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I have had an extream case of fybromyalgia for five years now.Plus have disk and digestive problems.When I go to diffreent DR's they just throw meds at me. I have REAL trouble with any meds.Seems like I get EVERY side effect they have.Which makes me feel WORSE.
Over the years I have noticed my Fybro has gotten worse.Their have been MONTHS without being able to take care of myself the way I use to.Showering even hurts.The Dr's tell me "this is your new normal". Is there any advice from fellow suffers? Please don't respond w/take baths instead.Fybro has TOTALLY taken over my life!!! I AM IN SO MUCH PAIN EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY! I even have pain in my dreams...when I DO have the good graces of sleep. I'm writing cuz I HAVE ALMOST LOST IT!!! I'm not a weak female! I was the youngest of 6 boys and have played every rough & tumble sport out there.The line backers didn't take me out-but Fybro HAS done me in!!!PLEASE only serious answers...that can help me. I have been thinking BAD thoughts!

2006-10-08 11:15:00 · 15 answers · asked by Tumbleweed 2 in Health Alternative Medicine

15 answers

Please consider a visit to a naturopath. Check with your local health food store to see if there is one they recommend. If not, you can find one at the link below. They have graduates listed by state on their web site. My naturopath graduated from this program, and I know her to be knowledgeable and caring. He/she can guide you to herbal combinations that will help balance the body.

Please feel free to email me if you have questions.

2006-10-08 16:46:50 · answer #1 · answered by ohio healer 5 · 8 0

I was diagnosed with FMS about 5 years ago (or so) too. I got an original diagnosis of Lupus and then went for a second opinion. Although I'm grateful to NOT have Lupus, I'm not all that happy with the alternative either. I was diagnosed and then sent out the door. That was the end of that.

I too have bad responses to most medications. And although I've never been 'treated' for the FMS (see above) there have obviously been med's for other things. Name the side effect and I'll get it. It completely sucks.

Unfortunately I'm in the same boat as you. The pain doesn't get me as much as it seems to get you. For me it's more exhaustion and really bad memory problems, but I too feel lost and without help. The other day, while web surfing the issue, I ran across the below site. They seem to have some pretty good information including a 'list' of doctors. You do have to pay for a subscription and I've not done that yet, but I'm thinking about it. Even without the subscription though, there's some pretty good info. there.

Go take a look. It may help you out. Other than that, hopefully someone else will have better information. I will be checking back to see for myself.

2006-10-08 11:32:56 · answer #2 · answered by rmtmka 2 · 2 0

I have had fibromyalgia for years. My doctor put me on Cymbalta and I am much better now. It is an anti-depressant and I know you don't like to take meds, but talk with your doctor. It is not a pain killer, you just don't think about the pain so much. I also get a massage once a month and even though I can feel the pain when she gets to all those muscles, it really helps. Check for a massage school in your area. They give massages much cheaper than a spa and the massage therapists they have are almost ready to graduate. It's a win-win situation. By the way,
I had no side effects from the Cymbalta other than a little nausea for the first few days. Hope you find something to help you.

2006-10-08 11:37:52 · answer #3 · answered by goldielocks123 4 · 2 0

I have been a sufferer of fibromyalgia for over 10 years. I do know for a fact what you are going through, been there.
I, first, started out with all different kinds of pain pills but nothing seemed to work. I, have since gone to herbal drugs.
I am taking calcium, magnesium and zink 3 times a day. The magnesium is for pain,which I never knew. I also take acidolphius once a day to build my immune system.
I take a 1000 mg of vitamin a day. These all seem to help me until I get into flares. Then I take a pm medicine, like tylenol pm. every four to six hours as needed. When you are in a flare, which can last for a day or months, really nothing helps. You just take one day at a time.Stretching helps big time. This might help too, but don't overdue it. I hope this helps and hopefully you will have some pain free days. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-09 17:12:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Fibromyalgia is very poorly understood. It seems to be related to a vicious cycle of neurotransmitter imbalance, sleep deprevation, and deconditioning which eventually starts to yield pain. The pains further prevent you from activity which worsens the condition.

If you want to be better, you have to break the cycle. Your body is telling you, you've been doing everything wrong for a long time. Get back to fundamentals. Get 8 hours of sleep a night, real sleep where you're not just laying in bed and not waking up every hour. Look up info on sleep hygeine, like no TV watching or computer use for at least an hour before bed. No TV in the bedroom. No exercise or eating an hour before bed. If you can't fall asleep get back up and read until you are tired. In the mourning get up and get going, Do Not linger in bed, even if you didn't get any sleep. Its the only way to get yourself back on a sleep cycle.

Exercise. I know it hurts, but nobody's saying to overdo it. Start with walking for 20 minutes. Anybody can walk. It increases your cardio fitness, gets your adrenaline up and will help to restore your body's endorphins to working properly again. You MUST find a way to get some cardio exercise evry day. Being on your feet at work does not count.

