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My girlfriend's monthly cycle is somewhat regular (every 26 - 31 days). However, today is day 36 and she still does not have her period. She is getting the usual cramps and an increase in vaginal mucous (she gets this every time before she starts) but she does not have ANY pregnancy symptoms. No nausea, headaches, frequent urination, or breast tenderness. She says she does not feel any different than she normally does. We have used condoms EVERY TIME without any accidents...atleast ones that we discovered...and we're both very careful. On top of using condoms, I pull out EVERY TIME before I orgasm. I even urinate before sex to kill any sperm in my urethra.

We are both tremendously stressed about this...to the point to where she has cried atleast once every day. Are there any women who can testify that worrying about being pregnant has made their periods late?

2006-10-08 10:12:38 · 12 answers · asked by regina 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

12 answers

It happens that you can be late for no reason. Pulling out doesnt do anything, condoms are only 86% effective according to usage, and urinating doesnt kill the sperm that havent been ejaculated yet. BUT you're both being careful, and while its not impossible that she's pregnant, its also very unlikely.

Chances are she's stressed by outside sources, her body is changing its cycle, she mis calculated, or theres some other perfectly normal issue causing her period to be late. A womans body will react to the 'thought' of being pregnant by acting as though it is. Its perfectly normal, and is just psychological.

She is late enough to take a pregnancy test, so why not go ahead, take her to the store and buy a test. Then you both can relax a little.

Maybe she would feel better after this is all over, getting on some form of birth control. There are allll sorts of options out there.

Its very stressful to not want a child and fear that you're expecting, but thats part of the game. In all reality you two shouldnt even have sex until you can come to terms with the possibility that at some point it may result in a baby. Thats what sex is for after all. Once you both come to terms with that, then you can rely on all your forms of birth control and relax.

2006-10-08 10:18:55 · answer #1 · answered by amosunknown 7 · 1 0

Cycles aren't always perfect; has there been any unnaturally high amount of stress between her last period and the one she was supposed to have 5 days ago? However, because she has missed her period and now even MORE stressed out, this could cause further delaying of the period, and that would just lead to utter stress filled days. The nasuea, headaches, urination, etc, doesnt really happen til later on in the first trimester, its not instant i believe. However, it wouldn't hurt to go to a clinic just in case if her period still hasnt come within two weeks. But accidents do happen, condoms can have a needle sized hole in them which is why sometimes people test out a condome for holes by filling it up with water just to check. I've actually have dealt with something similiar, and yes, the unnecessary stress will cause that delay, even missing a period or two. But to be sure, go to a clinic.

Oh, and if there has been a sudden diet change from the last period to the missed one could be another possible reason due to the lateness.

2006-10-08 10:27:25 · answer #2 · answered by lalala 3 · 0 0

Yes, stress can make your period late. She should take a test to see if she's pregnant. Follow the directions and it should be 99% accurate. Also, use spermacide or another form of birth control in addition to condoms just in case. Condoms do break. Also, pulling out when using a condom can be worse than not. You're still in the heat of the moment and may not grip the condom tight enough. Read the directions on the condoms and it will tell you to wait until your finished, get a good grip at the base of the condom and then pull out.

2006-10-08 10:24:11 · answer #3 · answered by Rwebgirl 6 · 0 0

Absolutely, stress can cause your period to be late or even not there at all. If she's crying about it every day, she's definitely too stressed out about it. Buy a pregnancy test to ease your mind. I also recommend looking into other firms of birth control that are more reliable. The pill eliminates the need for condoms (less clean up, woohoo!) and will regulate her period even more. You won't have to wonder every month if you're going to be parents when you've got a more reliable form of birth control. Best wishes.

2006-10-08 10:22:16 · answer #4 · answered by elizabeth_ashley44 7 · 0 0

Just keep waiting it out...more than likely she's not pregnant but I'm not a doctor so I just can't say but i'm usually on time every month and this time I was 2 wks. late I wasn't pregnant! Late periods can be caused by many different things like stress and changes in your diet. Give it a few days and see what happens. But seriously the mind is an incredible tool sometimes we can make ourselves think we are pregnant and actually be late without being pregnant, but stress is a good factor in late periods
P.S. Birth Control never hurt anybody!!!

2006-10-08 10:22:13 · answer #5 · answered by cinnimin_13 1 · 0 0

too much sex,kind of condom you use,change of cycle,etc.it could be any thing but also condoms are not 100% proof.tell your girlfriend that if you guys don't want a baby just yet to get on the needle(Deopvera).it's a shot she's get once every 3 months in the arm or hip and can get it done in the doctors office.it can't protect against aids or hiv but studies have shown for it to be a better method of birth control.and if she's only 5 days late now don't worry too much but do keep your mind open for anything.keep going to the doctor and get blood work done and what ever it is you can to find out if you are.and if you are,congrads.

2006-10-08 10:38:22 · answer #6 · answered by veronica o 1 · 0 0

I can tell you that worrying about your period being late only stresses you out even more and being stressed can make a period late.also if she is 5 days late a home pregnancy test will give you a pretty accurate result now. I hope everything turns out well!!!

2006-10-08 10:23:06 · answer #7 · answered by Lisa H 1 · 0 0

yes yes yes sounds like you did all the right things and if she is late its probbily stress related however if she is already late she can a pregnant test some brands work even 5 days b4 missed period

2006-10-08 10:18:20 · answer #8 · answered by Brandi D 3 · 0 0

Yes. I doubt that you guys are pregnant, especially with the precautions you took. In any case, once she gets her period, go to Planned Parenthood and go on the Pill. You can't be too careful.

2006-10-08 10:17:20 · answer #9 · answered by Israely Jew 3 · 0 0

Go and get a home pregnancy test and put both of your minds at rest straight away. You will know within two minutes. Good luck.

2006-10-08 10:21:24 · answer #10 · answered by Jackie J 4 · 0 0

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