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57 answers

A synonym of Effective is Efficient. That is a measure of the bottom line, the amount produced compared to the amount used to produce it. An Effective manager gets more done with less expense or effort than other less effective or less efficient managers.

Success is defined as favorable or desirable outcome. Efficiency and Effectiveness can be favorable outcomes, so they are intertwined in meaning.

I think maybe you can be considered successful if you keep what you are managing from losing money, but you are effective if you manage in a way that you get the most profit you can from your resources. An Effective manager would be Successful, but maybe not the other way around.

2006-10-09 08:14:09 · answer #1 · answered by Ken C. 6 · 6 0

Professional Experience. An effective manager is one who effectively manages day to day operations within a corporation or group, and those issues are well taken care of by that manager. A successful manager does the same thing, but many times above and beyond the call of duty, like when the client is hosting guests, the successful manager might do those often forgotten little things to make the guest more comfortable, like providing unsolicited wakeup calls for meetings, shows etc. and making sure the guests have limo service from the airport or even providing their favorite water or snacks in their room. A manager would be just as effective without the extra things, but people always remember the successful manager for the things they do, that they don't have to. They tell their friends and so on. This is what makes one known as a successful manager.

2006-10-10 17:29:07 · answer #2 · answered by classyjazzcreations 5 · 0 0

A successful manager achieve so many things because of a job well done while an effective manager is the one who works efficiently and valuable to co-employees. Not all successful manager is an effective manager. Maybe your job loves you but people around you does not like you.

2006-10-10 22:50:36 · answer #3 · answered by jho 2 · 0 0

I am a manager .
A manager who has mostly satisfied upper management , staff , and also clients and customers .
Look , mostly they are making this big mistake !
Successful and effective can be completely different .
For so many reasons .
Being called a successful manager , dpends on what you mean by success !
Making big progress for your company ?
Making money for your company ?
Making money for yourself?
Getting higher jobs?
Satisfying your upper managers ?
Satisfying your staff?
Satisfying your clients and customers ?
Reaching your goals in short or long periods ?
You see ?
But being effective !
It means how much you effect !
Maybe how much you change or achieve !
It happens that a successful manager is not that effective or also sometimes an effective manager is not successful !
Again for 1000 reasons .
Even maybe an effective manager can cause bankrupcy !
In fact the question is too suphisticated , but still a great question .
The problem is that answering this question needs book or even books to be written .

2006-10-10 20:05:13 · answer #4 · answered by Sam 2 · 0 0

Say, a company gives a fixed target to a manager. If he/she fulfills this target within the time limit he is an effective manager. He/she would have made sure the staffs done the job as expected.
At the same time, if he/she fulfilled the target with less time with more product then he is not only an effective also he/she will be a successful manager too.

2006-10-10 10:42:37 · answer #5 · answered by shiningstar2808 3 · 1 0


When they use the word successful they are saying that you come out on top or at the top.

When they say the word effective they are saying you get your tasks done in a timely basis.

The difference is you can be successful in a weakly contested competition and yet fail in a tougher competition. An effective manager will supposedly get his/her tasks complete at either level.

If I were reading this on a performance evaluation i would consider the successful manager lucky and the effective manager skillful.

2006-10-10 13:28:21 · answer #6 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 1 0

Both of those terms have to be interchangable. After all, neither of them describe any absolute condition.

There can be different degrees of success, from being minimally effective to highly effective.. Effectiveness can be anything from a minimum level to a highly successful level.

One way to pinpoint standards is to set goals. One can set a minimum standard and say that the one reaching that is, at least effective. A much higher goal may be the measure of success. My placement and use of these words was highly arbitrary.

I could have said that the one reaching the minimum goal was a success, while reaching the higher goal is the acheivement of an effective manager.

2006-10-10 11:36:05 · answer #7 · answered by Vince M 7 · 0 0

A successful manager makes a lot of money.
An effective manager inspires and motivates his people to become successful.

2006-10-10 11:30:58 · answer #8 · answered by Notnadia 4 · 0 0

I am a manager and I feel that a effective manager gets the job done. A sucessful manager is the one that works hard has the respect of the staff that work for him or her and is willing to do what it takes to make things work. The sucessful manager may not always stay within the budget but for the most part is loved and respected by staff and upper management.

2006-10-10 10:15:39 · answer #9 · answered by Dorrie 4 · 0 0

A successful manage becomes a manager and gets the job done
An effective manager helps his workers become managers

2006-10-10 09:42:58 · answer #10 · answered by kalik 2 · 2 0

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