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11 answers

PNAC ( http://www.newamericancentury.org/ ) has thought this out THOROUGHLY, and has made the necessary plans.

First off, they've been financing research with Monsanto and Dupont to genitically alter seeds so they produce plants who's seeds will not germinte. This will force farmers/nations to rebuy seeds each year from whoever controls them.
( http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=ENG20060827&articleId=3082 ) I believe they already have the patent, or are in the process of applying for it. Just do a search for "terminator seeds". Think of the implications, not only could we bomb the "f" out of you, but starve you too...until you comply.

Terrorism will INCREASE, but that is an acceptable sacrifice for them, as the world would be easier to control with a significantly smaller population.

There is an article HERE ( http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article1665.htm ) that pretty much spells it out, and names names. It just might shock the heck out of you when you see WHO is PNAC, and once you realize everthing Bush has done in his term has been to prepare the way for PNAC's plans.

Eventually, there WILL be American dissent; the citizens will attempt to rise up against the government that's been ripped from under us. That was what the "War on Terror" has really been all about: Constitutional changes that empower the Presidency, protect government from the people, and eliminate citizens rights, (Patriot Acts I & II, and last week's "torture" bill).

In preparation for what's to come, our civil rights, liberties, freedoms, guarantees of due process, and protections from unfair treatment by our own government have been severely diminished by the Patriot Acts. Last week's "torture" bill shifted some powers from Congress to the President, further empowering him. Together, both documents VAGUELY redefine "terrorist" to easily implicate ANY American citizen as a "potential terrorist" or "potential enemy combatant" simply by the words MISSING from the document, that would protect us from such. While all this had been loudly pointed out in Congress, the bill was still passed, as is.

Consider also, the true role of FEMA, according to the bill that created that agency. In a (very vaguely defined) "national emergency", they take FULL CONTROL of industry, transportation, wages, employment, can relocate populations, enforce forced citizen labor, money, credit, utilities, communication, media...they BECOME our goverment, and cannot be reviewed by Congess for at least 6 months.

Chavez IS a tyrant, but everything he said about Bush was absolutely the truth. America is in serious denial, and needs to wake up, before it really is too late.

PNAC wants American domination and control over every nation on our world. WE will be the cannon fodder. Our nation is quickly becoming militarized, and we no longer have a say in the matter. WE are "acceptable losses" in their game of greed and power.

2006-10-08 11:24:18 · answer #1 · answered by tat2me1960 3 · 0 0

If you want the truth , which I don't think you do, I think it would be fine. We trade you trade, all on an equal footing. There would be no rogue nations, no need for the UN,no need for troops actually.
No nuclear proliferation, no need for weapons of mass destruction, free religious expression by Muslims ,Christians, Hindus, Shintos, and Jews, and anyone else that wants to worship. Wages for the third world countries would rise, and peace would be possible, because we all could respect each other. Kinda scary isn't it?

2006-10-08 11:00:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The world would be a much better place.
There would be no starving children in Somalia, no slave trade in Darfur/Sudan.
North Korea and Iran would have nowhere to get their nuclear technologies from.
The petty tyrants running some 80% of the world's "independent" and "sovereign" nations would have to pack what they managed to steal and try to get asylum in their Swiss Banks.
The UN would finally begin to work.

2006-10-08 11:02:45 · answer #3 · answered by cp_scipiom 7 · 0 0

World War 3 would come faster than anyone would want.

American foreign policy has had as many successes as failures.

2006-10-08 11:00:14 · answer #4 · answered by Villain 6 · 1 0

Look, we are not the ones starting this crap. So maybe if we could get places like Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Darfur, and other places around the world to start playing by the humanity rules, then we wouldn't have to get involved in any of this ****. We wouldn't have to put our country in debt, and we wouldn't lose American lives. I am sick to death of the people who want to continually blame the US. Where in the hell would most of you be if we sat back and told you ALL to deal your own problems.

2006-10-08 10:57:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

finally! each and every physique is commencing their eyes to work out the certainty and the data displayed here talk for themselves. After that super answer from gypsy_cat 345, i don't have lots to declare different than that folk like Vanessa could look on the bigger photograph and make her very own exams, quite than believing in what the media choose human beings to have self belief. additionally, i do no longer think of human beings could balme the Islamic faith for the movements of ignorant so-referred to as Muslims who declare they are appearing on its behalf. secondly, i do no longer think of Israel is in basic terms a small us of a that needs to be left on my own. If this replaced into the case it does not have waged an entire-blown conflict on lebanon, killing hundreds of human beings as a fashion to regain 2 of their squaddies who have been captured by Hezbollah. shouldn't they think of roughly freeing the loads of lebanese prisoners at present in Israel! Thirdly, Muslims don't have something against Jews. the priority is with the Zionists and Israelis. BTW, i'm no longer Lebanese. i'm basically pointing out what i beleive is the certainty

2016-10-15 23:41:04 · answer #6 · answered by mctaggart 4 · 0 0

If they wanted to spread individual freedom as we do? It would be a great and much improved world. But they are too small minded. At least it's a good dream.

2006-10-08 11:02:03 · answer #7 · answered by crusinthru 6 · 0 0

America runs the world not by choice but by default and all the little baby countries complain....there can only be one...maybey two worldwide authorities..based on wealth...The British Empire gave way to the US

2006-10-08 10:55:19 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The earth would be a cinder with very few survivers. Ruled by George W. Bush

2006-10-08 10:58:12 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Improve tremendiously. If every country contributed as generously to other countries as the U.S. does, the world would be a far far better place. Poverty and hunger would be a thing of the past, and along with it the cival war and strife that goes along with it.

2006-10-08 10:53:44 · answer #10 · answered by missourim43 6 · 0 3

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