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Ok this is mean for NO offense to anyone. So if offense is taken TOO BAD, and FORGIVE ME. But why do they call it Gay Rights? when The Lord God himself says that Gays should be stoned and put to death.

2006-10-08 09:40:09 · 16 answers · asked by lil_ler12 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

16 answers

you heard the lord? when did the lord talk to you? are you taking your meds?

oh wait are you talking about the bible? the book that humans wrote that also says it's ok to own slaves and "an eye for an eye" - yes, we should follow the bible & the world would be a better place...by the way, the bible doesnt even say gays should be put to death, (where did you hear that - from your church? you sheep) - it says it's a sin to lie with another man ... (no lesbains are even mentioned) which, amongst 1000 other sins, is really not a big deal...

your question isn't even coherent. "why do they call it gay rights... when the lord says gays should be stoned?" you're not asking why they call it gay RIGHTS - you're asking why it's ok to violate what "the lord" says... which, again, comes out of a book made up by people. your avatar looks black, so according to the lord, you can come be my slave now too - since you are an inferior being (according to your holy bible)

2006-10-08 09:43:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I really hate it when I see a black person that's so ignorant. What is happening with our black children? Are mommy and daddy making sure you go to school everyday sweetie?

And while you're suggesting that gays get stoned and put to death, what if we were back in slavery days? You'd have a better chance at being put to death than someone who was gay. So, let's just stop the ignorance.And You know, the bible also justified slavery, but was that right?

2006-10-08 14:40:28 · answer #2 · answered by indrep33 3 · 1 0

*sighs* REREAD YOUR BIBLE...NOWHERE does "God" or "Jesus" himself SPECIFICALLY say ANYTHING about homosexuality. What you are referring to is text written in Leviticus and I think Romans, which were NOT written by God. Show me ONE word in red text in the Bible, where GOD or JESUS HIMSELF mentions homosexuality out of his own mouth. I GUARANTEE you will NOT find it. You know why? Because Jesus DID say "judge not lest ye be judged". God/Jesus...whatever, wasn't CONCERNED with such a trivial topic. It was PAUL who suggested homosexuality was wrong. and WHY? Because Paul was a devout follower of Christ and felt ANY type of sexual deviancy was wrong, because it deflected from the worship of Christ. He believed masturbation, adultery, prostitution, pre-maritial sex, as well as homosexuality was wrong.
Back in the Bible times, these apostles felt homosexuality was wrong because, as the Bible said, "let not a man waste his seed"..well, let's think about this LOGICALLY for a second, ok? Why would anyone SAY that? Maybe becuase we had a few hundred people wandering the desert for hundreds of years and dropping like flies?? Hmm...that could be a reasonable answer, and so wouldnt' it make SENSE then that if a man was going to have sex, that it be for the sole purposes to reproduce and further the population? If a man "wastes his seed" then he has potentially stopped the probability of impregnating his wife. If a man is STILL not to "waste his seed" then, sorry guys, but any of you who have ever masturbated, are going to hell, and if you are trying to make a baby but your sperm is infertile, you're "wasting your seed" too and going to hell (at least that's true if you take the Bible literally like so many of these homophobic Christian holy rollers do). Also, if you're still taking the Bible literally, word for word, then eating shellfish, and wearing cotton/polyester blend clothes, and eating carnivorous animals is also an "abomination".
So, before you go posting a question that says "God himself says gays should be stoned to death" show me the actual LINE from the BIBLE, so I can reference it myself. Otherwise, unless you KNOW what hell you're talking about, shut up.

2006-10-08 09:59:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

It's called equal rights sweetie. God or jesus never said anything about homosexuals, and if he's so perfect, then why would people be gay? You don't think the choice thing is the answer do you? Does it really make sense that someone would want to be discriminated against and hated and spit on and abandoned by friends and family just for who they love? It's not about sex honey, it's about who you love. So go read more of your bible, I think it also tells you to love your fellow man and not to judge.

2006-10-08 10:57:30 · answer #4 · answered by JR 5 · 0 0

Because America is not based on the Bible. It is based on John Stuart Mill and the doctorines of Liberalism, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constiution, and the famous saying that "All men are created equal". It is based on 230 years of judicial decisions affirming individual and civil rights.

You can keep believing in your invistable sky friend all you like, but it doesn't and shouldn't have any bearing on the legal doctrines that run this country.

2006-10-09 09:58:04 · answer #5 · answered by dani_kin 6 · 0 0

really now? I'd be afraid to find out what kind of church you go to that advocates murder? we sure didn't learn any such thing in Sunday school when I was growing up! you mean "no offense" when you believe people should be put to death simply because they are gay? how do you think that is NOT offensive? but then you obviously don't care! preaching hatred and intolerance is neither a Christian nor a family value...and if you learn such filth in YOUR church, I'd find me another one!
God created and loves us all, and He made no mistakes! people who "use" and re-interpret the Bible to justify their bigotry are sinners! and the road to hell is paved with ignorant bigots!
let us know how it is there, ok?

2006-10-08 09:52:05 · answer #6 · answered by redcatt63 6 · 3 0

So, you agree that gay people should be stoned and put to death??? I can't imagine why anyone should take offense to that. This is why we call it Gay Rights. We don't smote people, or cut off peoples hands, and we don't stone people. Your biblical argument doesn't make any sense.

2006-10-08 09:43:56 · answer #7 · answered by just browsin 6 · 3 0

So, because its in *your* Bible, it should automatically be written into our law and become a part of our government, which effects all the *millions* of people here in the U.S., of which *you are only one*?????

It is YOUR right to believe that gays should be stoned. it is also my right to believe that the sky is plaid purple. Neither you or I am important enough to get our own way over the rights of millions of people, just because I'm crazy or that its written in *your* book.

Get the picture? Gay rights means that everyone in our nation, *not religious institution*, have the same basic rights available to all, which is clearly not the picutre here.

2006-10-08 09:46:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Hmmm, exactly what is it that makes your religious belief "correct" or superior to mine? What is it that supposedly gives you the right to force any of that belief onto me or any other that does not believe in your religion? Your "Bible" also condones slavery, are you willing to return to that way of life as well? Is that offensive? Too Bad.

2006-10-08 10:10:20 · answer #9 · answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6 · 0 0

Oh....you're talking about the "do not lie with a man as with a woman", right?

I don't.

I knowingly lie with a gay man, as a gay man.

Your bible means nothing.

2006-10-09 02:07:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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