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Really he is the man that we need in office,is very easy to blame him but he is doing the right thing.Please show respect to our president when you answer.Thanks.

2006-10-08 10:36:47 · 27 answers · asked by The Apostle 2 in Politics & Government Government

I see that many of you are very confused.WHY YOU CAN'T SEE THE GREAT THINGS THAT BUSH IS DOING?

2006-10-08 10:59:24 · update #1

27 answers

You are right!!!!
And you are "A Proud American".
We need millions more like you.
Sometimes these commie pinko terrorist creeps on Yahoo bore me.
You are a blessing.

2006-10-08 10:42:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 6

OBL and Islamic terrorists would love that. They could just keep watching as Bush and conservative republicans do their work for them.

If Gore had been President in 2001, 9/11 probably would never have happened. In that sense 9/11 was the Bush Administration's fault.

Bush is a coward who has used his family position to avoid any service to his country that might involve any personal risk and to become President, a position he is not qualified for and does not deserve.

He is an incompetent President and a bumbling world leader who embarrasses the United States with every word he speaks and every action he takes.

He may go down in history as the person most responsible for destroying the Constitution and, hence, the country crafted by our Founding Fathers.

To respect Bush is to respect an American traitor You can respect him all you want, but no real American can, and I never will.

2006-10-08 11:02:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I absolutely don't agree with you at all. I really, really dislike the President. If I am being completely open-minded and someone asked me "c'mon there has got to be something you like about him." I have honestly given it some thought and I can't think of anything positive or good about him or anything that he's done. Specifically, your question seems to refer to the war in Iraq ("doing the right thing") if you support his actions in this area do you also support his stances/actions on other issues? Let's not forget all of the other things that he has legislated/supported throughout his tenure that so quickly get forgotten b/c of Iraq. And, I find it akward that you mandate the users on this forum to "show respect" in our answers. Respect is not automatic to anyone, even the president. And, when many Americans, like myself, feel that the current President Bush embodies so many negative things and has done so many bad things for this country and our people you shouldn't expect everyone to respect him the way that you might. In my opinion, he is racist, sexist, homophobic, elitist, civil rights limiting, big business and a war monger, just to name a few. So, no I am not going to respect him simply because he is the President. He is not my President and he never will be. I am ashamed to have him in office. And, I am ashamed that he is representing and administering the United States. I will breathe a huge sigh of relief when his administration ends.

2006-10-08 10:54:09 · answer #3 · answered by sweetpea77thst 4 · 5 1

I pray to the Lord that it will be not too late to vote another president in. This one has made such a big mess, I doubt whether the next one will be able to clean it up! The borders are unprotected, the deficit is through the roof, there are more undocumented illegals in the country that Bush wants to give amnesty to than you can shake a stick at. We are rebuilding Iraq when we should be rebuilding New Orleans. The list is extensive. We have not even gotten the man responsible for attacking our country! Bin Laden is off somewhere having a good laugh, while the attention of the American people was diverted to Iraq. Iraq was not responsible for the actions of Bin Laden! What bigger mistakes could one president make? He needs to focus on putting military on the border and securing our ports. He needs to provide free bus rides and mass deportation to the criminals in our country illegally! God forbid Bush get in again! Have mercy on our country, Lord!

Come on, I think he has done a crummy job! If you are really honest, you will have to agree! I am neither Democrat or Republican. In fact, I voted for his first term. I regret that mistake! I think he needs to leave before he does more harm to the country.

2006-10-08 10:50:58 · answer #4 · answered by Marie 7 · 5 1

Bush will have done enough harm to the whole world with the exception of his fat cat big business friends by 2008, let alone even considering keeping him 12 more years. If I had any objections to the restriction of a president to two mandates before he came, I now understand the wisdom of this particular piece of legislation. And if you want to keep the bush brand of insanity in the white hous, you can still get Jeb without amending the constitution again.

And given the age of the president, do you really want to keep him until he is in his dotage and no longer fit to rule?

2006-10-08 10:49:06 · answer #5 · answered by Svartalf 6 · 3 1

Does he show respect to others...Like the knowing of 9-11 families, our dead troops,100,000 dead over iraq; This was a war that we did not need but Bush wanted the oil and he would not anything stop him even if it was killing our troops. Also Bush is a vicous liar and repeats the mass destruction over and over until they found out there was none. He has made a mess out of our government and it will take a hell of a good next president to straightenen all this mess up.

2006-10-08 10:52:40 · answer #6 · answered by Carol H 5 · 4 1

I think he is a good man trying to do an important job in extremely difficult times. Having to fight a war against terror is difficult enough. Having to do it with a huge and extremely vocal internal opposition is very much worse. Especially that most of this opposition would blame him for anything, no matter what happens and no matter what he does- or does not do.
I wonder why they do it, and what drives all this organised opposition which is being stirred all over the world. Sure, some milionaires hate him (like Soros, for instance) and they own papers and finance NGO's and politicians. But how come there are so many suicidal people to obey such orders/suggestions? Beats me. Especially considering that if we lose this war, and try to cut and run, then our a** is toast!

2006-10-08 10:48:18 · answer #7 · answered by cp_scipiom 7 · 1 4

No 8 years is long enough for any president. I look forward to seeing a new president in 2009.

2006-10-08 10:45:10 · answer #8 · answered by NoDoubt 1 · 1 1

My God, are you one sick puppy!!! You need immediate psychiatric help and you should run, not walk, to the nearest mental health facility. The thought of that fool running the country for even another two years is enough to turn the stomach of anyone with common sense and decency. He's made this country the laughingstock of the world and has brought us down to near Third World status. And you like this fool?? Please, get help!!

2006-10-08 12:24:48 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

No for the simple reason of the ammendments to the Constitution of the US. I respect him on foreign policy, he lacks any responsibility on domestic policy, i.e. the illegal invasion issue. Do you know that Wendy's is being sued because they had the temerity to fire illegal immigrants?
Oh and how about term limits for those idiots in Congress? They are the ones that make laws not the president. Get the clowns out that think pork in gov't is a good thing.

2006-10-08 10:44:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

I think you should stop...next you'll want governer Schwarzenegger to take over. Why dont you ask a REAL question, like:

If there were no limits to the number of terms a President can be in Office, who would win: G.W.Bush or W.J.Clinton?

2006-10-08 10:45:51 · answer #11 · answered by paradigm_thinker 4 · 4 2

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