Stretch. Properly. Do not strain yourself, just lightly.

Try anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen and tylenol. Don't exceed the manufacturers recs but taking them around the clock for a few days can help beak the inflammation.

Treat any underlying depression or anxiety that go along with this. Again really get treatment with a doctor and counselor.

Make sure its the right diagnosis. True fibromyalgia is hard to diagnose and a lot of stuff thats not gets called fibromyalgia.

See a pain specialist. They will refer you for physical therapy, ultrasonic massage, TENS treatment and the like. They can also offer trigger point injections to loosen up those knotted muscles.

This is your body telling you its on its last legs. Take action now to reverse it or it will only get worse. You have my love and support.

2006-10-08 11:33:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I can understand how you feel. I have chronic back pain and hip bursitis and have had it for over 2 years. I have tried everything, steroid injections, chiropractic, physiotherapy, anti inflammatories, pain medication. I am not consistent with any medication. Not because I have any side effects because I don't but more because I don't think it is good to put too many drugs in my body. I take large doses of vitamins, practice yoga and pilates and take 2-4 mile walks, play golf, swim. My body is in constant pain but I just choose to ignore it and occupy myself with things outside of me such as this yahoo answers. It is especially hard at night because I cannot lay on either side for longer than 5 minutes without being in pain and having to turn. So I twist and turn all night, never getting any comfort. I still somehow manage to sleep fitfully and have very vivid dreams. I have just resigned myself that ths will be my "normal" for the rest of my life. I choose not to let it overwhelm me or to be too overly focused on it. I just work around it. I just thank God for the blessings that I do have, otherwise good health and the ability to breathe and move. My mother is a quadraplegic and has been so since 1955 after being struck by polio. You cannot imagine what that has been like for her. Not being able to move at all, confined to a wheelchair and bed, having other people bathe, clothe and feed you. Living that kind of life for over 50 years. I have nothing to complain about at all in light of the life that God has had my Mom go through. Bless her heart, she will have a wonderful mansion in heaven and a perfect body in eternity with Jesus.

2006-10-08 11:35:25 · answer #6 · answered by SunFun 5 · 3 0

I don't personally have Fybromyalgia but I have heard its awful. I don't know what to suggest for relief but maybe this will help: I guess its been several months since I worked there by now but I recently left OSU- College of Osteopathic Medicine. I know that right when I left we were doing some really groundbreaking research on Fybro. You should go to the OSU-COM website and call their main line and I'm sure they can direct you to the appropriate person that could really answer a lot of your questions. I don't want to give his name out over the Internet but if you're serious about this, he will be easy to find. I have talked to many Fybro sufferers and I feel for you, it sounds absolutely devastating.

2006-10-08 11:30:26 · answer #7 · answered by Patrick Tucker 2 · 2 0

Fybromyalgia is a very lonely illness,i to find that doctors answer to it is antidepresents,painkillers and sleeping tablets and also being told its management.This last two weeks have been awful and the tablets with there side affects only seem to add to the problem I wish you all the best one doctor told me to make the best of my good days and rest on my bad days trouble with that is I have no choice on my bad days it takes all my energy to make a cuppa.I have read all the replies and the one that caught my attention was the support group which has got to be worth checking out and will do so dont give up its people like you and me looking for answers that will help other people.

2015-04-28 11:09:30 · answer #8 · answered by bambi1 2 · 0 0

Look, you need more help than we amateurs on Yahoo can provide. You need to get on some type of antidepressant and attend support groups or check out the Fibromyalgia website to find options for your particular case.


I have not had any personal experience with fibro other than having worked with a girl who had it. I understand that there are differing severities and that it is different for everyone that has it. I pray you find the help you need. I know it can be a debilitating illness.

2006-10-08 11:25:37 · answer #9 · answered by Sabina 5 · 1 0

I too am a chronic pain sufferer. Like you I have a degenerative disk condition and osteoarthritis in both hips. I used to be pretty active too. Today its an effort to leave my apartment.
I find that using a hot wheat bag helps my condition. also I have increased my Vitamin E supplement. Keep trying to find painkillers that you feel ok with taking. Or check out Emu oil online as this is supposed to help too.

Hope you start feeling more comfortable soon.

2006-10-08 12:12:22 · answer #10 · answered by lollipoppett2005 6 · 1 1

You should try massage. I know your thinking how will that help when it hurts just to be touched? What happens is right now you have pain in your fibber's which are caused from over active nerve endings. You want to help turn those nerve ending's off. Whats the best way to turn a nerve ending off? You touch it! Yup it's that simple, also a massage practitioner will be able to help with those pinched nerves and twisted muscles.
Oh and swimming also helps people who suffer from Fybro.

2006-10-08 11:26:36 · answer #11 · answered by geeeezzzzeeee 3 · 3 0

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