get saying only the bible tells the truth, use the same tests. Where is the evidence? Good, hard evidence.

2006-10-08 11:27:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The eye evolved 4 seperate times, in 4 different types of creatures. Wings/fins evolved several time as well.

The argument against piecemeal development of body parts likes to quote intelligent design...a theory that even its creators now agree is not accurate.

And how could you get any worse support than this:

"The failure to follow the procedures of scientific discourse, and the failure to submit work to the scientific community which withstands scrutiny, have weighed against intelligent design being considered valid science.[81] To date, the intelligent design movement has yet to have an article published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.[81]"

2006-10-08 12:03:20 · answer #3 · answered by iandanielx 3 · 2 1

We talked about this in my Economics class last week.
There's no doubt that it exists, but some things are questionable.

The eye, for example.
Unless the entire eye evolved at one time, and just appeared on whatever creature it may, it would have been useless.
Having pupils wouldn't benefit anything at all just being pupils.
How could it evolve into an eye if you need all the parts for it to work?
Having some of the parts to it and not all would make it useless and would not help survival.

2006-10-08 11:33:44 · answer #4 · answered by godathonone 2 · 0 1

For evolution, there is a vast body of scientific evidence, from many different and unrelated branches of science.
This does not prove it, and in fact no scientific theory is ever proveable. In fact one solid piece of evidence against it is enough to disprove it.
However, there is no scientific evidence for any alternative, and neither is there any valid evidence against evolution.
The full story of how life developed is incomplete, but look at the rate at which the holes are being filled.

2006-10-08 11:36:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Darwinian theory can not be proved in science. That is why biologists call it Biophilosophy. The essence of the theory is materialism, denying any will or intelligence involved in origin of living forms. They were supposedly involved over billions of year by blind unintelligent natural conditions through minute changes. Then, why apple evolved to be apple, dog involved to be dog, man involved to be man? They use a term Natural Selection in place of God. It is a fable, but cheated many unthinking, narrow minded academics. There are good books in Christian bookstores throughout civilized world. Both Nazism and Communism depend the theory as justification for their brutal treatment of humanity. There are specialized organizations to deal with this theory and they produce good books on this subject, such as Institute for Creation Research, Bible Science Association, Answers in Genesis, Reasons for believing, among others. You can use Google to find them.

In the Beginning God created heavens and earth.
God gives you air to breathe and sunshine to enjoy.
God gives you water to drink and food to eat.
God gives you a wonderful body and sound mind, to live.
God loves you, and you are precious to Him.
Son of God died on the Cross to save us from condemnation.
Jesus’ love is boundless and everlasting.
We have the hope of Heaven through Jesus.
Life therefore has fantastic and glorious future!
(Digestion of above can even prevent depression and suicide attempt.)

2006-10-08 13:29:19 · answer #6 · answered by tmthyh 4 · 0 1

your at the wrong place for an easy explanation on an this. buy a a book on it or web search it. Please remember that if you are earnestly skeptical on the joke that is intelligent design, then no hypocritical, near-sighted idiot (christians who fail to think indepently for even one second) can pressure u in to thinking that evolution is from the devil.

2006-10-08 11:27:20 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The bible is probably your best bet against the theory there is a reason it's called a theory...no one can prove it! read genesis 1 and then rethink your position on it all

2006-10-08 11:28:22 · answer #8 · answered by Starry Eyes 5 · 1 2

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